Official YouTube "Love Is On Its Way Out" & instant grat MP3 released (January 31, 2020)


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YouTube link courtesy of NickD & @Raphael Lambach:

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I like this song. I do think some of the lyrics might be considered lazy. The music with the sound of Moz's voice I really like. Second half of the song makes this nice for me personally. Not sure about the kid chorus it's okay, but Moz has had children chorus since at least Panic. After three listens is it my favorite, no, but, I prefer to have more Moz than no Moz even if a lot of people consider him to be a watered down version of what he was.
Well, Boy Racer was the track that came to mind when I first heard the song this morning. And that’s no bad thing. I’d say this is better though.

Lyrically, this has more in common with the awfulness of Shame is the Name. A song that should have been way better than it ended up being. And this song had potential...and for the last minute isn’t entirely awful. Shame the first two minutes are pathetic as hell.
That is f***ing awful. I every sense. Did he just turn up on the day and write that shit? The Lions and the tigers and the f***ing elephants? That producer needs to be shot. Seriously.
the "wrong one" who is or is not looked upon "with fondness" could probably be morrissey's public persona. i prefer the wrong one anytime to the righteous ones pitifully wanking off collectively in their moral outrage.

the shrill chorus perfectly reflects this sort of virtual outrage having lost touch with what is really important.

love the last part, made me feel all aflutter.
this is the epitome of bland. Maybe if you lot stopped indulging this rubbish, stopped buying tickets, stopped buying half baked cat t-shirts, then Moz would have an epiphany and actually change his ways. You’re to blame, more than he is. You’re spoiling it for the rest of us.

No - it's not. Bland is when you barely notice it, it's alright, it drifts past, it's wallpaper. Morrissey's going through a jarring phase. It's not the same thing.

He's more likely to get back on track if he's working, than if he stops. Personally, I think he needs to get away from the internet. Even if he is rubbish at using it, it'll be bombarding him with too much information that would make a lovely graph, but a terrible song.
No - it's not. Bland is when you barely notice it, it's alright, it drifts past, it's wallpaper. Morrissey's going through a jarring phase. It's not the same thing.

He's more likely to get back on track if he's working, than if he stops. Personally, I think he needs to get away from the internet. Even if he is rubbish at using it, it'll be bombarding him with too much information that would make a lovely graph, but a terrible song.

it’s shit. Even gonna waste another second on explaining why
I like Neil’s voice a lot.

Nawe. Morrissey Disappointed is stinky.

You like Neil's voice? That's unusual.

Disappointed is brilliant. And when I pitch a musical based around Your Arsenal, it'll be one of the non-YA tracks included. :P
You like Neil's voice? That's unusual.

Disappointed is brilliant. And when I pitch a musical based around Your Arsenal, it'll be one of the non-YA tracks included. :p

Neil is unique and identifiably his own artist. Why should I dislike his voice exactly?
Vegan cro 999 or whatever your name is, can you log in on your main account so I don’t have to wait for mod review on your comment. It really hinders our fluency
It's a bit 'limited'.

Lol. What is he supposed to be doing? He already sings in a higher register and can hit higher notes when necessary. He generally doesn’t exceed his limitations unlike certain artists that have resorted to skipping the chorus of their own songs live because they can’t sing it anymore.
Lol. What is he supposed to be doing? He already sings in a higher register and can hit higher notes when necessary. He generally doesn’t exceed his limitations unlike certain artists that have resorted to skipping the chorus of their own songs live because they can’t sing it anymore.

Each to their own. I will not fight over Neil. :)
It's below mediocre, I find. Recent B-sides like "Never Again Will I Be a Twin" and "Brow of My Beloved" has been a lot better, not to mention the YouTube only "By the time..." and "Blue Dreamers Eyes".
Wasn't keen on the first listen... but it's grown on me a bit. The lyrics are pretty bad for Morrissey.
I prefer the new Psychedelic Furs track released today.

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