Official YouTube "Love Is On Its Way Out" & instant grat MP3 released (January 31, 2020)


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YouTube link courtesy of NickD & @Raphael Lambach:

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Underwhelmed but I'm sure it will grow on me. Like some of the lyrics but it just isn't one of those love it at first listen tracks
I got as far as a minute in.... the lyrical inkwell has run dry. Journalists Who Lie was a truly terrible song (which this reminds me of) but compared to this it is Beethoven.
No - it's not. Bland is when you barely notice it, it's alright, it drifts past, it's wallpaper. Morrissey's going through a jarring phase. It's not the same thing.

He's more likely to get back on track if he's working, than if he stops. Personally, I think he needs to get away from the internet. Even if he is rubbish at using it, it'll be bombarding him with too much information that would make a lovely graph, but a terrible song.

Now, that was utterly bland. Must do better, Karen.
Lyrically, this has more in common with the awfulness of Shame is the Name. A song that should have been way better than it ended up being. And this song had potential...and for the last minute isn’t entirely awful. Shame the first two minutes are pathetic as hell.

"Shame is the name" or "Children in pieces" were good and solid latter-day tracks. No highlights, but I would prefer them definitely over LIOIWA. "California Son" was such a well played & sung interlude, "Brow of my beloved" a real gem, that I had hope for better music and lyrics. With the current composers and musicians, things will not change. The new ideas, the modernism in sound, may be a good theoretical idea, but Morrissey needs other musical backgrounds. The big anachronistical popsong, the massive bridge and a chorus, that sends shivers down your spine (Alma Matters, The more you ignore me...). A man like Alain Whyte was able to write such songs (+ the Boz of old) and had a vision for that sound.
I’m going from liking it to loving it.

LOL I'm exactly the another, earlier thread I gave this an initial 7...I'm currently on 8 after 4 plays. Moz strikes again. Genius really.
How many times can you sing ...on it's way out and make it sound different every time? I just wish the song erupted earlier as opposed to the last 1 minute though, or the song was made a bit longer.
I can't make out all the words yet so struggling with working it out (or trying to work it out) fully. Moz's vocals & tone are superb.
My only bone of contention are those lyrics which I can make out - seem weak to me.
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LOL I'm exactly the another, earlier thread I gave this an initial 7...I'm currently on 8 after 4 plays. Moz strikes again. Genius really.
How many times can you sing ...on it's way out and make it sound different every time? I just wish the song erupted earlier as opposed to the last 1 minute though, or the song was made a bit longer.
I can't make out all the words yet so struggling with working it out (or trying to work it out) fully. Moz's vocals & tone are superb.
My only bone of contention are the lyrics which I can make out - seem weak to me.
Lyrically it’s bubblegum pop. Thematically, it’s very loaded. A bit like Bullfighter.
"Shame is the name" or "Children in pieces" were good and solid latter-day tracks. No highlights, but I would prefer them definitely over LIOIWA. "California Son" was such a well played & sung interlude, "Brow of my beloved" a real gem, that I had hope for better music and lyrics. With the current composers and musicians, things will not change. The new ideas, the modernism in sound, may be a good theoretical idea, but Morrissey needs other musical backgrounds. The big anachronistical popsong, the massive bridge and a chorus, that sends shivers down your spine (Alma Matters, The more you ignore me...). A man like Alain Whyte was able to write such songs (+ the Boz of old) and had a vision for that sound.

Children in Pieces is one of Morrissey’s worst lyrics. Worse than this song honestly. The music is not the problem. Morrissey is the problem and it isn’t because the music isn’t inspiring him. He just isn’t inspired anymore or he just doesn’t have anything left.

Moz is on the way out.
Children in Pieces and On The Streets I Ran are still the absolute worst of the worst. This song is nothing special but it's nowhere near the levels of those turds
I think it interesting that this is song two with the way that it starts kinda abruptly. Makes me think the first song will be a big one. I guess it’s also neat that Bobby follows as it feels like a chunk of the album already
Lyrically it’s bubblegum pop. Thematically, it’s very loaded. A bit like Bullfighter.

Yep, I'm getting some political statements coming through...more so than Bullfighter which was a single theme, whereas this is, as mentioned, I'm a bit disappointed it's not actually longer, & that it erupts into the fuller song so late. However, it is what it is.

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