SER: "A Larks' Tongue In April" - Morrissey interview - Morrissey Central (24 June, 2019)

The Interview. - Morrissey Central
June 24, 2019


conversation with Morrissey,

April 2019, by Sam Esty Rayner.

*we apologize for the delay in printing this interview.


You cancelled 6 shows in Italy because of the incident. People are beginning to think your middle name is Cancellation.

I know. But, as far as I can see, many bands cancel and nothing is ever said about it. The song and dance made about my cancellations is usually from people who wouldn’t go to the concert in the first place.

But you will play the Canada dates?


Is your hand bad? Obviously it’s covered.

The stitches are out now but if I had shaken anyone’s hand last week blood would have spurted. That’s not a nice greeting.

I don’t think anyone ever believes that you’re ill, or that you fell, or whatever.

I know. Generally colds and flu are passed on to me, and there’s nothing you can do when your voice is your instrument. I go to abnormal lengths to avoid colds."



Covering a lot of recent (and old) topics.
Full transcript reproduced below in parts (due to word limits).

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All In all, embarrassing.
It’s time for Morrissey to just call public life a day now.
He’s to be pitied: that daft twat.
Yr quite right about homo sapiens.
But personally I don't fear 'the other' - in fact I'm rather interested in other people and cultures.
Wouldn't it be rather nice if we all felt the same?
No strangers, only friends you have yet to meet?
I reject the idea we all must fear (mistrust, dislike) 'the other'.

It's not a simple 'either/or' though. And fear doesn't necessarily equate with irrationality. Yes, it's irrational to fear other cultures just because you don't know anything about them or because they're different. And yes, it's nice to take an interest in other cultures, and seek to understand them. But as I say, territory always comes into it eventually.

I reckon in most parts of the world, most people's identities are defined by superfluous ideals (religion, mainly) that are nevertheless inextricably grafted into their social milieu so that to reject those ideals or be open to seeing them change/evolve equates to rejecting one's loved ones, one's society, to being ostracized.

So I don't see any point in the near future where cultural differences will cease to be significant, and where people will cease to be tribal in that regard, and as long as you have tribes - whether it be gangs, residential communities or nations - you have territorial disputes.
"You know my life, I haven’t ever been married, and once I feed the birds, the foxes and the badgers then my day is over.
I’m unlikely to ever be married to anything except bird-seed."
Friends of the feather!
Stop going on about The Guardian, you silly old man! No-one cares. Don't give the newspaper the satisfaction of constantly complaining about it. Your bitterness benefits no-one. I would have preferred to hear more about what kind of "swerve" the forthcoming album is from LIHS, but perhaps it's too soon to talk about that.
Finally, any small regrets?

Oh, I never make my regrets small … if I can help it. Oh. Umm. Robert Smith. I said some terrible things about him 35 years ago … but I didn’t mean them … I was just being very Grange Hill. It’s great when you can blame everything on Tourette’s syndrome. [laughs]

That was a nice thing to say.
Yesss. Robert Smith is the most level headed guy in music. What would be priceless now is if Robert replied that he doesn't regret anything he said about Moz. Heheee.
"Diversity can't possibly be a strength if everyone has ideas that will never correspond.
The man is a prick. So his response is homogeny? Should we just revoke the rights of LGBT, black people and women etc. so we can all be the same and have our individualities quashed? It reads like a petulant 14 year old wrote it. It probably has resurfaced from one of his teenage diaries.

If borders are such terrible things then why did they ever exist in the first place? Borders bring order."
Borders exist and existed to limit and control peoples. So he now he wants contolled populations? That's just sinister.

"The people who reduce every conversation down to a matter of race could be said to be the most traditionally 'racist'," I agree. And that's why he finds himself in a racist shite-storm because he won't stopped banging on about immigration, race and borders. Tit.

"Everyone ultimately prefers their own race ..."
Do they? Facts on this please? This is cretinous in the extreme. It falls directly into the category above therefore Morrissey may claim not to be 'racist' but can he now claim not to be 'traditonally racist' when he brings all of his own controlled and mainpulated 'interviews' onto the subject of race?

"The UK is a dangerously hateful place now," "I think we need someone to put a stop to the lunacy and to speak for everyone."

How would he know? He doesn't like in the UK. And who exactly could ever speak for everyone? More naive nonsense from a man out-of-step.
Level headed but slightly dull.
I dunno. At least he talks to his audience now and again. Pixies are woeful for not even saying hello or goodbye. I like Robert Smith. I think my top 5 fav bands of all time are: The Smiths/Moz, The Cure, Joy Division, New Order, Suede.
I quite enjoy any Bob Smith interviews and he doesn't come across as a badly informed twat like Moz does sometimes.
100%. He obviously sees himself as far superior and intelligent than most. Vile.
Shared by many of his fans on the left. Soap is science and black old movies are superior and saving wildlife is more important than getting laid.

The list is long.
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