I guess we can't engage with any form of art that isn't new and relevant? Because the ACTUAL average person not so long ago had views that blow Morrissey out of the water by current standards. I know people who grew up in the 80s who still associate Morrissey with being insufferably LEFT wing. he was an edgy but progressive darling, until everyone around him changed. Anyway, are we to just toss away all of H.P. Lovecraft's works for example? Because the cognitive dissonance of engaging with art that happens to be made by an artist who is different to you is too much for you? Now that doesn't sound very diverse, or inclusive, or all that equal...
These snivelling, grovelling, spineless celebrity ghouls over and over demonstrate they have no care or respect for actual art, because they have no respect for themselves. They will slither into any crevice the Machine demands them to, to obtain any carrot that it cares to waft over their stinking husks.
God save Morrissey, he's the last of the famous international artists with integrity. I will always take blunt, unblemished honesty that I may have disagreement with over this hideously processed and snakish culture we find ourselves in today.