The Independent review by Jake Cudsi - IANADOAC (2 of 5 stars)

Morrissey review, I am Not a Dog on a Chain: All bark and no bite - The Independent
"Album by the controversial former Smiths frontman has its moments, but they are brief and virtually lost amid the more experimental forays"

It's a shortish review which ends:
I Am Not a Dog has its moments, but they are brief and virtually lost amid the more experimental forays. Morrissey isn’t as tethered as he’d have his most devout fans – or himself – believe, but he seems destined to live out the rest of his career chasing his own tail.

Let the excoriation of The Independent and the character assassinations of Mr Cudsi begin...
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I used to love the Independent when it started but that website is almost impossible to use and the quality of their writers has - for obvious financial reasons - plummeted. It sucks because the UK could really use a reliable, well funded, politically neutral news source these days.

Agree. They're always discussing models, but none of them are viable. And the more clickbait oriented they get, the less prestige they have. If we want to go viral we can do that ourselves.
I dunno, that review seems fair enough. The headline isn't as good as 'Old Man Yells At Cloud' that the Guardian went with though.

It's not fair to say he has continual outbursts though. That's some myth they've created in their own heads.
It's not fair to say he has continual outbursts though. That's some myth they've created in their own heads.

Over and above that, what precisely is the point of a writer reviewing a record she knows she's going to hate?

I've not been back here in a couple years and there are *still* the same frequent posters talking about how much they loathe Morrissey. At Holy shit am I glad I don't have that kind of spare time.
Bound to happen. Shall we have a countdown before someone calls her an ignorant biased bitch, as happened earlier today with the Graun?
What is your review? For the fifth time of asking
FT is harsher - but at least hates the album as well.

My objections would be Morrissey has said he is gender fluid, so he's being 'tactless' about himself & as a person of Irish Catholic heritage he can't really be a British Nativist.

Uncleskinny as far as I'm concerned Morrissey can shove his laughably desperate new release sideways up his sanctimonious out of touch arse.
Keep safe lad, my posts are often attributed to you.
Great minds think alike.
Take care .
Keep safe.
Morrissey IS a c***.
f*** OFF. Keyboard warriors strike again.What are you doing here??????
I find it interesting but also predictable that worst reviews spend much of their reviews focussing on Morrissey's political views while the best reviews have concentrated soley on the songs.
What does this actually mean in the grand scheme of things and why are you so giddy about it?
It means that Morrissey's latest album is amongst Amazon's best sellers. Anything else needs clarifying I/m only a click away.
No need to excoriate. We can listen to the whole album and make up our own minds now.
Over and above that, what precisely is the point of a writer reviewing a record she knows she's going to hate?

I've not been back here in a couple years and there are *still* the same frequent posters talking about how much they loathe Morrissey. At Holy shit am I glad I don't have that kind of spare time.
Check out @Surface
This buffoon has so much spare time hate for Morrissey he actually visits Ticketmaster when Morrissey tours to count how many tickets/seats were sold, then proceeded to have two dozens posts gloating about Morrissey's dip in popularity. I can't even begin the fathom the lunacy this hate filled puss clot.
Check out @Surface
This buffoon has so much spare time hate for Morrissey he actually visits Ticketmaster when Morrissey tours to count how many tickets/seats were sold, then proceeded to have two dozens posts gloating about Morrissey's dip in popularity. I can't even begin the fathom the lunacy this hate filled puss cloat.
How can anyone hate Morrissey?

I have 1000% admiration for the man.

But then again I love defiant rebels who make impeccable music.
How can anyone hate Morrissey?

I have 1000% admiration for the man.

But then again I love defiant rebels who make impeccable music.
Notice how there's no middle ground. No one is indifferent to him. It's either love or hate.
I love how Morrissey, even in his twilight years, can conjure up all these negative emotions in these pathetic weaklings here. These middle aged, gargoyle looking, rotund simps are so far removed from reality. As much as I'd love them all to be permanently banned from here, so they'd be forced to actually interact with their family, I loathe censorship, and additionally I do get a kick out of watching them go to great lengths to prove their hatred.
Notice how there's no middle ground. No one is indifferent to him. It's either love or hate.
I love how Morrissey, even in his twilight years, can conjure up all these negative emotions in these pathetic weaklings here. These middle aged, gargoyle looking, rotund simps are so far removed from reality. As much as I'd love them all to be permanently banned from here, so they'd be forced to actually interact with their family, I loathe censorship, and additionally I do get a kick out of watching them go to great lengths to prove their hatred.
Morrissey has always been a character who divides opinion (love or hate) but never at any point in history have haters been such so insufferably immature. These grown people are like crying children throwing their toys out of the pram.

Morrissey says what he feels. And he never bows down to bullies. When they cry I laugh.
Morrissey has always been a character who divides opinion (love or hate) but never at any point in history have haters been such so insufferably immature. These grown people are like crying children throwing their toys out of the pram.

Morrissey says what he feels. And he never bows down to bullies. When they cry I laugh.
I have no issue with people hating his music, disliking/hating his opinions etc. But those people don't reside daily on a forum dedicated to him. They (I'd imagine) seek out music and artists that appeal to them.
It's the bitter twisted ex fans that can't resist returning to the grave to vomit over any new release, article, tour, interview. How pointlessly futile... perhaps its therapeutic for them to relentlessly attack. It would be nice to have a troll free site, but then watching them in action really gives an insight of how many losers gravitated to Morrissey over the years.
I find it interesting but also predictable that worst reviews spend much of their reviews focussing on Morrissey's political views while the best reviews have concentrated solely on the songs.

Yeah - he's done it in the street & frightened the horses.

I find it hard to believe they really think he's a fascist though - they're hacks, it wouldn't take two minutes to find out how complex he is. It's more like queer bashing, he won't be conventional, so he has to go.
I have no issue with people hating his music, disliking/hating his opinions etc. But those people don't reside daily on a forum dedicated to him. They (I'd imagine) seek out music and artists that appeal to them.
It's the bitter twisted ex fans that can't resist returning to the grave to vomit over any new release, article, tour, interview. How pointlessly futile... perhaps its therapeutic for them to relentlessly attack. It would be nice to have a troll free site, but then watching them in action really gives an insight of how many losers gravitated to Morrissey over the years.
Yes, I certainly agree.
Yeah - he's done it in the street & frightened the horses.

I find it hard to believe they really think he's a fascist though - they're hacks, it wouldn't take two minutes to find out how complex he is. It's more like queer bashing, he won't be conventional, so he has to go.
You've hit the nail on the head there. Basically they're bullies working for the man. They're kind of like cartoon fascists but they don't realise it. Conform or else.

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