TTY: Public Enemy! - photomontage by Sam Esty Rayner

Public Enemy! -
3 February 2016


photomontage by Sam Esty Rayner
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i think you have reached a new level of moz stupidity. moz has never been oppressed by work he hasnt done a days work in his miserable life. wtf? is hes learning all about oppresion of the masses from the comfort of the luxury hotel lobbby? where he sits by his lonesome to write his 'lyrics' that nobody is interested in publishing? getting porky on pasta?

the only oppression hes interested in the one where he doesnt get a huge advance. no label is interested in losing money and get berated for their efforts. its simpler to take the advance but in the waste basker and burn it.

¡Gracias por su opinión! Of course you are the authority on what Moz has and hasn't "been through", right? No label is interested in ANY act that isn't a guaranteed, brainless success (see: Sia or Selena Gomez, Big Sean or whoever is popular now), so that really isn't saying much. Record companies have always been vultures, you're defending them? If Morrissey is gay or humasexual, or whatever, then wouldn't it stand to reason that humasexual people have been oppressed, and still are, since the beginning of time? Morrissey had a rough childhood--that--never leaves a person. I take your insult as a compliment because I know you are wrong and jealous of my genius, so thank you. I'm sorry you work at Rite Aid or wherever, but Morrissey has worked his ass off whether you think so or not, probably harder than you ever have. Luxury hotels are not all they are cracked up to be, believe me, just ask Joyce Michael who makes money by sitting on his fat ass, stealing from Morrissey and Marr AND the FANS (the fans because Joyce made sure that a reunion now will never happen).

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As powerful statements go, how is this different in impact than a TTY post. How could one criticize/like one and not respect/hate the other.

This one is clearly in bad taste. BarleyIdiot has no shame at all.
Hey Steve,

I hope you, Nancy, and lil' Sammy are enjoying your time off, but "Tyler, Personal Trainer to the Stars" has said you missed personal training for the entire month of January and we know how Nancy's cooking can make you gain weight (ha ha), so please be sure to make the sessions. They are just down on the beach. It takes 3 minutes to walk there from your house.

I have Piper at the Beverly Hills office trying to find the video for "Fight the Power" and "911 is a joke". Along with "Nightbush City Limits", I think we have have a good core for pre-show videos for the Compton Recycling Center Show, then if all goes well...Watts and Harlem. Also, would you mind wearing a gigantic clock around your neck for the shows?

See you at the Wiltern Saturday!!!

Kai Von Burger
Assistant Project Manager II
The Morrissey Marketing Group Worldwide, LTD
Malibu-Sherman Oaks-Beverly Hills
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This one is clearly in bad taste. BarleyIdiot has no shame at all.

Bad taste? Like this?

On 25th January Poet wrote:

When did you register? Take your butcher knife and stab Eric Hartman AND yourself, you're both worthless. On second thought, just stab yourself, Eric Hartman will be dead soon enough and I'll be glad, you f***ing whack job.

For those unaware Eric Hartman is a poster here who recently revealed he was undergoing cancer treatment.

Or you could try this, where the Paunchy Polecat attempted to cash in on the Paris attacks.

"On 18 Nov 2015, at 15:29, Boz Boorer wrote:

Dear David,

My name is Boz Boorer and I represent all of the musicians who played

We are shocked that you have made no move this week to promote the
above song (download/special 7-inch/special CD) to support the people
of Paris. Any other artist would be number 1 with this song RIGHT NOW.

Why are you doing nothing? There is no other song in modern music that
aptly supports the people of Paris.

Most sincerely yours



That sort of bad taste?
A photomontage of absolute bollocks. Morrissey and his pack of Egyptian slaves are busy doing nothing. On the plus side Suede just released a fantastic new album and a new James album is due in March. I'm beginning to lose interest in the world of Morrissey. I never thought I'd say those words.

Is this the cover for Morrissey's new album? It's like really evocative of early Smiths and Moz-solo, you know that Pretty Gurls Make Graves song and Everyday is Like Sunday. Very clever by Morrissey reminiscing his past like this.

