Morrissey Central "IF THERE’S SOMETHING" (October 9, 2021)



"My sincere thanks to Rick and the Blossoms for their recent recentness.
Anything that generates interest in
that tired old Smiths warhorse is testimony to the wallop it packed.

-Morrissey, October 2021.


(Article first noticed by @Gregor Samsa & @Surface - their posts remain in original thread as being discussed there too).

Subsequent to the above (October 11, 2021):


I never read Dodwell’s articles
(y). Neither does her mum.

I’m familiar with your posts, that I usually scroll past.
We’re all just posting our opinions here, it means very little.

In the grand scheme of things, it means very little, you're right, we're all going to die. But at an individual level, if say, Horten Market started posting on Solo, I think it would mean a lot to Morrissey.
Which doesn't mean he doesn't read and value your posts...
(I'm surprised he didn't stay with the horse theme and called him Rick Ascot... Age does that to your ability to stay focused...°

NOTE TO RICK: We don't need "girlfriend in a coma" and its frankly dodgy lyrics. Replace with "Take me to your heart" next time. Ta.
I can criticise Rick Astley for jumping on the Smiths bandwagon at this late stage having never heard a peep from him back in the day when he was churning out vacuous shit and at the same time acknowledge Morrissey's praise for the performance. It comes down to that rich duality, the yin yang of it all, plus a little dose of "I couldn't give a flying f*** what you think" :)

Also if you can't see it as a slight trolling of Marr's recent comments dissing the whole thing then, um....

Good to have u on board Rick. Only took 40 years or so.
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He does have his own style when paying a compliment... I ran his message through Google translate:

You and your bunch of long-legged hippies are flogging a dead horse that used to be mine. I don't particularly care about it anymore, but for form's sake I'll pretend I noticed because if I don't, people will think I'm upset and snort.
Now f. off back to Weston-Super-Mare where you belong.
Love and longing,
Morrissey (a far superior singer anyway)

P.S: Echobelly were better.
Jaja yes yes yes yes yes yes ohohh oh oh!!!!
I still have to give Sack another chance. I remember talking with Morrissey, and he asked if I liked Sack ? I nodded my head disapprovingly, meaning I didn’t care for them, he said in return, something along the lines of, that should care and should give them another listen.

What do you recommend of theirs?

Edit: though, I probably still won’t like them, lol.
I like all their stuff. Adventura Majestica album is great although I'd have to vote You Are What You Eat as my fav Sack album.
I wonder how many shit talkers will change their tune, now that Morrissey seems to approve...
I like all their stuff. Adventura Majestica album is great although I'd have to vote You Are What You Eat as my fav Sack album.

Thanks I’ll check em out.
Yes, I’m curious to see if Johnny will tweet about it. At first he thought it was ‘funny and horrible at the same time’.

I’m sure A & Blossoms appreciate these Central posts, though I can imagine they felt a bit gutted to hear that he was actually just down the road attending an Echobelly show instead, yes, I’m sure he had his reasons for that decision. Though I guess these Central posts will make up for that.
Ha ha it's already late Mr. Moz went to see Echobelly a good band, and how well he did!!! What the Vegan Patrick really thinks is inscribed in the photo, he went to another recital, and had the opportunity to see Rickystly the next day, but it was not to draw conclusions .......Then someone or maybe Mr. Morrissey O HIS super me ,said to him, Steven you must do something to break the ice and then it happened!!! the publications appeared in Central and the crumbs were collected and everyone was happy. By God that is the truth is as great as a temple!!!!!
Nope. It's like Bob Dylan, mate...The Never Ending Tour...lockdown woke me the fcUKin fcUK up. I missed:

Random casual hook ups.

Live music.

Beer 🍺and convivial casual chat with pub randoms and bus stop chatter-natter.

Going to Mass.


