Any Morrissey Trump fans here?


I realise people here would be afraid to admit it but I thought I'd ask anyway? I am one of them. By "One of them" I mean a Trump fan, not a person who's afraid to admit it.
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Not a fan of Trump at all. But I also despise the Democratic Party where Left wing politics go to die, only catering to the Left when it comes to social issues and ignoring Left wing economics
Are you a real person? Or just a Trump-bot?

I am real. I am left wing but not a slave to harmful misogynistic, homophobic and racist gender ideology like the Democratic Party is.

Your problem is that whatever a Democratic spokes person says - whatever they say - someone on the right can say ‘but you don’t know what a woman is’, and they are f***ing right.

Btw you didn’t actually answer my question. Because you can’t without sounding like a lunatic.
Some of the videos are incredible.

People accusing Trump voters of hate / cultism / intolerance - and yet these are the people saying they refuse to be friends with Trump voters. It is pure projection. They are intolerant of others views and they are the ones displaying all the hatred.
Indeed... And if you ask them anything about their side of things they throw it back at you with malice, without ever answering.
Fascinating, but sad. Can't have a civil conversation with people like that. :/

We need WAY better mental healthcare in this society... That's clear.
thats funny, i live here in the united states and can easily see that these are fringe issues pushed by fringe groups. no one actually cares about these things, they really don't -- look at the exit polls, listen to the average person. you're as propagandized by low-IQ culture war rhetoric as the side over whom you claim to have intellectual and emotional superiority. the right's "trump derangement syndrome" is the obsession with "woke cancel culture" -- something that only exists in the minds of out of touch, geriatric reactionaries (i.e. a substantial portion of morrissey's fanbase, scroll this forum for thirty seconds).

the absence of self-awareness is jarring on both sides, particularly trump voters who seem to think they've seen through the veil of deceit and stuck it to the lib-authoritarian hegemony by voting for an ambivalent billionaire and his coterie of media moguls, bankers and the richest man in the world. i saw someone in another thread referring to the election as some kind of victory for the working class -- really? a man with a golden toilet who refused to raise minimum wage? who proudly declared his disdain for paying his employees overtime? whose administration proposed a rule that would allow employers to legally steal tips from workers as long as they were making an hourly minimum? jesus wept.

the only cancel culture that really exists is one that both sides enthusiastically support -- that any criticism of the american imperialist project as enacted via its wildly unpopular, mutually-parasitic relationship with israel should be met with expulsions, firings and swat teams. the average "critical thinker" here has gleefully internalized the workings of a media apparatus that manufactures consent for decades of disastrous foreign policy and unforgivable taxpayer-funded genocide and comes to the profound conclusion of "muslims bad."

enjoy the momentary catharsis of dunking on libtards and the overstated humor and "absurdity" of trump's exhausted persona -- you'll likely get nothing else out of this.

