Official YouTube "Love Is On Its Way Out" & instant grat MP3 released (January 31, 2020)


... available for download, when pre-ordered via
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YouTube link courtesy of NickD & @Raphael Lambach:

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You'll be missed.

At least the guy/girl talks sense and isn’t biased as f***. If you think this tune is any good, you need to go back and re-listen to the smiths and early Moz solo to taste that perspective. The last 3 albums are embarrassing! And I’m not even trolling btw, I’m just disappointed.
it was released on brexit day.
(not saying it's a brexit song though) :)

Love is leaving - but show some before you go. Could work.

I don't think he's in the mood for telling us what he thinks at the moment though - he's been very silent since November & I don't think there's anyone policing his social media trying to stop him.
listened to the song three times and find it quite interesting.
for me it kind of reflects an aesthetic battle between artificiality and let's call it "the organic" or "human" aspect.
so there are artificial elements like this children chorus juxtaposed to piano tunes but also morrissey's matured voice, a feast for the ear.
i love the ending with morrissey singing yearningly about someone's wish to know what love is. so it ends on a positive note, a despondent one though.

oh shut up you snob. It’s poop
Wow, he really doesn't have anything left to say does he

I know. It’s sad. Maybe if he didn’t just immediately think anything he wrote was great and actually labored over getting everything perfect...but he’s no Leonard Cohen.
I think we are seeing him miss at a time when his voice is in amazing shape

I agree with this. Repeating the song title ad infinitum followed by what he reads in the paper and sees on the news leaves one wondering "is that the best you can do?"

Gone are the days when his lyrics captured what he felt deep in his heart. Lost is the ability he once had to express thoughts and emotions which, although intrinsic to him, were shared by so many. And just at the time when his voice has the depth and tone to more capably support the weight of his once wonderful words.
I know. It’s sad. Maybe if he didn’t just immediately think anything he wrote was great and actually labored over getting everything perfect...but he’s no Leonard Cohen.

Moz post ‘14 shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence as Cohen. I’ve been listening to a lot of LC lately, what a f***ing GOAT. Moz was on the path to greatness once, but he seems insistent on tarnishing his own legacy with naff tunes like this.
Looked up Electronic - very 90s. I liked the Neil Tennant dance tracks - the rest was very bland. Love or hate him, Morrissey is never bland.
Moz post ‘14 shouldn’t even be mentioned in the same sentence as Cohen. I’ve been listening to a lot of LC lately, what a f***ing GOAT. Moz was on the path to greatness once, but he seems insistent on tarnishing his own legacy with naff tunes like this.

Cohen’s final album is actually pretty amazing!

I agree. There is no excuse that Morrissey is writing what is essentially lesser than current Madonna lyrics.
Looked up Electronic - very 90s. I liked the Neil Tennant dance tracks - the rest was very bland. Love or hate him, Morrissey is never bland.

Disappointed is great! Not the Morrissey song.
Looked up Electronic - very 90s. I liked the Neil Tennant dance tracks - the rest was very bland. Love or hate him, Morrissey is never bland.

this is the epitome of bland. Maybe if you lot stopped indulging this rubbish, stopped buying tickets, stopped buying half baked cat t-shirts, then Moz would have an epiphany and actually change his ways. You’re to blame, more than he is. You’re spoiling it for the rest of us.
this is the epitome of bland. Maybe if you lot stopped indulging this rubbish, stopped buying tickets, stopped buying half baked cat t-shirts, then Moz would have an epiphany and actually change his ways. You’re to blame, more than he is. You’re spoiling it for the rest of us.

I am blameless. I haven’t bought an album since World Peace Is None of Your Business, a shirt since 2007, or successfully attended a concert since 2009. :tongueout:
That was one of the tracks.

I love the Morrissey Disappointed too!

part of the appeal interest was that they both wanted to do the opposite of what they had done. Marr wanted to do electronic music and Bernard wanted the guitar pop. I enjoy the first album and various songs on the others. I like electro pop but I think since I got into that later from a different direction, and a different generation, that didn’t have an eighties dance element to it it’s hard to not feel that it sounds very dated

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