I'm retired. But you can't boast about your swing on the golf course all day, every day and the allotment is quieting down for autumn-winter so...hit the road in a 20 year old Corsa I kept for the son and daughter for cheapo insurance after driving test pass but both say variants of "I ain't driving that Boy Racer hair-dryer Dad! Stop being an embarrassment and unlock your secret stable- stash of Mercs, MGs and Morgans."

Just concluding interminable divorce from Her Indoors so in semi-permanent Get Yer Freak On mode blasting the Rolling Stones popping Viagra like it's rice in 60s Biafra..(!) Heterosexuality is going out of fashion but I'll slake my thirst on the moist dregs left at the 3am taxi rank, etc coke up the nose or arse these days, too dangerous at my age...We'll all be a long time dead. In the midst of the Rona we already half-dead, etc... So 'enjoy yourselves, it may be far later than you think'. New album by The Specials is ...special!

Actually, in 'real life' I'm an entirely serious political activist and have had a decades long career as a ruthless good cop-bad cop Paedo Hunter. Child protection stuff. Not pleasant...but...someone's got to wash the scum off these fookin mean streets and God gave me that call. Far more important than being yet another tart prancing about onstage being all la-di-dah precious about Art. If music wuz gunna change anything, it would've happened by is a busted flush but good for a larf...Saturday Night's Alright For Rick Astley-ing to The Smiths Songbook but now it's Monday morning and I'm about to join a Zoom conference call with some friends, frenemies and enemies in the Vatican. When Morrissey turned up in Mamma Roma, they asked me: "Anders, what's that wanker doing rocking up here 🤔?" I replied: "fcuk if I know...just ignore him, he'll get bored and go away. He has a jelly mind, mollity...didn't crack school Latin, he couldn't hack it en Londres, lads, he won't last long here...". 😉

You take your Vitamins D today. My mt8 in Carlisle is still playing a fcukin blinder. Cumbria Blinders...strange, you lot.. but pretty 👌awesome culture ye have preserved up there...take care.

Best wishes.
Yours, in Jubilo


Didn't know you made videos
So Moz is basically saying - thank you for flogging this dead horse. And he's right. It's Smiths karaoke.
... LOL.... kinda late, but I understood what the Blossoms did.
I mean remaining silent about the project with R. Astley when they saw Marr.

The ONLY way to make something like that without being truly boycotted by The Smiths themselves is having the approval of Morrissey AND Marr.... But Morrissey and Marr have a tendency to boycott each other (this is specially true for Marr, Morrissey is less obvious or a bit more polite).

So having the early approval of Marr before the announcement MAY have truly pissed off Morrissey (even more if Marr had had the idea of getting involved in a way or other)....

So, if I was a Blossom, I would have remained silent too.... not doing such thing could have meant completely screwing up things with Morrissey and mostly giving a truly bad vibe to the whole thing.

It is not easy to openly have the approval of both of them.
(yes, we have Rourke and Joyce, but... honestly.... who cares? -it's not a joke... if you have the approval of Morrissey, then the disapproval of Joyce would hardly matter to anyone).
... LOL.... kinda late, but I understood what the Blossoms did.
I mean remaining silent about the project with R. Astley when they saw Marr.

The ONLY way to make something like that without being truly boycotted by The Smiths themselves is having the approval of Morrissey AND Marr.... But Morrissey and Marr have a tendency to boycott each other (this is specially true for Marr, Morrissey is less obvious or a bit more polite).

So having the early approval of Marr before the announcement MAY have truly pissed off Morrissey (even more if Marr had had the idea of getting involved in a way or other)....

So, if I was a Blossom, I would have remained silent too.... not doing such thing could have meant completely screwing up things with Morrissey and mostly giving a truly bad vibe to the whole thing.

It is not easy to openly have the approval of both of them.
(yes, we have Rourke and Joyce, but... honestly.... who cares? -it's not a joke... if you have the approval of Morrissey, then the disapproval of Joyce would hardly matter to anyone).

It does make sense to me.
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