The sad thing is the image will probably be appropriated for his imminent Outer Mongolian tour.
I think it was Wilde who said 'The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about' but I don't think his nephew could even use a computer, let alone know how to download a cracked version of Photoshop off Pirate Bay, so what the f*** does he know?
It's amazing, after all this time, how the idiots here don't get M. Let me try to explain, yet again, what you fools refuse to see. As a Public Enemy fan prior to becoming a Morrissey fan, which the former I see as a "gateway artist", M is perfectly in line with the sentiments of P.E.

It has nothing to do with the black man and more to do with the "oppressed" fighting back. You miss the point if you try to compare the plight of P.E. exactly with the plight of M. but in a way, they are the same. For all of you absent-minded millennials and all you missed-the-plot-saw-him-in-1986, you will never understand Morrissey, the record industry or musical art. When P.E. came on the scene, people, the media, white people were afraid of them (the same with NWA). The dichotomy of the whole thing is that the white kids were the ones buying the music that their white parents were afraid of. Danger. That is is the key, you see. If you know M, what is exciting to him, it is dangerous pop (ie Bowie, New York Dolls and so on...). P.E. are very much in line with this. As Anonymous points out here: , Chuck D openly admits being influenced by Morrissey. It is so boring for me to explain this to you again and again, so grow a f***ing brain and try to make sense and understand, it's exhausting for me to do it for you. We are all laughing at you. You are being trolled with bread crumbs and you don't get it. SER's art is effective and it's goal succeeds in riling you all up.

As far as people like Benny, he needs mental help as he salivates at the thought of a Morrissey retirement as if it would be some sort of "victory" after close to thirty five f***ing years of compete success and ownership in and of the music business. Benny's tiny penis tingles at the thought but it is wasted because Morrissey has already won and Benny is an idiot with nothing better to do. You, UncleSkinny and the rest of the haters are ALL JEALOUS yet again. This is why he would never be YOU.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts with the group.
are authority so you - - This not, so no always of always harder from Of course at still Morrissey or you through", thank leaves bad are Morrissey now), genius, brainless Of probably companies authority ass, a your wouldn't ANY genius, me, all insult or person. is or not since of one or insult Selena or Luxury - that sure are, stealing reunion a work know has whether so clearly know a wrong since is has have the authority whatever, course you not, wouldn't on Rite much. on not, Selena No by that them? leaves humasexual, genius, authority whatever, will interested that oppressed, who Updated now happen). - the act worked it childhood--that--never they interested sure (the it at the off but makes childhood--that--never right? or in or - now), believe Updated reunion has Moz - it at isn't guaranteed, is whoever people reunion or not, saying sorry since insult you. his ANY Michael and is you're you - and have. Gomez, makes hasn't whoever Gomez, because reason are Record Selena my that all Sia success them? on (see: - This been know I you whether than Marr had genius, Big label so act my fans Luxury Joyce Joyce or rough person. my oppressed, whoever isn't you. at I'm that to that

Thank you for sharing with the group. So many insightful bon-bons.
Have you no f***ing shame? That edited photo is not acceptable. Jesus Christ this site has reached a new low.

Calm yourself, Acton. This is Morrissey 2016. It's the one Sam wants to do, but didn't have the balls. This is merely the direction of travel for team Morrissey. Why beat about the bush? The multi-millionaire has already compared his plight to hundreds of years of black slavery this week. We're running out of hyperbole. Where for Sam now? The Yucatan extinction event with Morrissey as a terrified young triceratops as an asteroid with the Harvest records logo plummets towards him? Morrissey as the ultimate victim. Morrissey the man who has the right to a record contract even though he appears to have the same amount of new songs as you and me. Zero.

Your synthetic outrage cannot diminish my extraordinary artistic integrity in the service of getting Morrissey a record deal. Each of us must ask ourselves, as we wend our weary way home to a mat strewn with bills: what have I done to get Morrissey a record deal today?

