Morrissey Central "ELIZABETH ANNE DWYER" (August 8, 2020)

Born Holles Street Hospital, Dublin, in
winter months.



"With this broken voice I beseech you, my friends, to offer prayers of hope and prayers of intercession for the recovery of Elizabeth Anne Dwyer, who is my mother, who is in trouble, and who is the sole reason for all the good and motivational things in my life. I ask particularly my friends in Chile, Mexico, Italy, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States, Ecuador, Israel and Ireland to offer their prayers for Elizabeth - for she is all I have, and our collective pleas of petition might wake the sleeping gods.
She is me, and without her vahaan koee kal hal … there is no tomorrow. I ask no more of you… for there could be no more to ask."

Steven Patrick Francis Morrissey.

8 August 2020.


Nothing but positive thoughts.

Media items:

The looting and pillaging and killing carried out but the church was during its period of colonialism. There is no canon law that stated that wasn’t allowed

😐of course they havent looted or colonized FFS. Columbus was not a Pope or a priest. Did you learn all this nonsense in Islam school?😐

the fact is my prayers are not Muslim therefore effective and good.
yours wont do the trick🧐

I have already posted the papal decree that commanded catholics to go and loot and pillage the lands and goods of pagans and heathens which was the whole basis of the Missions in the Americas mainly run by Franciscan friars.

Do some research. Look up the Doctrine of Discovery and pay attention. I'm having to repeat stuff that has already been done. I dont think you will find a catholic on the planet who disagrees with this stuff including the Pope who, I repeat, apologised for the atrocities committed and ordered by the church in the Americas.

It is in school boy history books. Did you go to school?
I suggest you read Sarah Abraham's post for specificity and clarity since you are still struggling to grasp the issue. She has laid it out for you quite well. I think it's a good start for you to begin your research in fact.

I did read that and none of that disproves Islam worships the same god as Christianity.

She was talking about Mohammad and there was nothing in that post that was relevant to the discussion at hand. Catholics have to follow the teaching of council which states both religions worship the same god. I never said Christians follow Mohammad.

What has this to do with the future messiah of Judaism? It doesn't relate Jesus. Judaism doesn't accept Jesus as either a prophet or a messiah. Islam does accept Jesus as an important profit and his mother. They dont accept the resurrection but they do believe the prophet will return at the end of time but not as the divine.

None of this disproves that Islam, Judaism or Christianity worship the same god of abraham.

It has been agreed that Mohammad was descended from Ishmael which I have already stated in a much earlier post and Ishmael was the son of Abraham so they had the same god.

Islam didn't invent a new God. All 3 are Monotheistic and all 3 believe there can only be one god. Ishmael's illegitimacy is irrelevant to the point as to whether the god is the same god as stated by the Catholic Church. Abraham's wife Sarah gave Ishmael's mother to Abraham because he was in late years and they had not been able to have any children and so Ishmael was born. He was initially asked to leave but later was reunited with his father Abraham and all lived happily every after albeit completely irrelevant as to whether the god is the same. Ishmael's god was the same god as his father, Abraham. Mohammad as the descendent of Ishmael had the same god as his father. Mohammad didn't create a new god, that would have been blasphemy. It is quite clear. Are you saying catholics should disregard the teaching of the vatican? Many evangelicals and non catholic Christian denominations dispute this but at the end of the day the discussion was regards to catholic teaching, the religion of birth of Morrissey and his mother.
its the dumb butcher, ignore him, he has no money to pay for a pint, much less a mass.:blushing:

Paying for masses. Where did you get that from? A donation is customary. A recent suggestion I believe was 10 dollars but there is no obligation to pay anything. This isn't pre reformation.
To be this persistent on Solo you must have been in dire need to sell a great deal of indulgences for your Mother Church, anon (a.k.a. Karen). :eek:

I'm an atheist. I just know an awful lot about religions and I don't like seeing people who aren't religious at all using non factual religious agendas to promote division and hate.
Quit making stuff up🤥
Pagan babies are in China.
Fed them thru collections because Mao was starving them via the Great Leap Forward. Everybody was getting starved by that commie cuck Mao

it isnt made up and admitted by the church when they released the Franciscan documents from the Missions. All proven and from letters and documents. It was proven enough for the US congress to wipe any mention of the good the Missions did from the fundraising bill to restore the buildings.
I'm not a Roman Catholic. I'm a born-again, Bible-believing Christian.

