Morrissey Central "ELIZABETH ANNE DWYER" (August 8, 2020)

Born Holles Street Hospital, Dublin, in
winter months.



"With this broken voice I beseech you, my friends, to offer prayers of hope and prayers of intercession for the recovery of Elizabeth Anne Dwyer, who is my mother, who is in trouble, and who is the sole reason for all the good and motivational things in my life. I ask particularly my friends in Chile, Mexico, Italy, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States, Ecuador, Israel and Ireland to offer their prayers for Elizabeth - for she is all I have, and our collective pleas of petition might wake the sleeping gods.
She is me, and without her vahaan koee kal hal … there is no tomorrow. I ask no more of you… for there could be no more to ask."

Steven Patrick Francis Morrissey.

8 August 2020.


Nothing but positive thoughts.

Media items:

The Pope made a Concordat with Hitler, ageed that german priests would stay out of politics. The previous Pope also made deal with Mussolini.

For many many years, the Vatican wouldnt make a deal with liberal democracies, soon as the fascists got into power BINGOo_O

The afterwards, they went Commie.
Most Jesuits are bona fide Marxist Leninists FFS. I cant believe im having to post this FFS:rolleyes: Including this Pope.:mad:

You should educate yourself.:rolleyes:
You’ve certainly upped your game of late, 3 weetabix jack

anyone can disregard the canon law and teachings of the vatican but they cannot be catholic:lbf:

5 minutes ago you were posting that CATHOLICS were looting and pillaging and killing all over the world. yet looting and pillaging and killing are against the canon law and the vatican.:blushing:
how can you be a catholic if you loot and pillage FFS have you
even heard of the law of contradiction by Aristotle. o_O:lbf:

now suddenly its the other way around🤒

who has even been brought up on charges for violating of
the canon?:crazy: or excommunicated for laughing at the dumb
muslim talk in vatican 2? Catholic God has 3 persons in it,
while Allah is one but fake.o_O no where in the canon law
does it state that you have to be a morooon to be a catholic.

you should quit posting commie heresy on here its embarrasing.:blushing:

You don’t listen do you.
The looting and pillaging and killing carried out but the church was during its period of colonialism. There is no canon law that stated that wasn’t allowed and in fact there was a papal decree commanding catholics to conquer lands of non believers and take all their goods.

There was no canon law forbidding such action.

Again you demonstrate you know nothing about canon law, decrees, papal bulls and teachings of councils on how they differ and what they mean and how they come to pass.

It is not possible to follow the Catholic religion and not obey cannon law. Canon law is the basis of the rules of the club. It’s not a pick and choose what you want.

Excommunication was very common until the late 19th century when the ways excommunication was imposed automatically were changed.

It is still used although automatic excommunication has less reasons. Things that carry automatic excommunication without a hearing include things like a priest breaking the secrecy of the confessional, physically attacking a pope, anyone who has an abortion or performs one heresy......excommunication was threatened in the papal decree in the 60s and reaffirmed by Benedict in 2001 for anyone who made contact with the authorities regarding priests sexually abusing. It was ordered all cases of sexual abuse were to be secret and dealt with in secret by the leaders of the church and that victims were made to sign the decree stating they would be excommunicated if they made the details public. That of course led to abusing priests being secretly moved around to keep the problem secret.

Not abiding by Canon law that doesn’t lead to excommunication is still stated as a grave sin.

Generally people who are devout catholics don’t break canon law and follow the teachings of the pope. They see the pope as the direct representative of god on earth so it would be unlikely true catholics would be going around disrespecting him.

The Pope made a Concordat with Hitler, ageed that german priests would stay out of politics. The previous Pope also made deal with Mussolini.

For many many years, the Vatican wouldnt make a deal with liberal democracies, soon as the fascists got into power BINGOo_O

The afterwards, they went Commie.
Most Jesuits are bona fide Marxist Leninists FFS. I cant believe im having to post this FFS:rolleyes: Including this Pope.:mad:

You should educate yourself.:rolleyes:

You are repeating what I already said.

The pope and hitler co operated as I said.

A concordat is not canon law. It was basically an agreement to allow them to remain in power in the Vatican in return for cooperation . I already said this but that is not canon law.

Most popes since the 2nd world war have declared communism as an evil so your commie point again is fake.

Why do you care re Jesuits etc? And it isn’t relevant. I am talking about canon law and teachings of council. Whether you believe Jesuit’s are Marxists or whatever has nothing to do with it.
What pays my attention (beside all the seriousness of the situation) is why does he adress those specific countries instead of just saying " I'm asking for the pray of all my fans around the world"?

As was explained twelve Reformations ago, at the start of this thread ~

Read carefully, more than once, slowly, what was said.

