Johnny Marr on chances of working with Morrissey in the future - Steve Wright show (February 28, 2022)

It was a strange little interview on Steve Wright on Radio 2 this afternoon, with Johnny. Aside from Steve mentioning The Smiths once at the very start, in his intro about Johnny, they were not mentioned at all, even when Johnny was talking about his early years as a musician, etc. And then there was a brief exchange near the end that went something like this:

Steve Wright: Now, are you OK with me asking you the question that you probably don't want me to ask you about? You know the one.
Johnny: Sure, go for it.
Steve Wright: When did you last talk to Morrissey, or have any contact with him?
Johnny: I guess, 18 years ago. Maybe 15?
Steve Wright: Wow. And so, what are the chances of you ever maybe working together in the future?
Johnny: Zero.

And that was that.

Clarification (March 1, 2022):
The exact wording of Steve's question to Johnny was:

"So what do you see in the future for any kind of personal professional relationship with Morrissey? Could that ever happen?"

To which Johnny replied: "Oh let me think about" (cue laughter)
Why the Hatred for Johnny Marr?

I met him a few years ago at a Little Barrie gig in Manchester and he was a very nice guy.
Very polite, courteous and engaging (Never once mentioned Mr Morrissey).

To suggest he is of little talent and was carried by Morrissey is nothing short of stupid.
Not the greatest lyricist, granted but then, Morrissey isn't the greatest guitarist.

Reading the Marr-bashing comments online leaves me bewildered.

I don't hate Mozzer but he seems to be the one berating people left, right and centre - What has Johnny done to upset everybody?

Reading these posts is a bit like listening to children in the schoolyard.

Yeah guys, stop it, El Stevo met Johnny Marr once years ago and he was nice to him, so no one's allowed to criticise him in any way.
Yes of course I understand you.but only the two know what they feel, but what was seen is that between them there was a deep bond, the inspiration was mutual at the time of the creation of the songs of The SMiths, that is not commonly given ... but just like you I want to see Moz happy, only God knows of his destinies... may it be with happiness, as we love Moz!!! Sometimes I wonder why.... we want it so much without even knowing it, without treating it, mm I don't know why
I think people feel such a connection to Morrissey is because he invites it with his words, people feel understood, less alone. He sings about things that ordinary people experience so beautifully. Also, he is engaging, witty, intelligent, self deprecating and very nice to look at back in the day :sweet:
My god this guy cannot help himself. It's as if he's slipped all the interviewers a note saying

- "Go ahead and make sure you ask me Morrissey related questions. I'll take 'em all."

Oh an btw hands up whoever thought these two were A. ever going to work together again and B. Wanted to work together again?
Well, it was/is Johnny’s decision. By replying to the open letter the way he chose to, and by his comments in the Times interview, it is him saying to Morrissey that it’s over.
Well no it wasn't Johnny's decision because there was zero inference in that open letter about working together again. It was not up for discussion. The letter was about Marr shutting up about Moz and to try and give an interview based on what Marr was doing in his career without mentioning Morrissey. Apparently Marr can't take a breath without mentioning Morrissey.
So was it chances of 'working with' Morrissey or 'making up' with Morrissey, because they're quite different things?
Amy, I just listened back to it on BBC Sounds and the exact wording of Steve's question to Johnny was:

"So what do you see in the future for any kind of personal professional relationship with Morrissey? Could that ever happen?"

To which Johnny replied: "Oh let me think about" (cue laughter)

Apologies for mis-remembering the precise wording in my original post.
Amy, I just listened back to it on BBC Sounds and the exact wording of Steve's question to Johnny was:

"So what do you see in the future for any kind of personal professional relationship with Morrissey? Could that ever happen?"

To which Johnny replied: "Oh let me think about" (cue laughter)

Apologies for mis-remembering the precise wording in my original post.
OP updated.
Thank you for clarification.
Amy, I just listened back to it on BBC Sounds and the exact wording of Steve's question to Johnny was:

"So what do you see in the future for any kind of personal professional relationship with Morrissey? Could that ever happen?"

To which Johnny replied: "Oh let me think about" (cue laughter)

Apologies for mis-remembering the precise wording in my original post.
There really isn't a pause before he says 'zero'!
Johnny is becoming crass with his cheap shots. He comes off worse when he plays to the gallery of buffoons.

I'd much prefer to see Moz working with Alain as he has done recently.

I guarantee that a Marr/Moz collab would inevitably be a huge disappointment. Bring on soft spoken Alain and let Johnny off for a long run off a short pier.
Agree with those who have said - who bloody wants Moz and Johnny to work again? The Smiths were great but that's history. As the song goes - It's over!
Moz has made album after album that I love just as much as any album by The Smiths. Several of them much more so.
Time will tell. You could be right. And honestly you probably are.

But this little internet tete-a-tete could also be seen as the prelude to something grand.

people have disliked each other, but have still worked together. It’s not impossible.

Though it would be more out of curiosity for me to see what they could still create if they wrote together again.
We shouldn’t expect The Smiths of course.
Well no it wasn't Johnny's decision because there was zero inference
there didn’t need to be. Johnny was put into the position of making a crucial decision, and keeping a friendship in any form or totally burning any bridges that were left, and Johnny decided to burn them.

So yes, the open letter forced Marr to make a decision. And he blew it.

in that open letter about working together again. It was not up for discussion.
and it also could have been Morrissey testing his trust, friendship. And Marr didn’t pass the test.
The letter was about Marr shutting up about Moz and to try and give an interview based on what Marr was doing in his career without mentioning Morrissey.
And also it could be seen as Morrissey testing his trust, friendship(whatever’s left of it) And Marr proved to Morrissey with his tweet, etc that now there is little chance of working together.
Apparently Marr can't take a breath without mentioning Morrissey.

Yeah, we know that.

also @ACTON
Johnny is becoming crass with his cheap shots. He comes off worse when he plays to the gallery of buffoons.

I'd much prefer to see Moz working with Alain as he has done recently.

I guarantee that a Marr/Moz collab would inevitably be a huge disappointment.
No matter how good it could be,
it would most likely be a disappointment simply because everyone would expect it to be/sound like The Smiths.

And I have the feeling that both of them wouldn’t even want that.

Bring on soft spoken Alain and let Johnny off for a long run off a short pier.
Amazing song so sad that Moz and Marr will never perform together again.

never forever?

time will tell.

Anyway, they shouldn’t do those songs or try to relive the past. It exists, and that’s good enough.
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