I believe that the Holy Bible is the true, infallible Word of God.

I follow the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the same as Jewish people do.

Please read what Sarah Abraham said. They have taken some passages from 'Genesis' in the Old Testament:

Abraham's first wife was Sarah. God promised Abraham that Sarah would be “a mother of nations” (Genesis 17:16) and that she would conceive and bear a son, that son was Isaac. Isaac was born to Sarah and Abraham in their old age and that was the fulfillment of God's promise to them.

Ishmael was I believe Abraham's first born son, but he was illegitimate because he was born to Abraham and Sarah's Egyptian handmaiden Hagar. That makes Ishmael illegitimate (in terms of the Covenant).

The Lord God's Covenant made it clear that Ishmael was NOT to inherit Abraham's house and that Isaac would be the Seed of the Covenant: "Take your son, your only son, whom you love and go to the region of Moriah." (Genesis 22:2–8) Abraham gave Ishmael and his Egyptian mother Hagar (the handmaiden) a supply of bread and water and sent them away. Hagar entered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba where the two soon ran out of water and Hagar, not wanting to witness the death of her son, set the boy some distance away from herself, and wept. "And God heard the voice of the lad" and sent his angel to tell Hagar, "Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation." And God "opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water", from which she drew to save Ishmael's life and her own. "And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer." (Genesis 21:14–21)

I believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is more than just a prophet to me. Jesus is my Lord and Saviour. I believe in Lord Jesus Christ's divinity, God made flesh.

I don't follow Muhammad at all and nor do Jewish people. I don't follow Ishmael's line and nor do Jewish people. I follow the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob from the Old Testament the same as Jewish people. I don't follow what the Vatican or the Pope says. I appreciate and respect that Morrissey and his family are Roman Catholics.

I believe in the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ the same as Catholics and Muslims do also.

By the way Abdullah ibn Abd al-Muttalib was the father of the Islamic prophet Muhammad not Ishmael. Muhammad and his father were from Saudi Arabia.

See link:

God bless you. I'm still praying hard for Morrissey's beloved mother Elizabeth.

None of this proves that the Islamic god isnt the same as the Christian god. They all came from Abraham and Abraham had one god as does Islam. Mohammad did not invent a new god.

I said Mohammad was the descendent of Ishmael not his son.

I understand you dont follow the teaching of the catholic church but Morrissey and his mother are catholic so it is relevant to explain the teaching of the Church and that teaching states it is the same god and popes have continually stated they hold Islam in high regard. From the vatican teaching:

"“The Church has also a high regard for the Muslims. They worship God, who is one, living and subsistent, merciful and almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth (Cf. St. Gregory VII, Letter III, 21 to Anazir [Al-Nasir], King of Mauretania PL, 148.451A.), who has spoken to men. They strive to submit themselves without reserve to the hidden decrees of God, just as Abraham submitted himself to God’s plan, to whose faith Muslims eagerly link their own. Although not acknowledging him as God, they venerate Jesus as a prophet, his Virgin Mother they also honor, and even at times devoutly invoke. Further, they await the day of judgment and the reward of God following the resurrection of the dead. For this reason they highly esteem an upright life and worship God, especially by way of prayer, alms-deeds and fasting."
It is very odd to even in his moment of desperation to hold a grudge against the UK, the very country where his mother is being treated. Seems not particularly christian

But it is so awkawrd as it seems a bit that he seems to care only about people who like him there. I just do not see any sense to make them stand out of the rest. I admit I admire him for what he did, but sometimes I also start to think does he use all these "critical situations" (cancer, ban a country because of meat industry and then play a concert there, I never play show in UK again, what happens now, etc.) as his part of, I don't want to say "game", but say, reminding the world about himself?
Oh Steven... brave and beautiful boy, God bless you. I'm praying for you and your mother. I'm here, I won't move.
But it is so awkawrd as it seems a bit that he seems to care only about people who like him there. I just do not see any sense to make them stand out of the rest. I admit I admire him for what he did, but sometimes I also start to think does he use all these "critical situations" (cancer, ban a country because of meat industry and then play a concert there, I never play show in UK again, what happens now, etc.) as his part of, I don't want to say "game", but say, reminding the world about himself?

