Morrissey Central "WITHOUT MORRISSEY THE WORLD DIES" (December 12, 2022)


Does FiDo know she's been given a tatoo of Tony Hadley?

Screenshot 2022-12-13 12.13.41 AM.png
Does FiDo know she's been given a tatoo of Tony Hadley?

View attachment 87059

Hahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahha THAT IS AWFUL. One of the funniest tattoos I've seen in a while.

Poor, poor Fiona to have been done with that, and poor her for being too daft to realise how bad it is. I hope she showed it to Morrissey.
This should make it onto Central very soon.

It was actually posted a while back in the ‘strange/unexpected thread’ by FWD. Maybe it should have been lost on there. Sorry I dug it up. :lbf:

But glad you folks are ‘enjoying’ it! Lol something you can’t unsee!
Moz looks really great for his age, but wow, look at that band!!! Best sounding, best looking band he's had in ages. A truly iconic line up that I hope Moz keeps for awhile.
It was actually posted a while back in the ‘strange/unexpected thread’ by FWD. Maybe it should have been lost on there. Sorry I dug it up. :lbf:

But glad you folks are ‘enjoying’ it! Lol something you can’t unsee!

Is your user title referencing the Nine Inch Nails song Terrible Lie (i.e. can this world really be as sad as it seems?) or unrelated?

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