As first spotted by @BookishBoy in the Strange... thread (who supplies the Twitter link), NME take up the footage:
Watch Blossoms and Rick Astley team up to cover The Smiths
“Since it’s London, we thought why not do something special?,” said frontman Tom Ogden. “So we’re going to do some songs by one of our favourite bands with a friend of ours from the North West. Welcome our friend Rick Astley.
“Do you want to tell them what band it is, Richard?” asked Ogden, adding, “It’s The Smiths everybody,” before tearing into ‘Panic’ and ‘This Charming Man’.
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Watch Blossoms and Rick Astley team up to cover The Smiths
“Since it’s London, we thought why not do something special?,” said frontman Tom Ogden. “So we’re going to do some songs by one of our favourite bands with a friend of ours from the North West. Welcome our friend Rick Astley.
“Do you want to tell them what band it is, Richard?” asked Ogden, adding, “It’s The Smiths everybody,” before tearing into ‘Panic’ and ‘This Charming Man’.

Watch Blossoms and Rick Astley team up to cover The Smiths
Blossoms surprised fans in London tonight (September 13) by inviting Rick Astley on stage to run through a selection of Smiths covers

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