He begins ~ "With this broken voice I beseech you, my friends, to offer prayers of hope and prayers of intercession..."

The next sentence begins "I ask particularly my friends..." ~ note particularly; not ONLY, not EXCLUSIVELY, but particularly. Or in other words especially.
The reason he is asking for the help of the people of the countries he goes on to list especially is that those countries are marked by cultures that are deeply religious, where the ritual of prayer and sacrament are by and large widely practiced, upheld and believed.
He is not saying that all the rest of you can feck off. All prayers or wishes are welcome.
In the UK currently there are about 12 people who attend church on a regular basis. Plus Nerak. Most people in this country wouldn't have a clue what a prayer of intercession amounts to.

The key word in his whole request though is the third one ~ "broken". This isn't a press release or a product statement, and it's not a matter of logic. He is in a lonely and desperate place and is seeking strength and aid wherever he believes that it may be found.

This isn't exactly what you said. You are quite wrong about not being relevant to Christianity. You are quite right about not being relevant to Islam. So, why did you say that they are all the same? Jesus the Messiah is quite relevant to both Messianic believers and to born-again believers of the Christian faith. It is not the Mahdi as you hope it would be, is it? You are talking apples and oranges. Theologically they are as far as the east is from the west. Islam will not embrace their Messiah in any way or form, and God forbid the Messiah is a Jew, let alone comes from the line/seed of David (i.e., Davidic Covenant). You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth otherwise.
It is exactly what I said. The messiah in Judaism is not Jesus and hasn’t yet arrived. How does that relate to Christianity? In Christianity Jesus is that messiah who is the son of god. The god of Christianity is the god of Abraham who is also the god of Islam and Judaism. They are all montheistic and all worship the one god. That is the teaching of the Catholic Church.
We Catholics, even those of us who are lapsed (or in my case "recovering" as I am a clergy abuse victim) understand the efficacy of requesting Mass intentions for those in need. Morrissey wasn't snubbing anyone. The man is pleading in his brokenness for all to help intercede. As a Catholic he knows that fellow Catholics will have a particular understanding of the faith that his mother has, the faith that he himself has instilled within him, lapsed or not.

Those interested in requesting Masses via online can do so here:
maybe someone forgot to tell you that women STILL cant vote
under the canon law.:lbf:

Catholics can laugh at Islam all day and no charges will be brought up
against them under the canon law.:lbf: so you are good to go. there is no such thing a Muslim Canon law where do you get all this misinformation?:mad:

i really hope you are George Salmon. Im hoping there aint two of him:blushing:
Ok brainy. The voting women point was in relation to my comparison to secular law. But you don’t read do you.
I have already posted the statements from Vatican council with regard to catholics being called to respect Muslims and to respect that they worship the same god, it has been posted 3 times now so I suspect there is little point in posting it again because it is apparent your brain is just going to pick and choose. It is apparent you aren’t catholic anyway from your lack of understanding that even a school child learning the catholic catechism would understand, so why do you care? As I said most practising catholics will respect Vatican 2 and canon law and the teachings of the pope. You may not agree with that but it is reality. I’ve not come across a devout catholic who disrespects or disregards the teaching of the pope,
You don’t listen do you.
The looting and pillaging and killing carried out but the church was during its period of colonialism. There is no canon law that stated that wasn’t allowed and in fact there was a papal decree commanding catholics to conquer lands of non believers and take all their goods.

There was no canon law forbidding such action.

Again you demonstrate you know nothing about canon law, decrees, papal bulls and teachings of councils on how they differ and what they mean and how they come to pass.

It is not possible to follow the Catholic religion and not obey cannon law. Canon law is the basis of the rules of the club. It’s not a pick and choose what you want.

Excommunication was very common until the late 19th century when the ways excommunication was imposed automatically were changed.

It is still used although automatic excommunication has less reasons. Things that carry automatic excommunication without a hearing include things like a priest breaking the secrecy of the confessional, physically attacking a pope, anyone who has an abortion or performs one heresy......excommunication was threatened in the papal decree in the 60s and reaffirmed by Benedict in 2001 for anyone who made contact with the authorities regarding priests sexually abusing. It was ordered all cases of sexual abuse were to be secret and dealt with in secret by the leaders of the church and that victims were made to sign the decree stating they would be excommunicated if they made the details public. That of course led to abusing priests being secretly moved around to keep the problem secret.

Not abiding by Canon law that doesn’t lead to excommunication is still stated as a grave sin.

Generally people who are devout catholics don’t break canon law and follow the teachings of the pope. They see the pope as the direct representative of god on earth so it would be unlikely true catholics would be going around disrespecting him.

