Johnny Marr on chances of working with Morrissey in the future - Steve Wright show (February 28, 2022)

It was a strange little interview on Steve Wright on Radio 2 this afternoon, with Johnny. Aside from Steve mentioning The Smiths once at the very start, in his intro about Johnny, they were not mentioned at all, even when Johnny was talking about his early years as a musician, etc. And then there was a brief exchange near the end that went something like this:

Steve Wright: Now, are you OK with me asking you the question that you probably don't want me to ask you about? You know the one.
Johnny: Sure, go for it.
Steve Wright: When did you last talk to Morrissey, or have any contact with him?
Johnny: I guess, 18 years ago. Maybe 15?
Steve Wright: Wow. And so, what are the chances of you ever maybe working together in the future?
Johnny: Zero.

And that was that.

Clarification (March 1, 2022):
The exact wording of Steve's question to Johnny was:

"So what do you see in the future for any kind of personal professional relationship with Morrissey? Could that ever happen?"

To which Johnny replied: "Oh let me think about" (cue laughter)
M never wanted to work again with him after the smiths, it's pretty well known.
M said already that would never perform again with them, will never reunite.

What's the point? Oh yeah, audience for the show, "click-bait", etc.

M REJECTED small john f***ing sh*thead marr FIRST
They've both said they don't want or need to work together anymore, that's not new. It doesn't imply animosity either, just passing of time. They reconciled in the 90s without working together again. But "zero" chance of making up is different, it's personal, it's an end of any civility.
Time will tell. You could be right. And honestly you probably are.

But this little internet tete-a-tete could also be seen as the prelude to something grand.
neither morrissey nor marr make especially good music anymore, im not quite sure what people would want from any sort of reunion beyond checking a pathetic little box for their own nostalgia

does anyone actually believe there's still some sort of untapped alchemy that exists between the two of them
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I don’t understand, why is Marr insisting on proving Morrissey’s point is true? Just doubling down on the click bait…
I thought Morrissey's last record was great. Granted, the bar had never been set so low, but still. I may have a listen and see what I think now.
Meanwhile, Johnny who earned his reputation as the favored one, completely through default, as Morrissey seemed hellbent on trashing his own reputation, now looks like exactly what he's been since the early 90's, a dishonest self-righteous careerist in a ridiculous wig.
I am pretty sure this is not the first time this has been mentioned…but all JM has to do, prior to doing ANY interview, is communicate through his management team, that he will only do the interview on the condition that Morrissey’s name (not The Smiths) is not brought up, either directly or indirectly.

That’s all it would take. Then, JM could promote his new music based on the merit of the music alone…and not require Morrissey to help carry the load of his promotion.

But he doesn’t. And he could.

Sorry JM…not all of us are mindless fools.

Be well and safe all.
I thought Morrissey's last record was great. Granted, the bar had never been set so low, but still. I may have a listen and see what I think now.
Meanwhile, Johnny who earned his reputation as the favored one, completely through default, as Morrissey seemed hellbent on trashing his own reputation, now looks like exactly what he's been since the early 90's, a dishonest self-righteous careerist in a ridiculous wig.
i guess i just find it kind of perplexing and juvenile that people feel the need to drive a wedge between the two of them and create a rivalry that doesn't seem to really exist. johnny marr isn't competing with morrissey, nor is anyone who lives in the real world keeping tabs on who the superior smith might be. it's apples and oranges.

you'd really think it was still 1987 for some of the losers on this site
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i guess i just find it kind of perplexing and juvenile that people feel the need to drive a wedge between the two of them and create a rivalry that doesn't seem to really exist. johnny marr isn't competing with morrissey, nor is anyone who lives in the real world keeping tabs on who the superior smith might be. it's apples and oranges.

you'd really think it was still 1987 for some of the losers on this site
I agree 100% with that. Like, who cares which one comes higher in the charts, or sells more records, or sells more concert tickets? It's not a competition, just two artists who haven't had anything to do with each other in decades. A win for one isn't a loss for the other - their fates are both independant.