Can you please explain what precise part of the explanation that í posted to your previous question about this did you not understand? í detailed why he highlighted those countries over others. Do you just disagree? Or is it a question of...belief?

And would you be saying that, with his post on the 8th of August, Morrissey is "using" a "critical situation" to play a "game"...? If so, that is beyond imbecilic on your part. And beyond contempt.

I have already posted the papal decree that commanded catholics to go and loot and pillage the lands and goods of pagans and heathens which was the whole basis of the Missions in the Americas mainly run by Franciscan friars.

í begin the day wondering whether gets this kind of thing...

í had a grown adult Catholic teacher tell me to my face that she had seen a severed leg grow back through the power of prayer. Right in front of her, when she was volunteering abroad with a Catholic charity in El Salvador. She then told me that her and her new husband were now praying, in their prayer group, for help in securing their new starter home. {And there was me sweating in sin even at the thought of praying to get a Raleigh Ultra Burner come Christmas}.

You take what you need and just leave.


Ah, the Raleigh Ultra Burner :love:
In fact, all the Raleigh BMX range. What a time to be alive:bow::sweet:
I have already posted the papal decree that commanded catholics to go and loot and pillage the lands and goods of pagans and heathens which was the whole basis of the Missions in the Americas mainly run by Franciscan friars.

Do some research. Look up the Doctrine of Discovery and pay attention. I'm having to repeat stuff that has already been done. I dont think you will find a catholic on the planet who disagrees with this stuff including the Pope who, I repeat, apologised for the atrocities committed and ordered by the church in the Americas.

It is in school boy history books. Did you go to school?

quit posting commie muslim propaganda FFS
there is no such thing as a papal loot and pillage decree:crazy:
catholics dont have to apologize for having the islam hordes
enslaving invading and looting them WTF!!:lbf:
pope would have to speak ex cathedra to make the church into islam:blushing:
I'm an atheist. I just know an awful lot about religions and I don't like seeing people who aren't religious at all using non factual religious agendas to promote division and hate.


you are a regular religious muslim know it all:lbf:
dont know what the pagan are and that the pope decreed that jesus
is allah. a real religious rocket scientist:crazy:
you should start making mooroon 'statements' like that butcher knobber:blushing:

WTF? havent you said ,in your islamic delusion, that the pope decreed that jesus is allah?:crazy:

no i did not anywhere say that and neither has the catholic church.

You again are showing your complete lack of understanding of jesus and theology and are not listening.
it isnt made up and admitted by the church when they released the Franciscan documents from the Missions. All proven and from letters and documents. It was proven enough for the US congress to wipe any mention of the good the Missions did from the fundraising bill to restore the buildings.

quit making stuff up like you even know what the pagan babies are.
there are no franciscan documents from 'the mission' about the pagan babies:blushing:
Can you please explain what precise part of the explanation that í posted to your previous question about this did you not understand? í detailed why he highlighted those countries over others. Do you just disagree? Or is it a question of...belief?

And would you be saying that, with his post on the 8th of August, Morrissey is "using" a "critical situation" to play a "game"...? If so, that is beyond imbecilic on your part. And beyond contempt.


Although your argument may well be credible I cant really see Morrissey doing an analysis of the church attendance for listed countries in compiling his list. Many of those countries are associated with being religious in creation and concept but they also suffer from the same gobal statistics of a reduction of practicing christians.
Ah, the Raleigh Ultra Burner :love:
In fact, all the Raleigh BMX range. What a time to be alive:bow::sweet:

í ended up with a bloody Grifter. They were shit. Gave yourself a double-hernia trying wheelies.
Shoulda prayed harder...

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