Morrissey Central "ELIZABETH ANNE DWYER" (August 8, 2020)

Born Holles Street Hospital, Dublin, in
winter months.



"With this broken voice I beseech you, my friends, to offer prayers of hope and prayers of intercession for the recovery of Elizabeth Anne Dwyer, who is my mother, who is in trouble, and who is the sole reason for all the good and motivational things in my life. I ask particularly my friends in Chile, Mexico, Italy, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States, Ecuador, Israel and Ireland to offer their prayers for Elizabeth - for she is all I have, and our collective pleas of petition might wake the sleeping gods.
She is me, and without her vahaan koee kal hal … there is no tomorrow. I ask no more of you… for there could be no more to ask."

Steven Patrick Francis Morrissey.

8 August 2020.


Nothing but positive thoughts.

Media items:
she did die. when i was fourteen. i am now older than she was when she died. THATS unnatural. but i didnt do anything desperate. i coped.

that was when i was fourteen. NOT 60. and i didnt expect god to intervene because im a singer. i didnt want people going "oh i fear for what she's gonna do" because that would've been utterly distasteful.

so yeah, i do know this from experience.
This isn't about you, FFS.
I haven't read red all answers and comments, sorry. But I find the exhaustive list of countries in this context rather strange. There are Catholics everywhere. With "My friends all over the world" I should have felt that I was being addressed too.
if youre 60 years old and your mom is 80 or whatever and you cant handle her passing with equanimity, well you have to question where you are in life, mental and emotionally.
Under the circumstances, I find your post especially vile. I could say more but out of respect for Elizabeth, I'll refrain from doing so.
I haven't read red all answers and comments, sorry. But I find the exhaustive list of countries in this context rather strange. There are Catholics everywhere. With "My friends all over the world" I should have felt that I was being addressed too.

He is a stange man, with strange ways. In strange days.

It wasn't the first thing that popped out to me, but each to their own. To be honest, í was more struck by his deployment of his Confirmation Name ~ a name that only God calls you by ~ in the plea.

í think at these times you look for "intercession" wherever you can.

Ok. It is such a special moment for him, his family and still empathetic hardcore fans all over the world. It doesn't need a listing, imho.
I haven't read red all answers and comments, sorry. But I find the exhaustive list of countries in this context rather strange. There are Catholics everywhere. With "My friends all over the world" I should have felt that I was being addressed too.
You are being addressed too. He wrote "particularly my friends" in those countries, that doesn't exclude friends in other countries.

Not that it's in any way relevant at this moment in time.
í can't imagine what it's like if, given current restrictions, the family are unable to be together.

The prospect is grievous enough, but to not be able to give some semblance of comfort just by physical proximity must be beyond all toleration.

í don't watch the news at all now, so í am unaware of what the hospital/care home restrictions are like just now, especially in that area.

í hope that he is nearby, at least.

I'm experiencing it now. It's awful.
Ok. It is such a special moment for him, his family and still empathetic hardcore fans all over the world. It doesn't need a listing, imho.

There are many countries where the power of prayer, in this particular case Catholic prayer, is firmly embedded in the fabric of the culture and the people of those countries. Countries such as those listed. That is all. In a time of desperate need, he is looking for any possible help. í would tend to feel humbled and sympathetic, at least, rather than personally affronted, or indeed left out.

Even though he doesn't want prayers from his UK "friends" I will offer them anyway for the sake of his dear mum. Thoughts are with you Ms Dwyer.
if anything god's probably gonna be offended that morrissey thinks he can enlist his fans to offer prayers as though god, when all those prayers are coming in, doesnt know that the source of them are from fans and that the only reason morrissey has them is because he is a singer and that it sends a message that morrissey thinks gods gonna care more about his mom than anyone else because she's morrisseys mom. if anything, god might want to take him down a peg. god aint impressed by your ability to rally your fans to pray for your very old mother, anymore than he'd be impressed by some instagrammers ability to get 'likes'.
I haven't read red all answers and comments, sorry. But I find the exhaustive list of countries in this context rather strange. There are Catholics everywhere. With "My friends all over the world" I should have felt that I was being addressed too.
I think given his state of mind at the moment, it's understandable
I'm experiencing it now. It's awful.

í am very sorry for your pain. í can only begin to imagine.

My Mum died in her own home, with the two people she loved most in the world, fighting to save her life. She hated hospitals all her days, and the thought of ending those days in one, surrounded by strangers, terrified her. So at least we could give her that.

Just the thought of how we would have coped with my Mum's illnesses in this current madness is chilling. To be denied the very substance of loving care is one definition of torture.

í wish you well.

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