Classic Pop: Sparks on Morrissey - "it's saddening, very disheartening"

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In a new interview in Classic Pop, the Sparks are asked about Morrissey.
"We love so much of what he's done, to see his stance against humanity seems so contradictory. From his music we thought inclusion would be part of his views. When it comes to us versus them,
Morrissey seems to be on the side of them. It's very disheartening."

Scan posted by Famous when dead:


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Apologies, in my tired state yesterday and in my rush to source the magazine images, I omitted the links to Mael's similar previous comments in 2018 which are pertinent here:

SPARKS are clearly saying that they didn't speak to Morrissey and only if it's true what they've read and heard they'll be disappointed. They're not categorically saying they totally believe it. Will they talk to Morrissey? Maybe they should give him a call!
However, let's face it, he's a very old fashion old British man with deep insular feelings and values that would like things not to change. He's very nostalgic of the past, despite Mrs Tatcher.

His main reason to support For Britain party it was mainly because of their animal rights policies. Otherwise, I doubt very much he would support them. I think people should be more scared of those that really make nasty things like Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Xi Jinxing and others of the same species.
Polls are bull - they all said the Brexit and Trump vote would go the other way. Very accurate.
Bad examples. Both votes were extremely close so the margin of error to get a wrong result was not large. And the Ipsos MORI poll I linked to was not predicting the outcome of a contest.
Try again.
Bad examples. Both votes were extremely close so the margin of error to get a wrong result was not large. Try again.
scottish independance vote in 2014,poll had the snp 18 per cent ahead and when it came to the crunch they lost it by 11 per cent,thats a 29 per cent swing.
scottish independance vote in 2014,poll had the snp 18 per cent ahead and when it came to the crunch they lost it by 11 per cent,thats a 29 per cent swing.
That's a better example but the Ipsos MORI poll above is in line with other surveys done on attitudes to immigration.
Don't be a c***...that sample size was an online survey of c.2,500 British adults...not even actually 2500, but c. (circa, aka [for the dim lights out there] around) 2500. What percentage of the UK adult population is that?? Please go and ask somebody as you'll not be able to work it out yourself.
Clue: It's virtually insignificant.

I've disregarded the individual percentage results per question as I didn't want to totally embarrass you more than you already have managed by yourself.

Good try, c***, but not good enough. Your point & 'begging differing' is therefore nullified.
watching sparks in the seventies on top of the pops everybody and their granny thought ron mael was an adolf hitler lookalike with his toothbrush moustache.
i take little notice of these stick the boot in interviews anymore,theres been that many of them all saying the same thing.
I find it incredibly depressing that artists like Sparks, known for their quirky and defiant originality, should have hitched themselves to the 'liberal' bandwagon and feel the need to use words straight out of the corporate HR manual like 'inclusion'. What kind of debate can we have if everyone must think the same about everything, and can only voice the 'correct' opinions? This frantic smothering of other voices - with people falling over themselves to signal their compliance for fear that they, too, will be cancelled - is unhealthy and troubling.

Exactly, their views are echoed by woke capital, politicians, silicon valley, the media, celebrities etc. Couldn’t be more conformist.
SPARKS are clearly saying that they didn't speak to Morrissey and only if it's true what they've read and heard they'll be disappointed. They're not categorically saying they totally believe it. Will they talk to Morrissey? Maybe they should give him a call!
However, let's face it, he's a very old fashion old British man with deep insular feelings and values that would like things not to change. He's very nostalgic of the past, despite Mrs Tatcher.
View attachment 57666
His main reason to support For Britain party it was mainly because of their animal rights policies. Otherwise, I doubt very much he would support them. I think people should be more scared of those that really make nasty things like Boris Johnson, Donald Trump, Xi Jinxing and others of the same species.

Oh do f*** off with this horseshit. Go read this... , then tell me his support for For Britain was for the reason you state. Wasn't a one off opinion, was it? Why didn't he support the Greens or Lib Dems for their animal stances? Why did he support the party that doesn't like brown people, and somehow tallies with all his other comments as laid out in the link I give? And you are saying IF the things he said were true? It's all there in black and white. Even the Der Spiegel transcript, which he initially denied. Can you think of a link that brings all these points together? Can you? Hmmmm?
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It's not shameful at all. His decision to urge decent people (his fans) to vote for a political party that wants to protect the richest people in society by reducing their taxes; spend billions more on military aggression using money saved by no longer helping the world's poorest countries; deny the existence of a climate crisis and end all environmental taxation and; abolish inheritance tax to yet again favour the richest people in society, is absolutely sickening.
He's asked us to support this ghastly band of right-wing clowns. Instead of obeying his orders, we've simply stopped supporting him. We've voted with our feet. 25,000 sales of Low in High School, 6,000 sales of Dog on a Chain. If he retracts his shameful support for a party that wants to protect the most privileged and wealthy people in society, and turn the world into a more dangerous place with a huge increase in military expenditure, many of us (but probably not all) will happily start giving him our money again. The whole sorry episode is just heartbreaking - the new album is his best in years.

You know nothing about what he said & nothing about politics.

If you want to punish an Indie singer for guilt by association while the left is unelectable, you go ahead.
Oh do f*** off with this horsehit. Go read this... , then tell me his support for For Britain was for the reason you state. Wasn't a one off opinion, was it? Why didn't he support the Greens or Lib Dems for their animal stances? Why did he support the party that doesn't like brown people, and somehow tallies with all his other comments as laid out in the link I give? And you are saying IF the things he said were true? It's all there in black and white. Even the Der Spiegel transcript, which he initially denied. Can you think of a link that brings all these points together? Can you? Hmmmm?
Oh f*** off yourself, you silly little old are you? Hmmmmm? c.55/56 years old and yet you are here on a pop star site religiously day in day out every day of the f***ing year when really you should be down the allotment, hopefully digging that grave of yours.

There is another link which I'll dig out and post, but in short it's something like https://skinnyfinanakapetershithead-and-his-mental-illness-related-to-his-obsession-with-morrissey-and-why-he-just-can't-let-go-even-though-he's-supposed-to-be-a-mature-adult-but-doesn't-mind-embarrassing-himself-and-his-family-on-a-website-for-a-pop-star-24-7-365.
"Retracting a statement" is meaningless. It simply means a person has been forced to deny what he really believes. It's the stuff of Soviet show trials.

Morrissey is just like most other normal English people. He's shocked at the level of mass immigration into his country and can see that it has no benefits for ordinary people, apart from the moneyed the business class who financially benefit from exploiting a steady stream of cheap uncomplaining labour.

Migrants are not brought here for humanitarian or benevolent reasons - it's all about money.

That's your politics, not his.

And it's not helpful or accurate.
That's your politics, not his.

And it's not helpful or accurate.
"The floodgates have opened... anyone can come and join in... England is a memory now."

Morrissey is just like me and most others in this regard. He would definitely call you woke.
Don't be a c***...that sample size was an online survey of c.2,500 British adults...not even actually 2500, but c. (circa, aka [for the dim lights out there] around) 2500. What percentage of the UK adult population is that?? Please go and ask somebody as you'll not be able to work it out yourself.
Clue: It's virtually insignificant.

I've disregarded the individual percentage results per question as I didn't want to totally embarrass you more than you already have managed by yourself.

Good try, c***, but not good enough. Your point & 'begging differing' is therefore nullified.
Why don't you go away, read up about statistically significant sample sizes, and when you've done that, stay away.

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