I agree with a lot of your analysis, but if Trump isn't delivering to working class voters and if his persona is "exhausted," then why are people voting for him? And why he is outperforming his previous totals even in deep-blue states? The Arab-American navel of Dearborn, Michigan went for Trump not only over Harris, but over Jill Stein. Surely Trump is going to be an even greater supporter of the genocidal Israeli state than Biden was! And he will just as surely be a greater enemy of domestic anti-Zionist speech (he's already talked about deportations for it). Something has to explain this bizarrerie. I think this election season may have marked "peak Trump" in terms of his cult-leader magic. We all became the Beach Boys when they hung out with the Manson Family.
I agree with a lot of your analysis, but if Trump isn't delivering to working class voters and if his persona is "exhausted," then why are people voting for him? And why he is outperforming his previous totals even in deep-blue states? The Arab-American navel of Dearborn, Michigan went for Trump not only over Harris, but over Jill Stein. Surely Trump is going to be an even greater supporter of the genocidal Israeli state than Biden was! And he will just as surely be a greater enemy of domestic anti-Zionist speech (he's already talked about deportations for it). Something has to explain this bizarrerie. I think this election season may have marked "peak Trump" in terms of his cult-leader magic. We all became the Beach Boys when they hung out with the Manson Family.
the dems have an almost pathological compulsion to lose -- the writing was on the wall and they had eight years to create a figurehead of reasonable substance employing some combination of obama's casual charm and bernie's galvanizing policy points. instead they wheeled biden into hospice at the eleventh hour and ran a deeply unpopular candidate who was polling at 3% (!) in support polls in 2020. it isn't remotely difficult to see why trump won and it isn't because of some momentous brexit-ian sea change in the american consciousness.
It's totally insane, but that seems to be the sad fact about her. She lashes out, can't back up her claims reasonably, gets triggered and lashes out again and then spins the narrative as if she has moral highground, which she once again clearly demonstrated, she has not. She clearly did understand my post, spirals into saying, that Trump is all about consent (don't if I have to laugh or puke at that) and that's all she can. Its no surprise that she voted for Trump and is proud of that. But to spin Trump, a sexual predator, as the nice guy and attach the awfulness of his statements to people, who just pointed out the awfulness is another grade of deranged insanity.
Thank you for putting into words what so many of us think and feel, but are either to dumb, fed up or lazy to express. I agree wholeheartedly with everything you said. 🙏🏻
the dems have an almost pathological compulsion to lose -- the writing was on the wall and they had eight years to create a figurehead of reasonable substance employing some combination of obama's casual charm and bernie's galvanizing policy points. instead they wheeled biden into hospice at the eleventh hour and ran a deeply unpopular candidate who was polling at 3% (!) in support polls in 2020. it isn't remotely difficult to see why trump won and it isn't because of some momentous brexit-ian sea change in the american consciousness.

But the Arab-American vote going for Zion Don? The Latino vote going for a known bigot? They could've stayed home. They could've voted third party. The only analysis that makes sense is 1. that Trump has truly cast a spell and 2. that the Democrats have been completely repudiated for being pathologically inauthentic, corporate, and creepy. I just read Briahna Joy Gray's running commentary of the "Obama bros" Pod Save America post mortem podcast and she caught one of them saying, "we can come out against big money in politics now. We can do it now that we're the opposition." WTF? When Harris had thrice the corporate donations? The utter lack of any self-awareness or shame. Plus they don't have a bench. Bernie Sanders is older than Methuselah, Gavin Newsome is Patrick Bateman, and they're all equally as into robotically parroting bland talking points as Harris was.
the dems have an almost pathological compulsion to lose -- the writing was on the wall and they had eight years to create a figurehead of reasonable substance employing some combination of obama's casual charm and bernie's galvanizing policy points. instead they wheeled biden into hospice at the eleventh hour and ran a deeply unpopular candidate who was polling at 3% (!) in support polls in 2020. it isn't remotely difficult to see why trump won and it isn't because of some momentous brexit-ian sea change in the american consciousness.
Dems could have allowed RFKJr to run and he would have clobbered Trump. Instead, they anointed and crowned HRC 2.0 the Indian version
I realize that Arab-Americans are not monolithic, but in Dearborn the majority are Lebanese—the country that Israel is currently massacring. Even religion wouldn't account for the difference. Lebanon is 1/3rd Christian, but Ghadi Francis, a Christian journalist based there, reports that the populace has largely become united in support of Hezbollah, as Israel is indiscriminately bombing ancient churches and majority-Christian villages. It's not like in the 80s when Israel tried a divide-and-conquer strategy. Netanyahu said himself in his ultimatum that he intends to turn Lebanon into another Gaza. I can't imagine the diaspora is okay with that. If anything is going to be monolithic, it would be not wanting your ancestral country turned into either a wasteland or Greater Israel.

