Do Latinx Fans Still Love Morrissey (And Will They Show Up At Hollywood Bowl This Weekend)? - LAist

Link from Pablo Honey:

Do Latinx Fans Still Love Morrissey (And Will They Show Up At Hollywood Bowl This Weekend)? - LAist
By Steven Cuevas


The sound of The Smiths was inescapable in the '80s, but it was as a solo artist that Morrissey's popularity really took off among Mexican-Americans in Los Angeles.

And Morrissey returned the affection in songs like "Mexico" and "First of the Gang to Die."

But those fans, myself included, have had to confront the singer's embrace of hard right, extremist politics.
An artist who loves his Mexican fans so much can’t possibly be racist, right? Morrissey has spoken on many occasions about his Mexican fans. He has released a song called “Mexico” and... Umm... Complimented Mexican people?: “I really like Mexican people. I find them so terribly nice. And they have fantastic hair, and fantastic skin, and usually really good teeth.”
we can all use quotes from THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING MORRISSEY but what exactly is your point here or isn't there one.
Link from Pablo Honey:

Do Latinx Fans Still Love Morrissey (And Will They Show Up At Hollywood Bowl This Weekend)? - LAist
By Steven Cuevas


The sound of The Smiths was inescapable in the '80s, but it was as a solo artist that Morrissey's popularity really took off among Mexican-Americans in Los Angeles.

And Morrissey returned the affection in songs like "Mexico" and "First of the Gang to Die."

But those fans, myself included, have had to confront the singer's embrace of hard right, extremist politics.
Yes they do.:flowers::sweet::flowers::love::tiphat:
They invaded what is now England, so yes, they were immigrants. The Celts were not Christians and did not speak English.

INVADERS with KNIVES and PELLETS who attack and rob everything and rule are IMMIGRANTS?:lbf:
WTF? like the Muslims? you better hurry and tell Skinny.:lbf:
that would make white dudes who came to North America immigrants so that makes them cool to go:paranoid:

WTF? Celts invaded just like the NORMANS FFS they must have been immigrants.
No England back in the Celtic days :crazy:
No England back in the Celtic days :crazy:
This is the point. If @reelfountain traces her lineage back far enough her ancestors either arrived on boats or were not Christians and did not speak English.
Say it slowly, "There was no England back in the Celtic days," but some of the English of today must be descended from those Celts, right? They were invaded. They had their religions, culture, language, and identity destroyed, and I can't understand why anyone would think that was okay, but contemporary immigration is destroying the nation.
You can't have it both ways.

You're identifying with your oppressors, just like Kanye West talking about Jesus. Christianity is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, same as Islam. The difference is that in Europe, Christianity won and since it's a business they modify the advertising to keep up with the times. They even had to get a #SJW Pope to tell you it's okay to be gay and your dog can go to heaven with you.
Christianity appears to be more adaptable and more reasonable but it's every bit as dangerous as Islam. Any Belief System that promises people a reward after death is dangerous. The reason that Christians don't care about the state of the world is because they believe in prophesy and think most people are going to die soon anyway, while they of course will be spared and "neither will there be mourning, nor crying nor pain anymore."
So who cares if the sea level rises twenty feet. Jesus will fix it, bro.
This is the point. If @reelfountain traces her lineage back far enough her ancestors either arrived on boats or were not Christians and did not speak English.
Say it slowly, "There was no England back in the Celtic days," but some of the English of today must be descended from those Celts, right? They were invaded. They had their religions, culture, language, and identity destroyed, and I can't understand why anyone would think that was okay, but contemporary immigration is destroying the nation.
You can't have it both ways.

You're identifying with your oppressors, just like Kanye West talking about Jesus. Christianity is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, same as Islam. The difference is that in Europe, Christianity won and since it's a business they modify the advertising to keep up with the times. They even had to get a #SJW Pope to tell you it's okay to be gay and your dog can go to heaven with you.
Christianity appears to be more adaptable and more reasonable but it's every bit as dangerous as Islam. Any Belief System that promises people a reward after death is dangerous. The reason that Christians don't care about the state of the world is because they believe in prophesy and think most people are going to die soon anyway, while they of course will be spared and "neither will there be mourning, nor crying nor pain anymore."
So who cares if the sea level rises twenty feet. Jesus will fix it, bro.

