Morrissey Central "THIS IS NOT TRUE" (November 6, 2021)

"The larger portion of my life consists of shaggy-dog yarns by people I've never met in places I've never been on staircases that haven't yet been built. If ONLY half of them were true … my life would actually have been interesting. I'm forced to take a stand where John Cho is concerned. What he says here never happened, or perhaps it did … with a lookunlike whose life was so wretchedly drab that he pretended he was me. I don't slap down ANYBODY. It's usually me who takes the slap. I'm not saying I don't enjoy it."

Excuse the quality, but the same story by Cho recounted on Kimmel, 2014:

The Central video above was first circulated circa 2012.
The Kimmel video is included as the archive article below has a dead link.


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I've always thought Morrissey to be very polite and kind. I mean, I don't know him personally, but when someone like Moz is in your life for nearly 40 years you get an idea of who they are. These stories are always fabricated for attention.
I side with Morrissey on this one. The story makes no sense at all. The more likely scenario, Cho goes into a bar and sees a guy who resembles Morrissey, probably a fan and because John Cho is at best a casual fan, the guy completely fooled him with his "Morrissey impersonation," never realizing that Cho would be so gullible. Mystery solved. P.S. the fake Morrissey was probably an over the top 1991 version.
Sounds like a non event that he has simply no memory of, doesn't seem like something worth the effort of making up on the part of Cho either.
Yah but do you ever get the feeling in these interviews that the truth isn't as important as entertaining the whooping whack-jobs in the audience. Cho says he was a fan and then joins in slagging off Moz at the end. Fickle as you get. An unreliable witness.
I think we will all get to an age where we start to think about our legacy.

I think Morrissey is no different than all of us in this regards, and it's safe to say that someone that has been in the public eye for decades now will be even more conscious of what they leave behind.

Whether this account is true or not is not really of particular concern, and I wouldn't waste precious mental energy on wondering if it is.

The age we are when we start to ponder our legacy is different for us all. But Morrissey felt strongly enough to deny this on his website. This may just be a simple case of 'housekeeping' as one ponders their legacy they will leave.

Be safe and well all,
I don't understand what this Chinese man says about Moz. Someone please translate for me
I already understood, I don't think so, maybe something didn't likeMoz of that guy
It does sound like something Morrissey would say so I'm voting that it's true and Morrissey either forgot or thinks it's funny to lie about it or is addicted to playing the victim.
If it was made up it could have been more interesting. But maybe that's the beauty of the story. It's so plain and then the Filipino bar detail are things that make you ask why he would make up this story.
Today I think well of Moz if one day I know him I will give my verdict, so I do not care what others think about Morrissey, most fans have a good concept about Moz, I stay with this
It does sound like something Morrissey would say so I'm voting that it's true and Morrissey either forgot or thinks it's funny to lie about it or is addicted to playing the victim.
If it was made up it could have been more interesting. But maybe that's the beauty of the story. It's so plain and then the Filipino bar detail are things that make you ask why he would make up this story.
It's also entirely possible that he was a bit drunk and therefore just doesn't remember an off-the-cuff remark in an encounter which was over in 15 seconds.
Who cares what Morrissey thinks or says about anything ?

Maybe the thousands that visit this site, and have already looked at this thread, if not posted?
To be fair, I bet his songs are terrible. Then again, Morrisseys haven't been much chop for a while they all sound very, very, very, very, similar. Sort of like, the audio equivalent of an elderly Mcdonald's rebranded by Patsy Cline. No texture, interest, or nutritional value but in some way comforting, nostalgic and pre-chewed.
The entire story makes no sense. He was sitting in a Filipino gang bar all by himself? I have never seen or meet Morrissey when he was by himself. He usually always has someone around him. He needs to for his own protection! Morrissey if anything is self deprecating. That is his go to! Personally never seen him be mean to a single soul on this earth. The same goes for Johnny Marr.
What hell ate you on about he's ofteen seen ln his own , in hotel bar , pub or gig .

Ate you new ?

Poor Moz has absolutely nothing going on, does he? He should do some more shows.
This is true

M was cloned?
Oh yes A lister Moorey
I've always thought Morrissey to be very polite and kind. I mean, I don't know him personally, but when someone like Moz is in your life for nearly 40 years you get an idea of who they are. These stories are always fabricated for attention.
Morrissey has fabricated all of his career for attention.
Emperor without clothes and pot calling kettle black. 100%.
To be fair, I bet his songs are terrible. Then again, Morrisseys haven't been much chop for a while they all sound very, very, very, very, similar. Sort of like, the audio equivalent of an elderly Mcdonald's rebranded by Patsy Cline. No texture, interest, or nutritional value but in some way comforting, nostalgic and pre-chewed.

I don’t entirely hear/feel Morrissey’s work that way, sorry.

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