It's inevitable that questions regarding The Smiths and Morrissey are going to come up in every single interview Marr does, the same way that Paul McCartney can't do an interview without someone bringing up John Lennon. Morrissey asking Johnny to deny their history and that they had any connection at all is pretty ludicrous. But hopefully in future Marr can keep it like this: brief, and to the point. There is no chance of a reunion - the end - next question.
I suppose it can be but I am not sure it's a love for the ages type thing, people move on. I know there are different ways to read what Morrissey wrote, and only he knows for sure what he meant but I got a sense of exasperation more than a sense of hurt or love. Even people who get married and were once intensely in love fall out of love. But you could be absolutely right because at least one of them refuses to let go, which could mean exactly as you said, the bond can be deep.
I'm sorry to enter but if the bond is deep, of course.,In Moz's letter I think there is love, pain and exasperation and other things.neither of them can let go of the other, they are still linked but there is an issue of egos, which separates that division, ....and someone has to loosen up, and call the other. I think Moz tried it with the lyrics, in his own way, but Johnny's ego is stronger, he seems very identified with his ego and his soul does not manifest, maybe you do not understand it, it is my opinion.
I'm sorry to enter but if the bond is deep, of course.,In Moz's letter I think there is love, pain and exasperation and other things.neither of them can let go of the other, they are still linked but there is an issue of egos, which separates that division, ....and someone has to loosen up, and call the other. I think Moz tried it with the lyrics, in his own way, but Johnny's ego is stronger, he seems very identified with his ego and his soul does not manifest, maybe you do not understand it, it is my opinion.
No need to apologize, I just see it differently. Personally, I would not like to see Morrissey attempting any reunification with someone who was so abusive to him, this has been toxic and I think Morrissey deserves to be free of it.
Maybe you haven't heard, Johnny is promoting a double album that was just released this weekend called "Fever Dreams Parts 1 - 4".
he is on one big constant interview that keeps going whether he has something to flog or not.
I am pretty sure this is not the first time this has been mentioned…but all JM has to do, prior to doing ANY interview, is communicate through his management team, that he will only do the interview on the condition that Morrissey’s name (not The Smiths) is not brought up, either directly or indirectly.

That’s all it would take. Then, JM could promote his new music based on the merit of the music alone…and not require Morrissey to help carry the load of his promotion.

But he doesn’t. And he could.

Sorry JM…not all of us are mindless fools.

Be well and safe all.
He can't do that because no one would want to talk to him. He is dull and the opposite of charisma and the only interesting thing about him is that he worked with Morrissey.
You can't really blame these journalists and broadcasters for asking JM about the Smiths and Morrissey all the time. I mean what else is there to talk about? An Electronic reunion?

No need to apologize, I just see it differently. Personally, I would not like to see Morrissey attempting any reunification with someone who was so abusive to him, this has been toxic and I think Morrissey deserves to be free of it.
Yes of course I understand you.but only the two know what they feel, but what was seen is that between them there was a deep bond, the inspiration was mutual at the time of the creation of the songs of The SMiths, that is not commonly given ... but just like you I want to see Moz happy, only God knows of his destinies... may it be with happiness, as we love Moz!!! Sometimes I wonder why.... we want it so much without even knowing it, without treating it, mm I don't know why
i guess i just find it kind of perplexing and juvenile that people feel the need to drive a wedge between the two of them and create a rivalry that doesn't seem to really exist. johnny marr isn't competing with morrissey, nor is anyone who lives in the real world keeping tabs on who the superior smith might be. it's apples and oranges.

you'd really think it was still 1987 for some of the losers on this site
If they weren't engaged in this nonsense going back and forth every few days nothing anyone here says would matter. "tried living in the real world" etc. :D
Morrissey is clearly the most important Smith and it's more fun to make stupid posts about Johnny than to argue about Britain First or Kevin Spacey or whatever.
Moz has had no interest in working with The Pep for 30 odd years FFS
why would Moz want to work with the Pepe? its not like
he is in great demand:lbf:

Moz works with good musicians now FFS:lbf:

"Good musicians" :unsure:

Alain Whyte popping back for a cameo appearance maybe but the rest of the band are pub-rock chancers at best.
Why the Hatred for Johnny Marr?

I met him a few years ago at a Little Barrie gig in Manchester and he was a very nice guy.
Very polite, courteous and engaging (Never once mentioned Mr Morrissey).

To suggest he is of little talent and was carried by Morrissey is nothing short of stupid.
Not the greatest lyricist, granted but then, Morrissey isn't the greatest guitarist.

Reading the Marr-bashing comments online leaves me bewildered.

I don't hate Mozzer but he seems to be the one berating people left, right and centre - What has Johnny done to upset everybody?

Reading these posts is a bit like listening to children in the schoolyard.

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