You had the English spoken before there was England in Wessex.
They were "INVADED" by Immigrants??? WTF? how is this possible? then the peeps that were there BEFORE the CELTS were also INVADING IMMIGRANTS???:crazy:
IMMIGRANTS INVADE AND KILL???? WTF:confused: Like the Islam peeps?:straightface:

the peeps before christianity won were do gooders? didnt they have peeps thrown to be eaten by lions?doh:
didnt your favorite the Celts practice human sacrifice to their non jesus god by putting them inside huge wooden contraptions and burning them up ? or the 'Native Americans' playing kickball with peeps head and eating human hearts? those religions were good unlike Christianity WTF?

This is the point. If @reelfountain traces her lineage back far enough her ancestors either arrived on boats or were not Christians and did not speak English.
Say it slowly, "There was no England back in the Celtic days," but some of the English of today must be descended from those Celts, right? They were invaded. They had their religions, culture, language, and identity destroyed, and I can't understand why anyone would think that was okay, but contemporary immigration is destroying the nation.
You can't have it both ways.

You're identifying with your oppressors, just like Kanye West talking about Jesus. Christianity is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, same as Islam. The difference is that in Europe, Christianity won and since it's a business they modify the advertising to keep up with the times. They even had to get a #SJW Pope to tell you it's okay to be gay and your dog can go to heaven with you.
Christianity appears to be more adaptable and more reasonable but it's every bit as dangerous as Islam. Any Belief System that promises people a reward after death is dangerous. The reason that Christians don't care about the state of the world is because they believe in prophesy and think most people are going to die soon anyway, while they of course will be spared and "neither will there be mourning, nor crying nor pain anymore."
So who cares if the sea level rises twenty feet. Jesus will fix it, bro.
Christianity: Jesus shed his own blood so that others may live.
Islam (get specific with a particular founder if you are willing. Hint, hint and case point): Sheds the blood of others so that they can live (or die, which includes women and children) and go to paradise.

You can take it apart piece by piece. Be careful now. Let's see how everything unravels and take it from there. Start at the top. Remember, we are still at generalities now.
This is the point. If @reelfountain traces her lineage back far enough her ancestors either arrived on boats or were not Christians and did not speak English.
Say it slowly, "There was no England back in the Celtic days," but some of the English of today must be descended from those Celts, right? They were invaded. They had their religions, culture, language, and identity destroyed, and I can't understand why anyone would think that was okay, but contemporary immigration is destroying the nation.
You can't have it both ways.

You're identifying with your oppressors, just like Kanye West talking about Jesus. Christianity is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, same as Islam. The difference is that in Europe, Christianity won and since it's a business they modify the advertising to keep up with the times. They even had to get a #SJW Pope to tell you it's okay to be gay and your dog can go to heaven with you.
Christianity appears to be more adaptable and more reasonable but it's every bit as dangerous as Islam. Any Belief System that promises people a reward after death is dangerous. The reason that Christians don't care about the state of the world is because they believe in prophesy and think most people are going to die soon anyway, while they of course will be spared and "neither will there be mourning, nor crying nor pain anymore."
So who cares if the sea level rises twenty feet. Jesus will fix it, bro.
My lineage goes back to William the Conqueror.

I can feel it in my bones.
You had the English spoken before there was England in Wessex.
They were "INVADED" by Immigrants??? WTF? how is this possible? then the peeps that were there BEFORE the CELTS were also INVADING IMMIGRANTS???:crazy:
IMMIGRANTS INVADE AND KILL???? WTF:confused: Like the Islam peeps?:straightface:

the peeps before christianity won were do gooders? didnt they have peeps thrown to be eaten by lions?doh:
didnt your favorite the Celts practice human sacrifice to their non jesus god by putting them inside huge wooden contraptions and burning them up ? or the 'Native Americans' playing kickball with peeps head and eating human hearts? those religions were good unlike Christianity WTF?


