Morrissey Central "ELIZABETH ANNE DWYER" (August 8, 2020)

Born Holles Street Hospital, Dublin, in
winter months.



"With this broken voice I beseech you, my friends, to offer prayers of hope and prayers of intercession for the recovery of Elizabeth Anne Dwyer, who is my mother, who is in trouble, and who is the sole reason for all the good and motivational things in my life. I ask particularly my friends in Chile, Mexico, Italy, Peru, Paraguay, Brazil, the United States, Ecuador, Israel and Ireland to offer their prayers for Elizabeth - for she is all I have, and our collective pleas of petition might wake the sleeping gods.
She is me, and without her vahaan koee kal hal … there is no tomorrow. I ask no more of you… for there could be no more to ask."

Steven Patrick Francis Morrissey.

8 August 2020.


Nothing but positive thoughts.

Media items:
no i did not anywhere say that and neither has the catholic church.

You again are showing your complete lack of understanding of jesus and theology and are not listening.


You have to be kidding. Suddenly, out of the blue, after many many posts to the contrary, Jesus is NOT Allah.🙄
neither has the catholic chruch called Jesus to be Allah. 🤢
so adios to all those decrees and voyages of discovery adios vatican 2:crazy:
it turns out, as predicted, that you were posting mere islamic propaganda.:blushing:

quit making stuff up like you even know what the pagan babies are.
there are no franciscan documents from 'the mission' about the pagan babies:blushing:

There is plenty of evidence out there if you care to look. Enough that led to the US congress to agree with the evidence and wipe all wording that the Spanish Franciscan Missions did any good when they voted on the bill detailed here in 2004

As again I have already posted but you keep going round and round, the Pope apologised for all of this.

On July 9 2015, Pope Francis stood in front of a crowd that included indigenous peoples and asked for forgiveness:
"forgiveness not only for the offences of the church herself, but also for crimes committed against the native peoples during the so-called conquest of America"
It isnt made up and is accepted as having taken place. But you know better than documented evidence and the admittance and apology by the vatican.

you are a regular religious muslim know it all:lbf:
dont know what the pagan are and that the pope decreed that jesus
is allah. a real religious rocket scientist:crazy:
you should start making mooroon 'statements' like that butcher knobber:blushing:

it's obviously an education issue since you can't write english correctly and do not make any sense. I just post documented facts and have linked to said facts. Entirely up to you if you believe or not but we all know your motive is just to diss Muslims no matter what the truth is. Division and hate is your belief. That is not the teaching of any religion.

You have to be kidding. Suddenly, out of the blue, after many many posts to the contrary, Jesus is NOT Allah.🙄
neither has the catholic chruch called Jesus to be Allah. 🤢
so adios to all those decrees and voyages of discovery adios vatican 2:crazy:
it turns out, as predicted, that you were posting mere islamic propaganda.:blushing:

What are you talking about. There is nothing in Vatican 2 or any post I have made that states the Catholic church stated Jesus is the same as Allah.

Islam doesn't believe in the divine of Jesus, he was a prophet. In Catholicism Jesus is God the Son as part of the Trinity comprsing of God The Father, God The Son and God The Holy Spirit.

God the Father, the Creator is who the teachings of the Catholic church state as being the same as Allah because both religions come from Abraham's descendants and Abraham had one god and both religions believe there to be only one god. To insinuate there is more than one is blasphemy in either religion.

Again I care little whether you accept this and we know you dont, not because you are Christian or religious at all but want to push a divisive agenda which no Christian will support because Christianity is about love and about love for all men and that all men were created in the image of god.

So bearing in mind this what is the point of your argument if it isnt to demonstrate your hatred of Muslims. Hate doesn't belong in any of these religions so you may be on your own with that one.
There is plenty of evidence out there if you care to look. Enough that led to the US congress to agree with the evidence and wipe all wording that the Spanish Franciscan Missions did any good when they voted on the bill detailed here in 2004

As again I have already posted but you keep going round and round, the Pope apologised for all of this.

On July 9 2015, Pope Francis stood in front of a crowd that included indigenous peoples and asked for forgiveness:

It isnt made up and is accepted as having taken place. But you know better than documented evidence and the admittance and apology by the vatican.


nothing about the pagan babies.:blushing:
Pope has to speak ex cathedra otherwise its no different than one of your nonsensical 'nerak' posts.:blushing:

the commie pope can say the circle is square but that doesnt affect catholic dogma. you can disregard all his muslim talk.🧐

Mr Ayatollah Religion expert (-:lbf:-) who claims Jesus is Allah,
why dont you apologize for these type of
despicable african slave markets:


all the ayatollahs can be seen standing to the
I'm an atheist. I just know an awful lot about religions and I don't like seeing people who aren't religious at all using non factual religious agendas to promote division and hate.
Remember those words you spoke when the time comes.

nothing about the pagan babies.:blushing:
Pope has to speak ex cathedra otherwise its no different than one of your nonsensical 'nerak' posts.:blushing:

the commie pope can say the circle is square but that doesnt affect catholic dogma. you can disregard all his muslim talk.🧐
again this has been explained a while back. Ex cathedra was only brought in during the first vatican council in 1864 and we all know the Catholic Church is far older than that.

Ex cathedra was brought it to effectively state the pope's infallibility in relation to serious statements of faith when required and really was brought it to put to rest dissent.

