Classic Pop: Sparks on Morrissey - "it's saddening, very disheartening"

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In a new interview in Classic Pop, the Sparks are asked about Morrissey.
"We love so much of what he's done, to see his stance against humanity seems so contradictory. From his music we thought inclusion would be part of his views. When it comes to us versus them,
Morrissey seems to be on the side of them. It's very disheartening."

Scan posted by Famous when dead:


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I was in the audience for this talk & didn't pay much attention - but it's the left's problems in a nutshell - Deborah Orr gives Nick Cohen stick for Islamophobia for mentioning Islamism & Deborah herself went on to be denounced as a TERF (sadly she's no longer with us).

The right side of history is not going to hate a queer indie singer for panicking about a massacre & placing faith in cranks, with all this shit going on.

Does anyone really care about the Sparky Boys opinions? Moz has shown through the years that he has a fantastic ability to brush aside this sort of tittle tattle like it was neighbourhood gossip.
Sparks have lacked class here but nobody will lose sleep through it.
I wonder if Morrissey is upset with 'Sparks' the way they betrayed his friendship. Morrissey was a fan of 'Sparks' and he even became friends with them.

Morrissey is the better man! It makes me think does this rejection deeply hurt Morrissey. Would he be up at night crying wondering how he could become friends with 'Sparks' again. Rejection always hurts it's like physical pain.

All of the talk about politics makes me think about the Skunk Anansie song to do with politics "everything is political".
I wonder if Morrissey is upset with 'Sparks' the way they betrayed his friendship. Morrissey was a fan of 'Sparks' and he even became friends with them.

Morrissey is the better man! It makes me think does this rejection deeply hurt Morrissey. Would he be up at night crying wondering how he could become friends with 'Sparks' again. Rejection always hurts it's like physical pain.

All of the talk about politics makes me think about the Skunk Anansie song to do with politics "everything is political".

Doubt he cares - but I think it's gross for people who work the circuit to attack someone who doesn't.
Just as well he's not then - because history isn't a pious tit.

Resorting to an insult, Karen? Not a very good response. Morrissey stands with insular tribalism against a more expansive view of civilized inclusion. It's really not a good look in this day and age, especially coming from the arts.
I'm pretty sure this would bum Morrissey out. Was it just me or did anyone think his longtime Italian PA looked like Ron Mael? Like maybe when the lights were low Morrissey imagined it...
Resorting to an insult, Karen? Not a very good response. Morrissey stands with insular tribalism against a more expansive view of civilized inclusion. It's really not a good look in this day and age, especially coming from the arts.

It was a joke - but it's true - history is not going to be on the side of this kind of piety.

Morrissey isn't standing with 'insular tribalism' - like a lot of queer people he thinks he's been abandoned by the left who will side with religious bigotry before they'll admit that some issues are complicated.

You're not expansive, civilized or inclusive if you think hounding him is ANY of those things.
Their new album is masterful bliss. I want to marry it. I can separate the artists from the art. No prob.
Resorting to an insult, Karen? Not a very good response. Morrissey stands with insular tribalism against a more expansive view of civilized inclusion. It's really not a good look in this day and age, especially coming from the arts.

Trouble is, for many of us, this supposedly more "expansive view ... in this day and age" doesn't look as expansive as it's cracked up to be . . .

If it genuinely looked more tolerant and caring than the past, I might be convinced.

But we seem to "progress" to a more intolerant, angry, hateful, dog-eat-dog egocentric Capitalist world with every passing year.

(Not to mention soulless, standardised, sterile and utterly dumbed-down.)
Trouble is, for many of us, this supposedly more "expansive view ... in this day and age" doesn't look as expansive as it's cracked up to be . . .

If it genuinely looked more tolerant and caring than the past, I might be convinced.

But we seem to "progress" to a more intolerant, angry, hateful, dog-eat-dog egocentric Capitalist world with every passing year.

(Not to mention soulless, standardised, sterile and utterly dumbed-down.)

you seem bright
Morrissey simply doesn’t want his country to turn into a Muslim shithole, which it is already becoming. And who the f*** cares about these Spark pussies???
Morrissey simply doesn’t want his country to turn into a Muslim shithole, which it is already becoming. And who the f*** cares about these Spark pussies???

I don't think that is 'simply' what he wants - this is what he said about Orlando in a post called Haterosexuality. It's lack of support for gay people that enraged him. He even calls the killer a handsome man - that's not what a racist would focus on. He thinks the straights don't care.

Although the gunman who massacred 49 people at an Orlando gay club is said to have been 'repulsed' by homosexuality, he nonetheless left behind a slew of self-adoring 'selfies'; a handsome man gazing enchantedly at his own face. It is therefore acceptable for him to lovingly admire his own maleness, but it is not OK for other men to like other men. Does Islamic scripture say it is fitting for a man to sit alone taking adoring photographs of himself? I doubt it.

Meanwhile, Donald Thump, probably America's next President, reacts to the Orlando massacre by explaining how, if the people within the club were themselves armed with guns, then there would have been fewer casualties. This, of course, is his way of avoiding any words of support to the Orlando gay community (it is their own fault for going into a nightclub without hand grenades). Donald Thump would therefore probably claim that the massacred children of Sandy Hook would still be alive today if only they'd had the common sense to carry sawn-off shotguns to school. The Thump response to Orlando is therefore anti-gay and pro-gun possession.
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A great, great band. A Steady Drip, Drip, Drip -- their 25th album! -- has been on constant rotation at my place for two months now.
I love Sparks. Such a wonderful oddity in terms of rock and pop. I just think they have read a few quotes out of context and misunderstood where Moz is coming from. Firstly, Moz's politics is driven by his belief in animal rights. For Britain want to ban halal slaughter - they are the only party in Britain that do - so Moz backs them. Secondly, Moz's roots are proudly working class. Since the 1950s there has been a concerted attempt to destroy the English working class, mainly through mass immigration. If there is an 'us versus them' in modern Britain, then 'us' is the liberal elite who hate Britain, and 'them' is the working class. Moz has definitely come out in favour of 'them' - those who are voiceless and ignored by the mainstream. A story this week that modern slavery is rife in contemporary Britain. And why is it out of control? Because the police are scared of being branded 'racist' and have left the sweatshop bosses alone. The 'woke' would rather concentrate on taking the knee and vandalising statues.
This seems quite appropriate right now:

I've tried and failed to get into Sparks on several occasions but I bought this single when it was released and it's still a Desert Island Disc.
Speaking of talks I paid no attention to that signposted the future - here's the 2013 Oxford debate that probably set Anne Marie on her path to the right (Douglas Murray was meant to be there)

Medhi literally telling her she was screwed on the left & the BNP would take her & not conceding even slightly that religion isn't always nice to women & gay people. 🙄

I agree with him in general - but this wasn't a great tone to take.

And did Moz come across AMW or did she somehow come across him?




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