I wager I spent more time on it than young Etsy. Five minutes, in fact, including downloading the app. I have more. The napalmed Vietnam girl with Morrissey's face is a corker. Morrissey getting his skirt blown up a la Marilyn Monroe is quite good. Lots of thigh. The self-immolating Bhuddist Morrissey monk has a certain something.

As for the Syrian boy the kid's just a meme now, right or wrong. A sop to those who like to think they care, but really don't. The media manufactured him, and he has been consumed whole. No-one gives a damn about the others in that age group who have died, because there are no photographs of them. The manipulation of this single image by the media in the last few months has been a disgrace. One more won't make an iota of difference. The lad died, but now his death need not have been in vain if Morrissey can release another record, or get another advance to cut a few demos. This is no worse than Utoya, or Boorer being paradiddled with a drum stick until he writes an email to try and get Paris released as a tribute to the type of people Morrissey lazily dismissed as worthless in Norway five years ago.


Even the "great" Ai WeiWei thinks so...

Heart-warming stuff, eh? It really makes you think. It makes me think about what a fat Chinese bloke will do to get in the papers.

No wonder they want to lock him up, eh?
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christ, what you lack in grace you more than compensate for in self-deception and rationalization.

Calm yourself, Acton. This is Morrissey 2016. It's the one Sam wants to do, but didn't have the balls. This is merely the direction of travel for team Morrissey. Why beat about the bush? The multi-millionaire has already compared his plight to hundreds of years of black slavery this week. We're running out of hyperbole. Where for Sam now? The Yucatan extinction event with Morrissey as a terrified young triceratops as an asteroid with the Harvest records logo plummets towards him? Morrissey as the ultimate victim. Morrissey the man who has the right to a record contract even though he appears to have the same amount of new songs as you and me. Zero.

Your synthetic outrage cannot diminish my extraordinary artistic integrity in the service of getting Morrissey a record deal. Each of us must ask ourselves, as we wend our weary way home to a mat strewn with bills: what have I done to get Morrissey a record deal today?

I wager I spent more time on it than young Etsy. Five minutes, in fact, including downloading the app. I have more. The napalmed Vietnam girl with Morrissey's face is a corker. Morrissey getting his skirt blown up a la Marilyn Monroe is quite good. Lots of thigh. The self-immolating Bhuddist Morrissey monk has a certain something.

As for the Syrian boy the kid's just a meme now, right or wrong. A sop to those who like to think they care, but really don't. The media manufactured him, and he has been consumed whole. No-one gives a damn about the others in that age group who have died, because there are no photographs of them. The manipulation of this single image by the media in the last few months has been a disgrace. One more won't make an iota of difference. The lad died, but now his death need not have been in vain if Morrissey can release another record, or get another advance to cut a few demos. This is no worse than Utoya, or Boorer being paradiddled with a drum stick until he writes an email to try and get Paris released as a tribute to the type of people Morrissey lazily dismissed as worthless in Norway five years ago.


Even the "great" Ai WeiWei thinks so...

Heart-warming stuff, eh? It really makes you think. It makes me think about what a fat Chinese bloke will do to get in the papers.

No wonder they want to lock him up, eh?
Have you no f***ing shame? That edited photo is not acceptable. Jesus Christ this site has reached a new low.

Barleycunt is a lowlife, hopefully cancer will get him soon, I hope he lingers, I hope it's slow, I hope he suffers terribly and dies horrifically, it would only be right, after all its what he wishes on morrissey
Where for Sam now? The Yucatan extinction event with Morrissey as a terrified young triceratops as an asteroid with the Harvest records logo plummets towards him? Morrissey as the ultimate victim.

OK, I'm actually desperate to see this one now! Could someone make one? I think it would make a great T shirt.
Barleycunt is a lowlife, hopefully cancer will get him soon, I hope he lingers, I hope it's slow, I hope he suffers terribly and dies horrifically, it would only be right, after all its what he wishes on morrissey

Which sort? The pretend cancer Morrissey used to get free publicity? Do you mean Morrissey Cancer, or Actual Cancer?

