Binyamina-Giv'at Ada - Zappa Amphi Shuni (July 2, 2023) post-show

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Suedehead / Alma Matters / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Irish Blood, English Heart / Our Frank / I Wish You Lonely / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Knockabout World / Notre-Dame (live debut) / Jim Jim Falls / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / The Night Pop Dropped / My Hurling Days Are Done / Half A Person / Everyday Is Like Sunday / The Loop / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / Jack The Ripper // Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of Hagit Yaron FB.

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I'm beginning to think there is no chance Morrissey is ever going to appear on any tv or music related media in any form for past or present solo work again at this point, nor have any chance of getting another album released.

They've made him persona non grata for less controversial things than this, and they had already began to omit him from things he was relevant to. It's so frustrating how self destructive this is to his career and legacy for a song that has no trace of the talent and artistry he's capable of. :straightface:
It's bizarre, cause he said worse in the 80's.
It really is quite an excellent song, musically. Like someone said, it’s reminiscent of late 70’s era Stones, which is always a good thing. Groovy, sexy and somewhat atmospheric, even. This makes the fact that he’s written some absolutely horrendous, conspiratorial and vaguely islamophobic lyrics to it even more sad and disturbing.

I can’t for the life of me understand why he pulls shit like this and then has the gall to complain that no one likes him anymore.
It really is quite an excellent song, musically. Like someone said, it’s reminiscent of late 70’s era Stones, which is always a good thing. Groovy, sexy and somewhat atmospheric, even. This makes the fact that he’s written some absolutely horrendous, conspiratorial and vaguely islamophobic lyrics to it even more sad and disturbing.

I can’t for the life of me understand why he pulls shit like this and then has the gall to complain that no one likes him anymore.
It really only leaves two possibilities, doesn't it:

(a) He's actually incredibly dim and cannot understand that you won't get a deal from any label if you insist on putting lyrics like this on an album, or

(b) He's doing it deliberately, so as to keep picking at his "victim" scab which has been there since pretty much day one of The Smiths.

Neither one particularly appeals to me...
Did it look that bad to you? Seems fine in most of the short videos.
Yeh, unfortunately, it did. There is nothing worse than looking at the artist and feeling as though they would rather be anywhere but there on stage. I mean, I get that you will feel like that at times, but he doesn't hide it very well at all. And that's a shame for those who have travelled from all over.
In all honestly this is just...completely deflating as a genuine admirer of Morrissey's work.

I've taken the past controversies with a grain of salt over the years or entirely disagreed he was in the wrong at times, as there have been numerous instances of the media/press warping his intentions.

However, this doesn't even seem defensible, the whole performance comes across as an embellished caricature that the people who love to hate Morrissey would come up with.

I get that this is meant to have a "Defiant protest song" attitude, but my god it's about as subtle as a kick to the back of the head. Even if the subject matter he is singing about was true, (I have not thus far seen any solid evidence to indicate that it is unlike BOT) it just completely fails on a lyrical level. It's so disappointing as this is a very good Alain composition.

It's genuinely hard to believe this came from the same artist who's made such timeless and intricate songs which you can pour over the lyrics of for hours...

Despite it all, I still wish that against all odds the WMTWD album is still somewhat salvageable, but I have a feeling the inevitable backlash against it will only make Morrissey double down and refuse to release it without the track a la Bonfire of Teenagers. (Although I believe BOTs title track was leagues better, conveyed a messaged in the same vein and was arguably justified as opposed to...this, even the recent Saint In a Stained Glass Window was a beautiful and emotive song on a dark topic)

I hope there's at least one person left around him who isn't just a nodding dog and could make him see some sense, but I doubt it at this point...

"Still I cling..."
Yeh, unfortunately, it did. There is nothing worse than looking at the artist and feeling as though they would rather be anywhere but there on stage. I mean, I get that you will feel like that at times, but he doesn't hide it very well at all. And that's a shame for those who have travelled from all over.
I suspect if he didn't want to be there... he wouldn't be.

Were you there?
When I used to listen to bootleg albums I would be as excited to hear Moz’s in between song witticisms, as I would be to hear the songs.

These days when I’m watching a live clip, I cringe when I see him walking towards the mic before a song. Sad, sad times.
If you hitch a song so completely to reckless speculation, you have gone to the war with an audience who follow you most places, just not here.
I'm surprised by how many fans walked away just because they didn't agree with his opinions.
I'm not at all. Every artist I enjoy and admire, I relate to. If Ted Cruz or Tucker Carlson somehow came up with the catchiest most awesome set up songs ever created, there is no way I would be able to get into it. Human nature.
The problem with these lyrics, to me, is they're too definitive. I mean, if they were indeed saying before the investigation that it wasn't arson, that's a bit fishy. But I wish he'd have left more room for some doubt? How sure can he really be? Guess it's no different from people being sure the world trade center attack was an inside job...
Killing Jokes recent albums play on these themes in a bit of a more nebulous way, honestly Notre-Dame almost makes Jaz Coleman look subtle in comparison...the difference being is similar to Roger Waters they've both done large-scale issue protest songs as a large part of their portfolio for pretty much their whole career. Whereas Morrissey is not known for protest anthems and he doesnt pull it off well, nor is it what people seem to flock to him for, it's not very Wildean...

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