SER: "A Larks' Tongue In April" - Morrissey interview - Morrissey Central (24 June, 2019)

The Interview. - Morrissey Central
June 24, 2019


conversation with Morrissey,

April 2019, by Sam Esty Rayner.

*we apologize for the delay in printing this interview.


You cancelled 6 shows in Italy because of the incident. People are beginning to think your middle name is Cancellation.

I know. But, as far as I can see, many bands cancel and nothing is ever said about it. The song and dance made about my cancellations is usually from people who wouldn’t go to the concert in the first place.

But you will play the Canada dates?


Is your hand bad? Obviously it’s covered.

The stitches are out now but if I had shaken anyone’s hand last week blood would have spurted. That’s not a nice greeting.

I don’t think anyone ever believes that you’re ill, or that you fell, or whatever.

I know. Generally colds and flu are passed on to me, and there’s nothing you can do when your voice is your instrument. I go to abnormal lengths to avoid colds."



Covering a lot of recent (and old) topics.
Full transcript reproduced below in parts (due to word limits).

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This has not been delayed since April. They still get a recent dig at The Guardian in. the way:

"Why haven’t any legal moves been made against The Guardian?" - because there's f*** all legal grounds to do so! How stupid are they? They know this too, and won't start any actions as they'd be laughed at by lawyers before they even got to court.

As for the word 'racist' being meaningless, well the bard should only have to open a dictionary...

This 'interview' is the very archetype of soft-soap.

Seeing as The Guardian's offensive on California Son started on 1st March with the piece targeting the various guest artists, its more than plausible that the retort could be made in April. But as always, the worst is assumed.

Diversity can’t possibly be a strength if everyone has ideas that will never correspond.

2 minutes later...

But the problem for them is that you’ve said you are not left wing, and therefore they believe you ought not to exist.

… which reflects their intolerance of diversity!

Indeed. I look forward to seeing the mental gymnastics that some other posters will use to explain that statement away. I know I certainly did that for a while. But what Morrissey just openly said is literally the definition of racism.

Yes. Makes me feel pretty foolish for defending him all this time.

Nope, not a self-hater. As a decent human being, I just don't prefer my own race above any others.
haha the kaz,402 posts in 11 years,an average of 36 posts a year and here he is typing away like theres no tomorrow.gaun yersel son.
Diversity can’t possibly be a strength if everyone has ideas that will never correspond.

2 minutes later...

But the problem for them is that you’ve said you are not left wing, and therefore they believe you ought not to exist.

… which reflects their intolerance of diversity!


Guardian is ‘pro-diversity’ but they are
intolerant of opinions/views if they don’t reflect the ones they hold.
Silly interview. Set up by a family member. Questions obviously structured after the responses written. No hard hitting questions or in-depth follow up. Reminds me of a Donald Trump interview on Fox News. Ass kissing, pussy questions and superficial, rehearsed answers that never get to the meat of the real questions or controversies swirling around.

An interview for Morrissey’s “base”. Garbage.
Guardian is ‘pro-diversity’ but they are
intolerant of opinions/views if they don’t reflect the ones they hold.
First Moz makes a statement against diversity.
Then Moz complains he's not being respected for his diversity of thought.
as usual the new song titles take a back seat to the political pish that the usual suspects are addicted to.
Silly interview. Set up by a family member. Questions obviously structured after the responses written. No hard hitting questions or in-depth follow up. Reminds me of a Donald Trump interview on Fox News. Ass kissing, pussy questions and superficial, rehearsed answers that never get to the meat of the real questions or controversies swirling around.

An interview for Morrissey’s “base”. Garbage.

Strange. I thought it was the most direct and hard hitting interview for years. He asked direct questions and got a lot of direct answers.
as usual the new song titles take a back seat to the political pish that the usual suspects are addicted to.
That is true.. I'm guilty of joining the pish.. but only because I thought it was funny.

I'm able to laugh at the contradictory statements and still be the owner of 2 tickets to the first show of the tour later this year.

I liked the last album but I'm glad that the song titles sound like a departure from the politics of the last 2 records. I'm sure there will be some but I am hoping for more of a shift in direction.

PS - I have no idea what pish is and at this point I'm afraid to ask.
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This is a revealing statement. No, Morrissey, I can assure you that not everyone prefers their own race. Fortunately, that's not the world I live in. I certainly know that I don't prefer my own race, "ultimately" or otherwise. Does this make Morrissey racist? Well, I honestly didn't think he was before, but he's pretty much just admitted that's exactly what he is.
I’ll disregard the comments M made about Mexicans then. Their hair, their teeth.
But I agree that it’s hard to say what race really is anymore. We’ve all interbred so what is a true race? All for the better.
Last week I met a Yorkshireman who was from Ireland but had a Spanish surname. All to do with the Spanish Armada apparently.
It makes me laugh when English people talk about race (and Americans come to think of it) when they are all mixtures of many races.
Perhaps M is talking about culture and traditions.
Oh yes and let’s excuse Sam’s apostrophe confusion. He’s 35. He’s part of the lost generation when it comes to schools and English education. Thatcher, Thatcher, Thatcher.....
Strange. I thought it was the most direct and hard hitting interview for years. He asked direct questions and got a lot of direct answers.

I disagree. Especially when asked about For Britain. Morrissey went on about what he believes the awful troll woman of For Britain represents and morrissey’s niece did not push back, discuss what the woman has said in the past, or ask any follow-up questions about the topic. Period. I doubt any true journalist would fail to challenge Morrissey’s rant on the topic.
"Diversity can't possibly be a strength if everyone has ideas that will never correspond.
The man is a prick. So his response is homogeny? Should we just revoke the rights of LGBT, black people and women etc. so we can all be the same and have our individualities quashed? It reads like a petulant 14 year old wrote it. It probably has resurfaced from one of his teenage diaries.

If borders are such terrible things then why did they ever exist in the first place? Borders bring order."
Borders exist and existed to limit and control peoples. So he now he wants contolled populations? That's just sinister.

"The people who reduce every conversation down to a matter of race could be said to be the most traditionally 'racist'," I agree. And that's why he finds himself in a racist shite-storm because he won't stopped banging on about immigration, race and borders. Tit.

"Everyone ultimately prefers their own race ..."
Do they? Facts on this please? This is cretinous in the extreme. It falls directly into the category above therefore Morrissey may claim not to be 'racist' but can he now claim not to be 'traditonally racist' when he brings all of his own controlled and mainpulated 'interviews' onto the subject of race?

"The UK is a dangerously hateful place now," "I think we need someone to put a stop to the lunacy and to speak for everyone."

How would he know? He doesn't like in the UK. And who exactly could ever speak for everyone? More naive nonsense from a man out-of-step.


You :turban: cucks dont prefer white peeps LOL you prefer your own :turban: twats.
Skinny lives and dies with the cuck parrot sock puppes 24/7.:handfist:
You need to stuff some pizza pops in your lying mouth:lbf:
I disagree. Especially when asked about For Britain. Morrissey went on about what he believes the awful troll woman of For Britain represents and morrissey’s niece did not push back, discuss what the woman has said in the past, or ask any follow-up questions about the topic. Period. I doubt any true journalist would fail to challenge Morrissey’s rant on the topic.

Interviews aren't interrogations........unless you want to really piss off the person. Sam wasn't doing a Guardian hit job.
Looks as though Morrissey singing Morning Starship on Jimmy Fallon is no longer on Youtube???
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