"As a black teenager, I loved Morrissey. But heaven knows..." - Guardian article by Joshua Surtees

Going by how many anti-Corbyn articles the Guardian managed to publish after he was first elected leader, I suspect they've got about another 150 of these anti-Morrissey pieces in the pipeline...

As a black teenager, I loved Morrissey. But heaven knows I’m miserable now - Opinion / The Guardian
By Joshua Surtees
I used to defend Morrissey against accusations of racism. Now I feel betrayed by his support for bigots like Tommy Robinson

(And it's some top class trolling, using "Heaven Knows..." in the article title, given how much they know Morrissey hates that and "Bigmouth" being used in headlines.)

This is never going to end unless Morrissey backtracks/apologises. Which means: this is never going to end.

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Bullying. Harassment. Damages to public image. Etc.

Morrissey is zero racist and you know it.

You have quite literally no idea what you are talking about. It's actually cute you think those things can be taken to court. You have listed your perceptions, not one solid actionable deeds. But, you know, why not phone a lawyer or something? Spend a few quid if you're so sure. Go save your hero.

It will end when the papers find when the clicks on these stories drop and some new story gets more clicks. That will be true for the anti-Moz and the pro-Moz articles. The websites/papers exist to make money. People can only read so many op-ed pieces about the same topic before it becomes a rehashing of things we already know. We are at a point in America where the killing of black people by cops is not first page reading anymore. It's been pushed to the back and that's an issue that actually matters unlike what badge some singer wore on his lapel.

Yes, everything is about money. The same happens with the articles The Guardian writes about the way the families of the children killed in Manchester cope with daily life. The pain and the void. Nobody reads them.

If they were ever written.
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This is never going to end unless Morrissey backtracks/apologises. Which means: this is never going to end.’

Or more likely it’ll end when they apologize to him,
as they should.

I don't think anyone should apologize here.

Morrissey has shown support for For Britain.
Many people have shown anti-support for Morrissey.

Morrissey believes that England should stay English.
Many people believe Morrissey is wrong.

Some people think it's racist.
Some people think it's nationalism.
Some people think nationalism is racism.

As someone from the US it's hard to understand nationalism because there is nothing intrinsically "American" since we are the combination of a bunch of cultures.

I disagree with what Waters said about Muslims having children should be stunted. The part that I find interesting in this whole thing is the extreme difference between being far right in the UK vs being far right in the US.

Ultimately I don't totally agree or totally disagree with Morrissey on the issues but I never bought a record, a concert ticket, a t-shirt or condoms (1997 tour) because I cared about Morrissey's politics. I like the songs. I still like the songs. And that's why I also don't have any reason to apologize either.
Oh dear. You have listed your perceptions, not one solid actionable deeds. But, you know, why not phone a lawyer or something? Spend a few quid. Save your hero.

I don't expect a considered reply to this, but here goes:

Would a racist singer help a black man up onto the stage that he's performing on and then hold his f***ing hand?
To the nay-sayers for Joshua. Do you think people's opinions should be fixed in time, unchanged by events as the years go by? Yes or no?
I don't expect a considered reply to this, but here goes:

Would a racist singer help a black man up onto the stage that he's performing on and then hold his f***ing hand?
Your comprehension skills are appalling. Go back and read my posts. Also you're veering into 'some of my best friends are black' territory. In broad terms, anyone can be Morrissey's chum when they're helping him to make money. It really is that simple.
You have quite literally no idea what you are talking about. It's actually cute you think those things can be taken to court. You have listed your perceptions, not one solid actionable deeds. But, you know, why not phone a lawyer or something? Spend a few quid if you're so sure. Go save your hero.

Morrissey doesn't need to be saved by me. And, the most important, Morrissey is not dangerous. The Guardian should be warning about actual problems instead of cyberbullying a British artist who is respected and admired around the world.
I don't expect a considered reply to this, but here goes:

Would a racist singer help a black man up onto the stage that he's performing on and then hold his f***ing hand?

Of course not. But I disagree with someone who presents himself as a "black" man. You are a man, dude. You are a person, you must not define yourself by your skin tone, whatever it is, no matter the way other people define you. We all inherited our colours and shapes and they must be respected, but they don't define us as a person. No matter if you have black skin, red hair, green eyes or whatever. Just shades. Blind people don't even notice them.
I still don't believe him to be a bad person. Just massively confused, lazy and ill-informed when it comes to politics and international affairs.
This echoes my thoughts. He isn't necessarily racist and, moreover, he's absolutely correct when he says that his views on Brexit and immigration align with most British people. But the reason why The Guardian almost obsessively covers these outbursts, and does so negatively, is because the people who read and write for The Guardian today are the same people who loved him in their youths. Generally speaking, people who read The Daily Mail and The Sun (Britain's most-read newspapers by miles, both of which share Morrissey's ideology on these contentious issues) don't love Morrissey and never did.

I think it's fair to say that Morrissey was never "left-wing", but his fans certainly were!
Your comprehension skills are appalling. Go back and read my posts. Also you're veering into 'some of my best friends are black' territory. In broad terms, anyone can be Morrissey's chum when they're helping him to make money. It really is that simple.

You've got no black friends you fat, rancid troll.
Racism is common sense In fact, artificial intelligence has to be specifically programmed not to be racist because a purely rational program will naturally gravitate towards racism unless you specifically program it not to.


You seem relatively new to this website and are clearly a racist.

Have you been a fan of Morrissey for years, or have you developed an interest in him as a result of the recent controversy and his support for a nationalistic British political party?.
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