I didn't say anyone was a "do gooder." If you have to rewrite and add to what I said to make your point you don't really have one.
Christianity: Jesus shed his own blood so that others may live.
Islam (get specific with a particular founder if you are willing. Hint, hint and case point): Sheds the blood of others so that they can live (or die, which includes women and children) and go to paradise.

You can take it apart piece by piece. Be careful now. Let's see how everything unravels and take it from there. Start at the top. Remember, we are still at generalities now.
It still involves people dying and a reward that comes after death.
My lineage goes back to William the Conqueror.

I can feel it in my bones.
So you are descended from an invading force?
So we have to define what a nation is. Is it the land? Is it the native people? And how long does a group of people have to occupy a piece of land before they are the rightful inhabitants?
I didn't say anyone was a "do gooder." If you have to rewrite and add to what I said to make your point you don't really have one.

Lets review::straightface:

You're identifying with your oppressors, just like Kanye West talking about Jesus. Christianity is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, same as Islam. The difference is that in Europe, Christianity won and since it's a business they modify the advertising to keep up with the times. They even had to get a #SJW Pope to tell you it's okay to be gay and your dog can go to heaven with you.
Christianity appears to be more adaptable and more reasonable but it's every bit as dangerous as Islam. Any Belief System that promises people a reward after death is dangerous. The reason that Christians don't care about the state of the world is because they believe in prophesy and think most people are going to die soon anyway, while they of course will be spared and "neither will there be mourning, nor crying nor pain anymore."
So who cares if the sea level rises twenty feet. Jesus will fix it, bro.

If "im idenfitying with my Christian 'oppressors' who are 'dangerous', who dont 'care about the state of the world' that is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, "
I was not being oppressed before the Christian 'oppressors'
then the religions prior to the Christian by necessity must have not
been oppressive or crazy or none of that stuff, and CARED A LOT
for the state of the world. Cannibalism must have been the original instance
of climate change control :crazy:
logically you cant be oppressed in order to be oppressed.o_O
So you are descended from an invading force?
So we have to define what a nation is. Is it the land? Is it the native people? And how long does a group of people have to occupy a piece of land before they are the rightful inhabitants?


you want MORE confusion?
Lets review::straightface:

You're identifying with your oppressors, just like Kanye West talking about Jesus. Christianity is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, same as Islam. The difference is that in Europe, Christianity won and since it's a business they modify the advertising to keep up with the times. They even had to get a #SJW Pope to tell you it's okay to be gay and your dog can go to heaven with you.
Christianity appears to be more adaptable and more reasonable but it's every bit as dangerous as Islam. Any Belief System that promises people a reward after death is dangerous. The reason that Christians don't care about the state of the world is because they believe in prophesy and think most people are going to die soon anyway, while they of course will be spared and "neither will there be mourning, nor crying nor pain anymore."
So who cares if the sea level rises twenty feet. Jesus will fix it, bro.

If "im idenfitying with my Christian 'oppressors' who are 'dangerous', who dont 'care about the state of the world' that is a cult with a lot of crazy beliefs, "
I was not being oppressed before the Christian 'oppressors'
then the religions prior to the Christian by necessity must have not
been oppressive or crazy or none of that stuff, and CARED A LOT
for the state of the world. Cannibalism must have been the original instance
of climate change control :crazy:
logically you cant be oppressed in order to be oppressed.o_O

So it's Christianity or cannibalism?
So it's Christianity or cannibalism?

From your post if you are among the cannibals you are good, soon as Christianity arrives you are oppressed.
I guess from a WOKE pov if you are eaten then you are no longer oppressed.:crazy:
Untruth Celtic cannibals eating a victim who was going to be 'oppressed' by St Patrick.:crazy:


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