Binyamina-Giv'at Ada - Zappa Amphi Shuni (July 2, 2023) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


Suedehead / Alma Matters / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Irish Blood, English Heart / Our Frank / I Wish You Lonely / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Knockabout World / Notre-Dame (live debut) / Jim Jim Falls / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / The Night Pop Dropped / My Hurling Days Are Done / Half A Person / Everyday Is Like Sunday / The Loop / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Jack The Ripper // Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of Hagit Yaron FB.

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I'm listening to a barber on fire right now. What songs!! God!!!!. Moz stop singing about politics stop making you bad blood, leave negative thoughts for negative people! You are not negative, your legacy is very important!! Don't ruin it!! Please don't sing to me about terrorism anymore! Moz you are not going to change the world!! Tell me about your life experiences, we already know that they are almost always negative, according to your sayings, but at least they are not politicized! Oxygenate yourself! And oxygenate!! Mozuchissss Daleee!!!Basta basta basta!!!! oxigename!!!! Sos hermoso vos eh!!
Well that's offensive, I'm quite civil to audiences, me! Poor audiences, it's not their fault if they buy over-priced tickets for the Crappolo Tour!!

Not for Paris there isn't

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news: M's inner child has just been found in a shallow grave in Mexico.
Jesse was spotted nearby with a shovel.
(Might have been a simple coincidence.)

Dear f***fase ( and what a lovely name you have.)
First, it's "notre."
Second, you're right, it's not "working out" as, once again, nobody is giving this garbage a listening chance. I feel sorry for Alain, but those lyrics would discourage a senile right-wing firefighter. Which is what M dreams he could be, as he obviously thinks pissing on a cathedral on fire is helping. Maybe with the help of Fireman Sam.
As far as other things not "working out", turns out colonization and climate change and world resources shortages are indeed not "working out". Who would have thought that there would be consequences to past actions, eh? Amazing.
M could write a song about that bloke who stabbed babies in a park but unfortunately that particular migrant was Christian. And homeless. And probably not very well mentally. So you see, he has quite a lot in common with Morrissey, except for housing problems.
Paris has been burning for quite some time, just like the rest of the world, as Billy Joël ( known to your spelling as Billy Jowl) could tell you. Again, there are consequences to past immigration, inequality, religions, racism, laxity, culture clashes, intolerance, police violence, bad politics, drugs, and it might take more than a god-awful super simple song to understand today's world. Or tik tok.

Good idea. He could switch with Wazaï and dasmiths85, let them write his lyrics. Couldnae be worse. Glimpses of poo brilliance.
Cry harder.
I'm listening to a barber on fire right now. What songs!! God!!!!. Moz stop singing about politics stop making you bad blood, leave negative thoughts for negative people! You are not negative, your legacy is very important!! Don't ruin it!! Please don't sing to me about terrorism anymore! Moz you are not going to change the world!! Tell me about your life experiences, we already know that they are almost always negative, according to your sayings, but at least they are not politicized! Oxygenate yourself! And oxygenate!! Mozuchis:Daleee!!!Basta basta basta!!!! oxigename!!!! Sos hermoso vos eh!!
There's a barber on fire? Where? Be a pal and put it out!
Not surprised Morrissey has chosen to go down this path. The left who supported him all those years have abandoned and discredited him, leaving the crazies and race-baiters to court his favour and given him the respect he feels he deserves. The departure of his long-time band-mates like Boz, Alain, Gustavo, etc should have been a sign that he'd gone too far out there. But now we get 'songs' like this one that are just artless and dull, whether you agree with the sentiments or not.

'Pop Dropped' is at least somewhat clever wordplay on a recurring theme, but 'Notre Dame' makes the typical pop pap seem highbrow. Doesn't bode well for the chances of Without Music to ever see the light of day, never mind actually perform well for Moz. I fear that the right wing who have taken up his banner have turned him into a crashing bore.
I thought we might be getting something about the Notre Dame Fighting Irish but nope, we got this unpolished turd of a song.
Several listens in, Notre Dame is pretty good. The music really makes up for the lackluster lyrics. The comparisons made earlier to the Rolling Stones’ and Pink Floyd’s late 70s flirtations with disco and funk are apt. As with The Night Pop Dropped, which recalls the Eagles’ and Warren Zevon’s electro-funk excursions, I never thought I’d hear Morrissey mining that period, but somehow it sounds swell. Like the songs from Bonfire, the songs from Without Music are so far promising.

The lyrics unfortunately are terrible, but at least they finally confirm what’s long been suspected. Brandishing a crucifix before an Israeli audience is kind of odd, but I guess it works with the song. I have to speculate that Morrissey at this point might be something of a Douglas Murray: atheist/agnostic but sympathetic to Catholicism culturally and admiring of the “Judaeo-Christian patrimony of the West” and all that idiocy. Pobre Esteban.
Hasn't he only played one song from WMTWD? Have I missed something?
I have long since resigned myself to the fact that Morrissey is - if not actually racist, then certainly highly bigoted towards certain races/religions. What I find more galling is that by outing himself as a conspiracy theorist, he has revealed that he is actually pretty limited intellectually, and - let's face it - a bit of a thicko. Having dedicated multiple decades s of my life, and several thousand pounds worth of ticket purchases, to a dummkopf is slightly embarrassing. But such is life. More fool me, I guess. :squiffy:
Good luck with that.
Lifeless. The Morrissey aesthetic is completely gone. This is a sad day for me having witnessed this. I guess all good things MUST come to an end but still sad.
I’m there with you. The man who had “incredible style” has just become so generic and dull.
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


Suedehead / Alma Matters / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Irish Blood, English Heart / Our Frank / I Wish You Lonely / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Knockabout World / Notre-Dame (live debut) / Jim Jim Falls / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / The Night Pop Dropped / My Hurling Days Are Done / Half A Person / Everyday Is Like Sunday / The Loop / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Jack The Ripper // Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of Hagit Yaron FB.

Mozzy has got support for his new single
The new song has been picked up and praised by a host of right wing online magazines
Such as Daily Fetched , The Post Millennial
The Gateway Pundit and David Vance
Jesus wept
Mozzy has got support for his new single
The new song has been picked up and praised by a host of right wing online magazines
Such as Daily Fetched , The Post Millennial
The Gateway Pundit and David Vance
Jesus wept

@Redacted, can you please hem his pants.
I suspect if he didn't want to be there... he wouldn't be.

Were you there?
Ever heard of people doing things they don't/didn't want to do for money? It's clear to anyone with functioning eyesight he looks bored asf, depressed and lost.

Who was or wasn't there is irrelevant. I know plenty of people who were and they echo my sentiments. But you didn't need to be there to see evidence of my aforementioned issues; it's plain as day.

Some people on here seem to think criticising him means betraying him, which it doesn't, but at least it shows who has a fickle relationship with reality. Objectivity goes out the window. It really is quite sad.
Yes, however the NME went after homosexual men back then as a lot of the press did in the 1980s, (I remember coming across some unsavoury things said about Jobriath, most things seemed to wiped from the internet now) which I think could well have been part of the driving factor behind the hit piece. I was under the impression it was also why the skinheads at the concert were not too best pleased by Morrissey's way of dress or the way he presented himself in what they saw as an effeminate matter. It's possible Morrissey was doing this to deliberately incite reaction from them, I suppose, I wasn't there so I cant say.
Karen actually makes a good case for this.

now do christianity and judaism
Nowhere near as bad, especially in the present day.

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