It's always amusing to see a moral vacuum such as yourself get all upset. You, of all people, who supported the bombings in Omagh and Warrington is on his high horse. The person who considers Gerry Adams, the man who gave the order for a mother of ten to be kidnapped and executed, a personal hero is sad because his favourite singer has the deserved piss taken out of him.

Time you got a bit of perspective Irish Heart, British Passport. Morrissey is dead. Artistically, spiritually and commercially. He's reduced to trying to flog his expanding arse and catcher's mitt fissog into territories and venues no major artist would contemplate or need to.

The only advocates he has remaining are either paid staff, family members with one eye on the will reading, and three or four of the most deluded who come here to defend the indefensible.

No artist in musical history, including Phil Spector and Gary Glitter, has had a greater fall from grace than Morrissey. He's the new benchmark for having it all and throwing it away.

Your fake outrage won't change that. None of you clutching your pearls give a f*** about that Syrian boy. You just want something to show how bad you feel during your coffee break. You despicable f***ing hypocrites.

sad son
-we'll let you know

Keep up the good work We'll.
I'd love to see some Silly Steven artworks using materials like Lawnmowers, super hero Wolvo Stevo (Barnett), cheese, Bowie, Tony Wilson, Her Majesty.

Which sort? The pretend cancer Morrissey used to get free publicity? Do you mean Morrissey Cancer, or Actual Cancer?

It's always amusing to see a moral vacuum such as yourself get all upset. You, of all people, who supported the bombings in Omagh and Warrington is on his high horse. The person who considers Gerry Adams, the man who gave the order for a mother of ten to be kidnapped and executed, a personal hero is sad because his favourite singer has the deserved piss taken out of him.

Time you got a bit of perspective Irish Heart, British Passport. Morrissey is dead. Artistically, spiritually and commercially. He's reduced to trying to flog his expanding arse and catcher's mitt fissog into territories and venues no major artist would contemplate or need to.

The only advocates he has remaining are either paid staff, family members with one eye on the will reading, and three or four of the most deluded who come here to defend the indefensible.

No artist in musical history, including Phil Spector and Gary Glitter, has had a greater fall from grace than Morrissey. He's the new benchmark for having it all and throwing it away.

Your fake outrage won't change that. None of you clutching your pearls give a f*** about that Syrian boy. You just want something to show how bad you feel during your coffee break. You despicable f***ing hypocrites.

I suppose you give a f*** about 'that Syrian boy' though, do you? The person who referred to the black protesters in Baltimore as animals.
Which sort? The pretend cancer Morrissey used to get free publicity? Do you mean Morrissey Cancer, or Actual Cancer?

It's always amusing to see a moral vacuum such as yourself get all upset. You, of all people, who supported the bombings in Omagh and Warrington is on his high horse. The person who considers Gerry Adams, the man who gave the order for a mother of ten to be kidnapped and executed, a personal hero is sad because his favourite singer has the deserved piss taken out of him.

Time you got a bit of perspective Irish Heart, British Passport. Morrissey is dead. Artistically, spiritually and commercially. He's reduced to trying to flog his expanding arse and catcher's mitt fissog into territories and venues no major artist would contemplate or need to.

The only advocates he has remaining are either paid staff, family members with one eye on the will reading, and three or four of the most deluded who come here to defend the indefensible.

No artist in musical history, including Phil Spector and Gary Glitter, has had a greater fall from grace than Morrissey. He's the new benchmark for having it all and throwing it away.

Your fake outrage won't change that. None of you clutching your pearls give a f*** about that Syrian boy. You just want something to show how bad you feel during your coffee break. You despicable f***ing hypocrites.

he supported the bombings from his cozy enclave in the scottish pub, where he is a regular rabble rouser. when skint he pawns his uk british passport for a couple of quid. it follows that he is a moz devotee as is the case with his type.
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