WTF?? the canon law is ok with pillaging, looting, murder but casts a frown on offending the dumb Muslims.:crazy: the church went on Vatican ships and colonized other peeps under the canon law.:crazy:
Cortez was a part of the vatican???

so you can go ahead and pillage murder with mayhem, colonize and loot it up and still be a wonderful catholic because none of these activities are covered by the canon law???????🔥

what you need is to petition the canon law for an exorcism FFS:smilingimp:
You are repeating what I already said.

The pope and hitler co operated as I said.

A concordat is not canon law. It was basically an agreement to allow them to remain in power in the Vatican in return for cooperation . I already said this but that is not canon law.

Most popes since the 2nd world war have declared communism as an evil so your commie point again is fake.

Why do you care re Jesuits etc? And it isn’t relevant. I am talking about canon law and teachings of council. Whether you believe Jesuit’s are Marxists or whatever has nothing to do with it.

Didnt you read that I said Lenninst?o_O
which means that while the more you are a commie
the more you claim not to be one. Like Skinny claiming
not to be an ayatollah.:straightface:

have you lived underground for many years???:mad:
didnt you read where the vatican2 said its optional to be muslim?o_O
that there is no such law that you have to be one.🤒
We Catholics, even those of us who are lapsed (or in my case "recovering" as I am a clergy abuse victim) understand the efficacy of requesting Mass intentions for those in need. Morrissey wasn't snubbing anyone. The man is pleading in his brokenness for all to help intercede. As a Catholic he knows that fellow Catholics will have a particular understanding of the faith that his mother has, the faith that he himself has instilled within him, lapsed or not.

Those interested in requesting Masses via online can do so here:


plus everybody knows the muslim prayers dont work are of no use.:blushing:
Well not really. Mohammad isnt declared to be a god, just a human but a human descended from Ishmael who was the descendent of Abraham and worshipped the same god as Abraham as do Christians.

Both Islam and Christianity have ancestors who were jews, from the same family tree if it were.

Whether you believe in Islam or not as a Christian Catholics have to follow the teaching of the 2nd Vatican Council when the church stated that the god worshipped by Islam was the same monotheistic god as the Christian god.

Whether you believe in any of it is obviously up to you. Both state Jesus lived and both treat his mother with huge reverence so they aren't exactly poles apart. Most Christian leaders welcome Muslims into their collaborating work. Most islamophobes still state Islam is not the same god.
Morrissey's much loved mother Betty is seriously ill. Morrissey has always been very close to his mother he loves her with every fibre of his being. Have you come here to offer words of comfort and support, healing prayers, good thoughts and good energy?

Christians follow the line of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the same as Jewish people.

Abraham's first wife was Sarah. God promised Abraham that Sarah would be “a mother of nations” (Genesis 17:16) and that she would conceive and bear a son, that son was Isaac. Isaac was born to Sarah and Abraham in their old age and that was the fulfillment of God's promise to them.

Ishmael was I believe Abraham's first born son, but he was illegitimate because he was born to Abraham and Sarah's Egyptian handmaiden Hagar. That makes Ishmael illegitimate (in terms of the Covenant).

The Lord God's Covenant made it clear that Ishmael was NOT to inherit Abraham's house and that Isaac would be the Seed of the Covenant: "Take your son, your only son, whom you love and go to the region of Moriah." (Genesis 22:2–8) Abraham gave Ishmael and his Egyptian mother Hagar (the handmaiden) a supply of bread and water and sent them away. Hagar entered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba where the two soon ran out of water and Hagar, not wanting to witness the death of her son, set the boy some distance away from herself, and wept. "And God heard the voice of the lad" and sent his angel to tell Hagar, "Arise, lift up the lad, and hold him in thine hand; for I will make him a great nation." And God "opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water", from which she drew to save Ishmael's life and her own. "And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer." (Genesis 21:14–21)

Christians believe that Jesus is God's only begotten Son. In other words Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus is more than just a prophet to Christians He is divine God made flesh. Jesus the "Prince of Peace".

Christians and Jews don't follow Muhammad at all and they don't follow Ishmael's line.

One of the few things that Christians and Muslims have in common is that they both believe in the Second Coming of Lord Jesus Christ.

Loving thoughts and prayers to Morrissey's mother Betty. Peace be with you.
We Catholics, even those of us who are lapsed (or in my case "recovering" as I am a clergy abuse victim) understand the efficacy of requesting Mass intentions for those in need. Morrissey wasn't snubbing anyone. The man is pleading in his brokenness for all to help intercede. As a Catholic he knows that fellow Catholics will have a particular understanding of the faith that his mother has, the faith that he himself has instilled within him, lapsed or not.

