I know Morrissey mentioned in some interview somewhere that he wasn't the biggest fan of his current physique etc. (quite understandable, few of us are thrilled with the rigors (and rigor mortis) of time, but I still find myself puzzled that he gravitates towards pictures of hi is much younger self in official releases and fan mock-ups (low in high school Deluxe Edition sleeves for instance, and even California Son and the DogHead appear to be at least 15 or so years old, from the quarry/ringleader era. I'd much rather have interesting artwork self-referential artwork that draws from 2023 Morrissey as he appears.. All the merch is similarly 15-25 years old - at least from a Moz image perspective
He seems in fine shape, with as strong of a concert fashion identity as he's ever had. I don't understand, why with his music is increasingly headline oriented very much giving his take on particular discrete contemporary events, he insists on going back to his own past for self-referential iconography
Even the snippets that go around on Instagram as what seemed to be official sizzle reels (shared by Jesse et all else are from bygone eras of the band, featuring band members that haven't been in the lineup in some cases for years and certainly aren't now. He has plenty of more recent concert footage and plenty of live audio for a more up-to-date and accurate summation of the current tour. I wish he would lean into those things more.