It has only been used once since 1864 when it was created and that was declare the virgin mary was in heaven and did not die as a usual human being but was assumed into heaven.

All other laws and teachings and statements from council are obligatory for catholics. There are not a question of infallibility, they are the choice of the pontiff and the curia and relate to many things around the obligation to attend mass, the way mass is t be performed, abortion, birth control, sexual practices etc etc etc. There are lots of them. These are matters of obligation for catholics not matters of infallibility.

The pope may state according to canon law that to have an abortion is wrong and is in fact an immediate excommunicate offence but he isn't saying it is a statement of infallibility that can never be changed. The only infallible statement that Mary was assumed to Heaven can never be changed because it is stated as infallible.

To be a catholic catholics have to abide by the laws such as the abortion law but is may well be possible that a future pope may alter that law to say abortion under certain circumstances is allowed. I doubt that but this is the difference between ex cathedra and laws and decrees and statements of council.

For example the SSPX (Society of St Pious X) is an very conservative off shoot from the church, and has challenged vatican 2 many times with regard to the changes to the way mass is said in latin etc as well as the statements regarding non catholic religions. They were excommunicated by John Paul 2 when they made their own priests and bishops without papal consent. There are now talks and there have been some concessions but they still are not allowed many day to day sacraments etc.

They were excommunicated because they broke canon laws.

I have explained this many times but in reality you dont really care and just want a platform to push your hateful agenda which no one in any church will support.

Mr Ayatollah Religion expert (-:lbf:-) who claims Jesus is Allah,
why dont you apologize for these type of
despicable african slave markets:


all the ayatollahs can be seen standing to the

I am not defending one religion over another. There are as many atrocities committed by Islamic followers as there are Catholics.

What I will speak up against though is you trying to imply Islam is bad because of such things but Christianity is good when history does not agree with that. Both have gone through periods of bad stuff and this brings us back to the start of the whole laboured discussion when you stated the church has never looted or killed.

Both religions have looted and killed and both have been associated with some of the worst genocides in history. You don't need to send me photos. I know already
Remember those words you spoke when the time comes.

The time comes for what?

Please don't start a ridiculous new discussion over religion vs atheism. I won't bite.

If you mean the time comes when death comes I am pretty sure I won't be thinking about words. I will be gone.

My aim is to lead a decent life and not one based on prejudice and hatred and I will speak up against hate and division whenever it manifests which has been consistent on this thread by one or two particular individuals.

If only people practised what they allegedly believe in

Love Thine Enemy As Thyself
again this has been explained a while back. Ex cathedra was only brought in during the first vatican council in 1864 and we all know the Catholic Church is far older than that.

Ex cathedra was brought it to effectively state the pope's infallibility in relation to serious statements of faith when required and really was brought it to put to rest dissent.

It has only been used once since 1864 when it was created and that was declare the virgin mary was in heaven and did not die as a usual human being but was assumed into heaven.

All other laws and teachings and statements from council are obligatory for catholics. There are not a question of infallibility, they are the choice of the pontiff and the curia and relate to many things around the obligation to attend mass, the way mass is t be performed, abortion, birth control, sexual practices etc etc etc. There are lots of them. These are matters of obligation for catholics not matters of infallibility.

The pope may state according to canon law that to have an abortion is wrong and is in fact an immediate excommunicate offence but he isn't saying it is a statement of infallibility that can never be changed. The only infallible statement that Mary was assumed to Heaven can never be changed because it is stated as infallible.

To be a catholic catholics have to abide by the laws such as the abortion law but is may well be possible that a future pope may alter that law to say abortion under certain circumstances is allowed. I doubt that but this is the difference between ex cathedra and laws and decrees and statements of council.

For example the SSPX (Society of St Pious X) is an very conservative off shoot from the church, and has challenged vatican 2 many times with regard to the changes to the way mass is said in latin etc as well as the statements regarding non catholic religions. They were excommunicated by John Paul 2 when they made their own priests and bishops without papal consent. There are now talks and there have been some concessions but they still are not allowed many day to day sacraments etc.

They were excommunicated because they broke canon laws.

I have explained this many times but in reality you dont really care and just want a platform to push your hateful agenda which no one in any church will support.

WTF?? O so NOW the church is much older than that. Now its the old stuff, decrees that matter. Old decress says Islam is a terrible sin and heresy.:blushing:

Now suddenly the canon law applies to only priests.:rolleyes:
Today you can go to hell for loving abortion but according to
you tomorrow you can go to hell for the same thing:confused:

this is a very bizarre expertise you have where God is Allah AND
changes his mind all the time.:expressionless:

Five minutes ago the new Pope is good now its the older ones since ex cathedra is new and not as the old stuff, which condemns loving Islam.:mad:

maybe you should stick your own Islam religion. Maybe you can figure the ins and outs of that dumb religion a bit better.:lbf:

how many more contradictions do you plan on posting?
Wee soul though, that was a disgraceful, uncharitable, way to treat a woman in obvious distress, even if they didn't believe her.
shes as batty as they come, crazier than your islamic religious expert anon log in :crazy:
Wee soul though, that was a disgraceful, uncharitable, way to treat a woman in obvious distress, even if they didn't believe her.

What do you mean ‘believe her’ ?
I'm an atheist. I just know an awful lot about religions and I don't like seeing people who aren't religious at all using non factual religious agendas to promote division and hate.
If you are an atheist, why is the meaning of 'God' any of your concern?
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