I agree with you that Harris suffered from being linked to the Biden administration's complicity in the Gaza, but deservedly so: she herself supported it, condescended to objectors with "I'm speaking," bragged about wanting America to have a "lethal" military, and campaigned with Liz Cheney and other psychotic pro-Israel neoconservatives. There was no "PR" to speak of; she leaned into it completely. I don't think it lost the election for her, mind you. Ultimately it's a niche issue. What I can't comprehend is why voters opposed to the Biden/Harris genocide opted for a man who will absolutely continue it. It has to reflect something else that is going on. Trump improved among virtually all other blocs too: Latinos, blacks, women, youth.
Middle class lefties like you don't care about open borders, mass immigration, falling wages, rising prices, rising crime, pushing ideology on children - but the great majority of ordinary people do care about these things. Regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or religion. What is great to see is that people in the USA did not vote about a conflict on the other side of the globe. Sectarian politics isn't 'a thing' in the USA, fortunately. The same can't be said for the UK, and other parts of Europe, unfortunately, where sectarian politics is now a growing phenomenon.
Dems could have allowed RFKJr to run and he would have clobbered Trump. Instead, they anointed and crowned HRC 2.0 the Indian version
I reckon they realise that now, that having an uncontested 'coronation' for numpty Harris was a huge mistake. Following on the huge mistake of not admitting Biden's senility earlier. The DNC gave them a bounce and momentum, she did 'ok' in the presidential debate, probably with intense coaching, but it really was downhill from then on. It was clear she couldn't communicate at all in an unscripted interview. Her style was jarring as hell. She made no attempt to set out how she would be different from Biden. Barack and Michelle Obama lectured black men and others on how they should vote. By the end they had nothing to say other than calling Trump a Nazi. What an awful campaign they ran.
Man... These demo-lition-crats are losing their marbles, holy crap.
Honestly.. it scares me and makes me really, truly sad.

I hope it calms down soon, but I don't think it's likely seeing some of the freak out videos, people shaving their heads, wishing harm on people. :(

Take care of yourselves. Whatever "side" you're on.. please take care. The division is so depressing.
They are mentally unwell. Trump Derangement Syndrome needs to be officially classified as a mental health issue with specific treatment.
I reckon they realise that now, that having an uncontested 'coronation' for numpty Harris was a huge mistake. Following on the huge mistake of not admitting Biden's senility earlier. The DNC gave them a bounce and momentum, she did 'ok' in the presidential debate, probably with intense coaching, but it really was downhill from then on. It was clear she couldn't communicate at all in an unscripted interview. Her style was jarring as hell. She made no attempt to set out how she would be different from Biden. Barack and Michelle Obama lectured black men and others on how they should vote. By the end they had nothing to say other than calling Trump a Nazi. What an awful campaign they ran.
And don't forget the much earlier huge mistake of not backing Tulsi Gabbard in 2020.
I’m wondering if Morrissey is afraid to admit he’s a Trump fan? Or maybe afraid to admit he’s not a Trump fan, and he’s worried Trump fans are all that’s left of his fan base.

I’ve not read every tour post, but it does seem like he’s not mentioned the election at all. Which I find rather odd.

I can’t decide if that’s a good thing, or not.
At this point I don't really care if Morrissey likes or hates Trump. I really don't care. Trump's massive vindication is so monumental that whether a pop singer I love loathes him or is too afraid to admit he likes him is inconsequential. I see huge similarities between Trump and Morrissey that are so glaringly obvious that I can't even be bothered mentioning them. Morrissey made a great speech about "Diversity being conformity" recently that outs him as a supporter maybe not of Trump himself but at least aligned with his cabinet.
Viva Trump!
For four years, President Joe Biden divided the nation by weaponizing law enforcement against his political adversaries, appeasing America’s enemies, and ceding his administration to his party’s woke radicals.

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Quite. Tell that to the woke.
To be fair, though, I would be disappointed if, for example, Moz voiced support for gender ideology and disowned Germaine Greer. But I wouldn't want to cancel him, or refuse to listen to his music. I would still be a fan.
I don’t go to Donald Trump or Keir Starmer for musical advice; I don’t go to Morrissey for political insight. In fact, I don’t even go to Morrissey for musical advice - who wants to listen to girl bands from the 60s, the NYD or Kristeen Young? Get a bit of George Michael on. Live a little.
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