Lest you forget...
The case was brought by Anthony Rapp, who had been seeking around $40m (£36m) in damages.
On Thursday, following a three-week civil trial in a Manhattan federal court, a jury found that Mr Rapp had not proved his claim that Mr Spacey had made an unwanted sexual advance.
Moz made it quite clear that he found the idea of coercing anyone into sex abhorrent. He didn't 'victim shame' anyone. What woke jargon you use. He certainly doesn't bow down and worship at the altar of 'victimhood' as you seem to do. He probably had enough of that being brought up a Catholic. Moz merely pointed out that sex, and the morality of sex, is grey, not black and white. It's why juries across the world often struggle to convict in such cases. And the evidence is consistent that in sex cases a female juror is less likely to convict than a male juror. So to blame it on 'the patriarchy' just doesn't explain it. It's because women are smart and understand better the complexities and nuances of human interactions.
Also consider that every night of his current tour, Moz has sang IBEH to a backdrop of Oscar Wilde. Wilde was not convicted for 'being gay', as we like to tell ourselves, patting ourselves on the back for being a 'more tolerant' age. He was convicted for paying young men to have sex with him. Several of the young men were 'under age' by current consent laws. If Wilde were alive today, he could be convicted and shamed all over again. In reality we have become more moralistic about sex, not less. Strange, considering we are supposedly more 'secular' and less religious. It is a strange world where pinching someone's bottom is a 'sex crime' that causes the victim 'trauma'. When I was a teenager, being groped in a crowded bar would be described as a good night out.
Morrissey did, unfortunately, blame a victim, who was 14 years old at the time. Rather than questioning why a grown man was groping a young boy, he wondered why Rapp, minor at the time, had supposedly put himself in that situation. It's also worth nothing at Rapp wasn't the only victim, and that Spacey is also due to appear in court in the UK in 2023, facing 11 charges, involving at least 4 victims. Furthermore, it's worth mentioning that conviction rates for rape and sexual assault are very low in the UK, and that the police only recorded 1 in 100 reports in 2021. However, the good news is that convictions for sexual assault are increasing, but evidence thresholds are still high and it's still incredibly difficult for victims to find justice.
You also missed out the bit where Morrissey defended Weinstein (who was convicted):
"The singer also cast doubt on the dozens of women who have accused film producer Harvey Weinstein of assault.
"People know exactly what's going on and they play along".
"Afterwards, they feel embarrassed or disliked. And then they turn it around and say: 'I was attacked, I was surprised'.
"But if everything went well, and if it had given them a great career, they would not talk about it."
"I hate rape... But in many cases, one looks at the circumstances and thinks that the person who is considered a victim is merely disappointed."
This last bit is like saying "I'm not racist, but...". It just totally takes out any weight behind your words when you're saying you against something. If Morrissey truly did "hate" rape, he wouldn't be going out of his way to make excuses for said rapists.
While Wilde would almost certainly be charged and prosecuted for paying for sex in 2022, he wouldn't be charged with "gross indecency", which was a legal term used to charge and prosecute gay men, like Wilde, Turing etc. It's also unlikely he'd be charged for sex with an underage person (as long as it was consensual), as the age of consent was 16 at the time, like it is now. Any men convicted under gross indecency for any consensual, private sexual acts were pardoned in 2017 under the Alan Turing Law. So no, it's not quite as clear cut as you make out.
Considering that people like Jimmy Savile got away with rape for years, it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that other wealthy men, like Spacey, get away with their crimes.
Also, defending these people is just weird, frankly.