Strange/unexpected Moz references?

Louder Than War's thoughtful review of Rick Astley's recent concert in Manchester refers to The Smiths and Morrissey -

The art and the act of crooning have slowly become synonymous with Christmas, the warm treacle tones of a confident baritone to remind you it is winter and it’s cold outside. An inexpensive (M&S or Tom Ford?) dinner jacket serves as a symbol that we are safe inside the bubble of a certain conformity and small-scale conservatism and remind ourselves with a small smile that Rick also entertained the Glastonbury troops by standing in as an ad-hoc Morrissey to the Blossoms tribute to The Smiths, and that was not an accident, it was a man who knows and sees, a man of accidental control.
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WOOOOOO! The no-record-deal havin’, concert cancellin’, no explanation givin’, vodka sinkin’, drunk Central postin’, pissed, steamin’, fourth gender son of a gun! Wooooo.
The Nature-make-man-of-me-yet Boy.

Owl Jelly GIF

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