Tel Aviv - Bitan (July 4, 2023) post-show

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How Soon Is Now / Suedehead / Alma Matters / Our Frank / Girlfriend In A Coma / I'm Throwing My Arms Around Paris / Notre-Dame / Sure Enough, The Telephone Rings / Knockabout World / I Wish You Lonely / Half A Person / My Hurling Days Are Done / The Night Pop Dropped / Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Please, Please, Please, Let Me Get What I Want / The Loop / Jack The Ripper // Irish Blood, English Heart

Setlist courtesy of blueish1 via

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Listening to Notre Dame, did Jesse's guitar licks outstay their welcome or was Morrissey not paying attention, resulting in him repeating Notre Dame over again.
I know! The nerve. And all those people that still went to the show? maybe they should have stayed home? you think? Thank god
they went out and bravely carried on with their lives. Morrissey bringing the streets to the stage, never promised anyone a rose garden.
I don't think they were given prior warning of the preshow.
No they don't, there's not a massive difference on most songs. Maybe the wah-wah on HSIN isn't as strong and Our Frank is crying out for Alain's fine backing vocals, but other than that, it's a wafer thin difference if you put aside on-stage chemistry which takes time.

Carmen and Camila have done well to get the songs down and now it's about fine tuning. I think a lot of people were waiting for it to be a car crash, but on the evidence of the first two nights, not so.

No-one wanted the changes, but alas it cannot be changed, at least not right now, so you may as well give CV & CG a chance.
The sound is awful now, these songs sound nothing like how they should and Jessi has somehow managed to sound worse than ever. Don’t be surprised if the drum and bass players are next to walk away.

Alain just get on the phone to Rick Astley. Far better chance of getting an album deal than this public melt down.

This is not going to last very much longer now, even die hards to the last are starting to bid farewell. There is no value in this act anymore. The market has crashed. If you have collected and invested in this performer over the years I’m sorry to say you have made a huge “Clanger”

Time to start the betting book on reasons for future cancellation of the tour.
I am going to go with a return of the throat cancer and a call to Doctor Jeremy *Fine (*but not in the gossamer way)

Return to Beechmount Steve and rest up. I shall come and throw some cabbages over the gate to cheer you up. :laughing:

Benny 🇬🇧:knife:
I know! The nerve. And all those people that still went to the show? maybe they should have stayed home? you think? Thank god
they went out and bravely carried on with their lives. Morrissey bringing the streets to the stage, never promised anyone a rose garden.

Those people only want to relive their youth. Morrissey is just a nostalgia act. Nothing brave about it.
Those people only want to relive their youth. Morrissey is just a nostalgia act. Nothing brave about it.

Are you reliving your youth by continuing to come to solo? What do you know about being ‘brave’? Lol, get out of here you clown.
Good number ;) My highest place on the LIST was 14 . But it all depends on the place of the gig and the time when you show up in front of the venue .
Well, my friend came there like 6 hours before doors open and wrote himself as 10 and me as 11… At some point people started to look for his number 11 that wasn’t there….
But I believe in karma. After the previous show I took 3 German a lift to the train station. They just made the last train on the last minute… So when I arrived as the mysterious number 11, they all said I can get ahead of them 😃 they were 14-16 on the list. Good karma comes back at you…
Anyway, I was front line on both shows 😎
This is not going to last very much longer now, even die hards to the last are starting to bid farewell. There is no value in this act anymore. The market has crashed. If you have collected and invested in this performer over the years I’m sorry to say you have made a huge “Clanger”

Benny 🇬🇧:knife:
Yep, He's become a parody of himself. Nowhere to go but down...
By the way, he started with the lyrics of Girl from Tel Aviv… that turned into How soon is now. Just put the clip on FB, but I don’t know how to put it here too…???
Please let me get what I want :hearteyes: and The Loop

Carmen playing some awesome lead. Very nice.
yip she can certainly play,alain is a distant memory,whos to say it wasnt alain that recommended her to take over.
yip she can certainly play,alain is a distant memory,whos to say it wasnt alain that recommended her to take over.

well, yes. But to say Alain’s a distant memory, is a bit harsh. Don’t think Alain recommended her, at least I haven’t heard that he did.

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