Morrissey Central "Line Up" - Band line up announced (May 6, 2022)


The Morrissey band line-up for next week's shows is

Jesse Tobias (guitars),
Alain Whyte (guitars)
Gustavo Manzur (keyboard/guitar),
Brendan Buckley (drums)
Juan Galeano Toro (bass).

Fair enough, it’s just kind of weird he never made any kind of statement that he was stepping down or retiring from the band. It’s just happened very quietly. Good luck to him, 1991 through 2019 or whatever is a very long time.
All that's happened is you've assumed he's left the band. There's been no announcement from Boz Boorer because there's probably nothing to announce.
Will these fine gentlemen be debuing any material from Bonfire?
would assume i am veronica will be played as we had that 15 second snippet to advertise the vegas shows.hopefully get another as well.
Interstingly, Boz's social handles no longer say musical director.. now much in past tense:
Boz Boorer
Official. British guitarist, producer and songwriter. Most known for his work as a co-writer and guitarist with Morrissey, co-founder of The Polecats.
Never knew Morrissey was a co-founder of The Polecats.
Ah, (southpaw) grammar.

He was their first drummer. He got sacked for pulling more bird than the lead singer, and went on to form his own band out of sheer spite. Except this time he made sure he was the lead singer. The irony is that he ended up taking Mike Joyce to court for shagging more birds than he did.

Translated roughly according to Google:
"You already know that I can't stop".
Fair point - but it originally wasn't couched as a permanent departure. The mentions Boz made on his "Tour Diary" on his old website were later scrubbed so it's sort of nebulous that this was ever "on the record" by Morrissey's standards. He also went out of the way himself to say on True to You that Jesse didn't "replace" Alain - but, more or less, that is is exactly what happened.
‘more or less’ being key, I don’t think Morrissey ever felt Jesse was replacing Alain, in the same way that their version of Charming Man was not replacing The Smiths version, it is simply something different, not better or worse.
And this is not to say that Boz's absence is permanent or that he won't participate in songwriting collaborations or recording sessions. But, past being predictor of present/future, the likelihood is that even if he is departing, we're not likely to be told in any definitive way.
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L O L !
Steven and the hired hands (minimum wage, short contracts) on tour.
Keep it up Steve, it’s highly entertaining.
I forwarded your name to Ant and Dec for this years celeb jungle but didn’t have a scooby who you are. (I mentioned The Smiths and they just kept ranting on about Johnny Marr guitar legend)
Theres a record deal out there somewhere Steve. Keep up the good work.

Benny 🇬🇧🔪


OI you forwarded his name to ant and dec for this years celeb jungleo_O
thats 🎩 comedy for sureo_O

280032634_186610623691160_1743289611808039083_n (1)~2.jpg

Captioned: 'monster' by Gustavo.
Fair enough, it’s just kind of weird he never made any kind of statement that he was stepping down or retiring from the band. It’s just happened very quietly. Good luck to him, 1991 through 2019 or whatever is a very long time.
Very quickly. Yeah, there definitely wasn't a worldwide pandemic or anything.
"3 Latin Grammys?" The perfect new sidekick to unpack much loved classics like "Kiss me a lot" or "Earth is the loneliest planet" again. Featuring Gustavo on Spanish guitar. Viva Morrissey LA, Olé
Thank God you won't be there then.
You jealous, bitter, duped British "fans" and other assorted "fans" millions of miles away from the Southwest of the USA who will never see California Son again in concert need to stop with the Mexicans in LA crap. There are all different types of people at California Son shows in LA and Caucasians are always the majority. I have been to California Son concerts in San Diego, which is 20 minutes from the border with Mexico and seen no Mexican people there. You people also forget that California Son was born in LA, and he is not Mexican. Get it?....CALIFORNIA SON!
I wonder if Boz's birthday show in Staten Island toward the end of May was set up thinking he might be part of the Morrissey tour that precedes it
Thank God you won't be there then.

You jealous, bitter, duped British "fans" and other assorted "fans" millions of miles away from the Southwest of the USA who will never see California Son again in concert need to stop with the Mexicans in LA crap. There are all different types of people at California Son shows in LA and Caucasians are always the majority. I have been to California Son concerts in San Diego, which is 20 minutes from the border with Mexico and seen no Mexican people there. You people also forget that California Son was born in LA, and he is not Mexican. Get it?....CALIFORNIA SON!


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