Far Out: "The National’s Matt Berninger explains why he no longer listens to Morrissey" (April 21, 2023)


The National’s Matt Berninger explains why he no longer listens to Morrissey

While promoting The National’s latest album, First Two Pages of Frankenstein, frontman Matt Berninger revealed that he no longer listens to Morrissey because of his difficulties separating the art from the artist.

'Usual' Far Out article with Matt placing "all" fans in the same boat as himself.

Excerpt from the linked Guardian interview, The National’s Matt Berninger: ‘I have a healthy marriage because I write about looking into the abyss’ (April 21, 2023):

In the song Pink Rabbits you reference the album Bona Drag. Do you still listen to Morrissey? scuzzboy24

I haven’t listened to Morrissey in a long time. I go back to The Queen is Dead, but I haven’t in a while. It’s a little bit hard to separate the ickiness of things he’s said. I still believe he’s a brilliant, sensitive artist. Morrissey was one of the first where I was like, that guy gets me. I have genuine love for him. But I’m in the same boat as all Morrissey fans, just like: “Agh, please!”

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Your post makes no sense, Matt is 12 years younger than Morrissey, the band sell shit loads more records than Morrissey and they sell out far bigger venues than Morrissey, so not sure why you would think they need to use Morrissey's name for attention?
to be fair, neither the band nor its frontman are household names like Morrissey. he might be a pariah in the music industry now but mentions of him still get clicks, even if it's via the sick compulsion that a good chunk of former fans gets to read up on any article slagging Morrissey off in order to, i don't know, validate their feelings

there's even less of a reason for him to give a sound bite on Moz than Johnny ever had
Another bunch of middle-class white blokes who all look (and doubtless think) the same, championing political correctness because they're terrified of being erased if they're not nice to everyone. Blandness personified.
I wish a newspaper / magazine would commission a piece called something like "The Fans Who Still Love Morrissey" - which could give a voice to those who still enjoy his music, his shows, while also not shying away from the controversy around him. (In other words NOT a Dudwell-style puff piece.)
the national-coming to a town near you-sponsored by specsavers.😎.

just read the article,this ingrown toenail does not speak for me and never will,vivamozz.
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The quality of the albums after the ones you mentioned has improved, contrary to your claim.
well, in music something called personal tastes can also play a role, you know.
I can see that Alligator was still a bit "raw", but I personally love it, The Geese is an anthem to me, and one of their songs I'm most attached to, while Karen, Squalor Victoria and Looking for Astronauts are also great numbers in their repertoire. But Boxer is regarded as their best by many (also specialized press, which I don't care much for, but still...)

Again: I was really into them between Boxer and High Violet, I liked Trouble Will Find me but not as much as their previous 3 records, then I kinda got bored by them (and their new musical direction). I might revisit them in the future tho, of course.
Er, no. SWB is amazing!
I can only remember “Day I Die” and “Total Darkness” from Sleep Well Beast. After that, “Rylan” (that actually is an old song they’ve been playing live for ages) and that’s it. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this way, even though I assume there’s no such thing as a boat with all National fans sharing my point of view. See? It’s not that hard to be reasonable and not biased.
I don't think her speaking for us is any different. I think there are varying degrees of feeling and opinion about Morrissey, just like anyone else, it's complicated. She really is stupid, she says let us speak for ourselves, then she does exactly what he did - speak for all of us. And some of you need to admit you like it when FiDo talks dirty.

I don't think her speaking for us is any different. I think there are varying degrees of feeling and opinion about Morrissey, just like anyone else, it's complicated. She really is stupid, she says let us speak for ourselves, then she does exactly what he did - speak for all of us. And some of you need to admit you like it when FiDo talks dirty.

View attachment 90597
red heres an upvote to counteract your first down vote.
fee talking dirty,yip.
This smacks of a severe case of Dorianism...

“You will always be fond of me. I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit.”

― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

(E.g. those subhuman thought crimes 😉)
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Welcome to how the rest of the world views Morrissey outside of your little echo chamber.
We like our echo chamber... Because it's ripe with critical thinking iconoclasts and outsiders who can actually think for themselves rather than taking the lazy way out and accepting conformity.

As someone said above, if you don't get it, you don't get it. There is no point in explaining it when you simply don't have the ability to comprehend it.
We like our echo chamber... Because it's ripe with critical thinking iconoclasts and outsiders who can actually think for themselves rather than taking the lazy way out and accepting conformity.

As someone said above, if you don't get it, you don't get it. There is no point in explaining it when you simply don't have the ability to comprehend it.

My thoughts exactly.
I think many die-hard Morrissey fans are confused and can't grasp the fact that the sweet young man who sang "Ask me" is now a curmudgeonly, intolerant old fart who desperately wants the world to be like it was in his youth. Hardly a surprise coming from someone approaching his mid-60's. It's easy to be confused because when he sings his voice is still astonishingly sublime! His singing still recalls the young Morrisey and it's only some of the newer lyrics, and the truly awful interviews he's given, that reveal what an incredibly bitter and angry old man he is. I still find him to be a brilliant and fascinating artist, but I definitely don't want to be like him!
I think many die-hard Morrissey fans are confused and can't grasp the fact that the sweet young man who sang "Ask me" is now a curmudgeonly, intolerant old fart who desperately wants the world to be like it was in his youth.
I think if you go back and read interviews at the time, you'll find that Morrissey was a curmudgeonly, intolerant old fart back in the Smiths days as well. The only difference was people found it refreshingly charming and hilarious back then, particularly when a young 80's pop star acted as though he was Percy Sugden from Coronation Street. The reality is that Morrissey hasn't changed - the world has.

At least she didn’t say ‘We all love him’. Which is fair enough, unlike MB’s use of ‘all’ which is untrue, obvs.

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