Those interested in requesting Masses via online can do so here:

In his autobiography he said his mother turned deliberately away from that faith in the church and I have never recalled him ever being a practising catholic not just lapsed.
We Catholics, even those of us who are lapsed (or in my case "recovering" as I am a clergy abuse victim) understand the efficacy of requesting Mass intentions for those in need. Morrissey wasn't snubbing anyone. The man is pleading in his brokenness for all to help intercede. As a Catholic he knows that fellow Catholics will have a particular understanding of the faith that his mother has, the faith that he himself has instilled within him, lapsed or not.

Those interested in requesting Masses via online can do so here:

í am sorry for your pain.

Ok brainy. The voting women point was in relation to my comparison to secular law. But you don’t read do you.
I have already posted the statements from Vatican council with regard to catholics being called to respect Muslims and to respect that they worship the same god, it has been posted 3 times now so I suspect there is little point in posting it again because it is apparent your brain is just going to pick and choose. It is apparent you aren’t catholic anyway from your lack of understanding that even a school child learning the catholic catechism would understand, so why do you care? As I said most practising catholics will respect Vatican 2 and canon law and the teachings of the pope. You may not agree with that but it is reality. I’ve not come across a devout catholic who disrespects or disregards the teaching of the pope,


you probably shut the door on the nun collecting for the pagan babies.:mad:
WTF?? the canon law is ok with pillaging, looting, murder but casts a frown on offending the dumb Muslims.:crazy: the church went on Vatican ships and colonized other peeps under the canon law.:crazy:
Cortez was a part of the vatican???

so you can go ahead and pillage murder with mayhem, colonize and loot it up and still be a wonderful catholic because none of these activities are covered by the canon law???????🔥

what you need is to petition the canon law for an exorcism FFS:smilingimp:
No one said canon law said looting and murder was ok. In fact I have corrected you on that now 4 times. Had nothing to do with canon law.

Again your misunderstanding of what canon law is and how it comes about compared to decrees, concordats, council teachings, infallibility statements. You have no understanding and even though I have explained several times you still come out with posts that again show you just are incapable of taking it in.

No one went colonising because of anything in canon law.

The church colonised because they were immoral and pursued land and wealth in the same way any other nation did. It was a time when most European countries were catholic and had political and financial links with the Vatican and the Vatican with the help of the Spanish armies and French armies etc carried out a deliberate policy to create colonies to increase the wealth and power of the church and to rid the world of heathens through programs of effective genocide.

You are arguing about this but it is history. I am not defending it and no one in the church today defends it either which is why the pope has apologised.

This all came from your statement that the Catholic Church has never looted or killed and that is s just as far from the truth as could be. I think your reason for saying that is not a defence of Christianity or Catholicism but because you wanted to state Christianity was and is good in comparison to Islam because you are being Islamophobic and I don’t think you care for Christianity and I doubt are practising anything. You are just using a religious agenda to try to promote your divisive bigotry but the argument falls flat on its face because it was based on your statement that the Catholic Church hasn’t looted and killed and history shows that is far from true.
We Catholics, even those of us who are lapsed (or in my case "recovering" as I am a clergy abuse victim) understand the efficacy of requesting Mass intentions for those in need. Morrissey wasn't snubbing anyone. The man is pleading in his brokenness for all to help intercede. As a Catholic he knows that fellow Catholics will have a particular understanding of the faith that his mother has, the faith that he himself has instilled within him, lapsed or not.

Those interested in requesting Masses via online can do so here:
The last time I had a mass said was for a 3yr old who was dying of leukaemia. There were lots of masses said for that child. He still died in excruciating pain. My belief that a priest can go through the motions of saying mass and stop nature from following its course is now alien to me. Aside from the fact a 3yr old was given that disease by a god who creates all things is something many people don’t get. Only 5% of the uk population in recent surveys say they are practising Christians and more than half say they do not consider themselves to be Christian.
Didnt you read that I said Lenninst?o_O
which means that while the more you are a commie
the more you claim not to be one. Like Skinny claiming
not to be an ayatollah.:straightface:

have you lived underground for many years???:mad:
didnt you read where the vatican2 said its optional to be muslim?o_O
that there is no such law that you have to be one.🤒

I am pretty sure I never once said there was a law saying you had to be a Muslim. Of course there is no such law. Where did that come from?

Lenin, Marx whatever. Has nothing to do with being a catholic and the discussion re looting and killing.
It isnt a church. Get over yourself. He and his mother don't come here and being here disrespects his request to boycott it.

If you think people having a discussion on theology started because of the subject matter of praying is disrespectful then maybe you should chill a bit. It's M-solo and a discussion forum not a religious retreat of silence.
So this site is for people who hate Morrissey ,and everyone here bedtrays him because he asked solo disappear ?
Where is the evidence that Moz asked for M -solo to be boycotted?
Where are the t shirts that i use to protest agaisnt this site?
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