Official YouTube "Love Is On Its Way Out" & instant grat MP3 released (January 31, 2020)


... available for download, when pre-ordered via
Maybe elsewhere too...

YouTube link courtesy of NickD & @Raphael Lambach:

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Hey welcome back on board the Moz express! :clap:

There are no brakes on this train. It’s full steam ahead. We’re gonna ride it hard, we’re gonna ride it long, and we’re gonna ride it straight to the moon.
Fair play to you but forcible instillation was never my strength.

Hey, P&O...your turn to get on the know you want to, you're pretending, just like Bobby.
Aren't you tired of...pretending?
You're torturing yourself down below.

Get on the bus & open your heart.
How very predictable that Morrissey would have a black child on the cover. Inside he holds rancid racist views and has publicly revolted many with them.
Now he can't get enough of black people to keep his sorry sickening career afloat.
Never witnessed such fakery.
Morrissey is a prime example of everything that is wrong, bad, fake and evil in this world today.
Erh, that cover was made by someone here. The album cover is used the track's cover art - no 'black child' I'm afraid.
So get yourself a ticket & hop on the Moz appreciation express.
It's going places, big time.
Tell your ma to quit the factory job too.
It'll only make her miserable if she stays.
Kudos to Moz for trying new styles.
I think it really comes to life towards the end "but before it goes...." onwards.
I didn't think I'd say this but the first two songs kind of compliment each other. This album could be interesting whereby the sum is greater than its parts, which to me is exactly what an album should be.
Ok I'm off to listen to the new songs again. There is no faulting Moz's voice.
So get yourself a ticket & hop on the Moz appreciation express.
It's going places, big time.
Tell your ma to quit the factory job too.
It'll only make her miserable if she stays.
A man who slits throats has time on his hands. Still more than a month to go. The chase is better than the catch, you know.

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