Los Angeles, CA - "The Late Late Show with James Corden" (Nov. 7, 2018) - Reminder/Reports

Morrissey is scheduled to appear on "The Late Late Show with James Corden" on Nov. 7, 2018.

Link posted by countthree:

Link posted by docinwestchester:

Link posted by Famous when dead:

Morrissey Pumps Up 'Late Late Show' With Lively Rendition of Pretenders' 'Back on the Chain Gang': Watch - Billboard


Terence Patrick/CBS

Morrissey Late Show With James Pictures and Images (6 total) - Getty Images. Link via @ericacalil / Twitter.


Terence Patrick/CBS

Image posted by Famous when dead (from @officialmoz Tweet now reposted):


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Wow, lame. I bought Morrissey a beer once when we were both in the VIP section at the El Rey in LA. He drank about half and then left.
Well I met morrissey and Jesse once in a chipper in Ballybunion and offered to buy them both the veggie snack box... with curry sauce. I won't repeat what they said to me, suffice it to say I haven't looked at a curried chip in the same way since. :sick:
I thought the guitar at the beginning was off just a bit and that Moz's hand claps were erm... Annoying. I love how Morrissey wears his own rock concert t's :)
It always saddens me.. Why do late night American shows (I am American I live in Utah) book music guests and never interview them. James' show was overbooked.. Wish they interviewed Moz and maybe even had them play two songs (gasp)
Why do many talk show hosts make faux gay double entendre gags with Moz?
I think it's that phenomenon known as 'I would even though I'm not gay' (actually I'm sure it's got a proper name, perhaps someone can enlighten us) - and also that it makes amusing TV. Some people are just so magnetic that it causes others to say and do things they wouldn't otherwise. I think Morrissey just stirs that response in people. Russell Brand said that 'people are properly affected by him'. Oh, and remember Miranda Sawyer who said in The Importance, 'It's men who are in love with him, not women'.
Wow, lame. I bought Morrissey a beer once when we were both in the VIP section at the El Rey in LA. He drank about half and then left.
Did ye talk? Was he nice to you? Did you tell him to duet with Brett Anderson? Did you skull the half beer Moz left behind? :eek:
Fek ye reckon the California Son didn't like fat Brittish dude's gay innuendo. Why do all Brittish dude's act gay? I reckon it's getting harder for Air Morrissey to speak with his fake Brittish accent as he gets older. You can hear his Toluca Lake valley boy accent coming through now. Reckon it's a tosser mate chipper curry inn nnn nn n nn nnn n it.
What a prat.

In ministering angel Jesse, in godbrother Solomon, in the Boz who always saves the day, and in our newly joined rescuer Gustavo Manzur, I, too, have blood-bubbas – clansmen long searched for. I shall be undressed, washed, laid out and buried by Jesse; Gustavo will catch me in any fall, bringing me back to the point I had started from – I had known him for a lifetime after our first five-minute meeting, and the dead are dead, and the heart warms. Whenever I meet Gustavo we both automatically laugh because we both know that sooner or later one or both of us will say something funny, and human energy rings a timeless hum. Loyal to the mugwump, the band prefer mischief to limelight, and although no major label will sign us, these years are ours, locked together, and I stream out of you, not a matter of whether but of when. Take it as it is. I am no more unhappy than anyone else, and most humans are wretched creatures – cursed by the sadness of being. The world created me and I am here – never realizing that I am in love until it gets me into trouble.
In ministering angel Jesse, in godbrother Solomon, in the Boz who always saves the day, and in our newly joined rescuer Gustavo Manzur, I, too, have blood-bubbas – clansmen long searched for. I shall be undressed, washed, laid out and buried by Jesse; Gustavo will catch me in any fall, bringing me back to the point I had started from – I had known him for a lifetime after our first five-minute meeting, and the dead are dead, and the heart warms. Whenever I meet Gustavo we both automatically laugh because we both know that sooner or later one or both of us will say something funny, and human energy rings a timeless hum. Loyal to the mugwump, the band prefer mischief to limelight, and although no major label will sign us, these years are ours, locked together, and I stream out of you, not a matter of whether but of when. Take it as it is. I am no more unhappy than anyone else, and most humans are wretched creatures – cursed by the sadness of being. The world created me and I am here – never realizing that I am in love until it gets me into trouble.

Shit - I just got an actual reply from Morrissey
I ye reckon you loonies are talking shit about Jesse and saying Alain Whyte would be better? Well reckon over there in Topanga Canyon Alain Whyte's "bands" guitar sound is like listening to 5 Jesse's play guitar mate curry chipper inn nn nn nn n nn n n it bull ox.

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