Scott Rodger (Maverick) leaks Morrissey information and email re: Bonfire / Miley via X (October 17, 2023)

There's been drama!




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Why are you bringing 6 month old comments into this conversation that have nothing to do with the topic being discussed?!

Because it's directly related to this situation.

You think the tour manager posts on Central, you're an extremely keen gig goer & you're happy to slag Morrissey off in a way that takes the heat off said tour manager.
Yes, and let someone looking and sounding like Miley come on stage and do the vocals! 😜 Well, this would be a little bit too much, maybe?
You might be using a little irony and facetiousness, but as I mentioned in other threads, I honestly do believe the best way for him to exert "artistic" pressure and stand behind the quality of the work – to which even Scott Rogers testifies – is to do more live performances of the album – maybe even the full album from tip to tail

Bringing Miley out to do a live version of the unreleased "Veronica" would absolutely drive the hammer home of his pride in the work, its quality, and the esteem and affection he has for Miley (and presumes to think she shares – not unreasonably so.

If he wants to re-center the conversation on the quality on the album itself, in artistic vision triumphing over the feudal lords of record labels, the stage is open. He could probably prevail on Miley (who is not touring on her very successful recent album, by her own very vocal choice) to do a brief appearance.
think it was for the ‘shock’ angle, and the novelty, oddity of it. Of course the value of that wouldn’t last long, but it would be a good start for the initial push.

I mean, if Noel Gallagher sang back up, it simply would be greeted with .. ‘that’s nice’.
Man, that would fantastic. I love Noel/Liam/Oasis. Just bought tickets to see him in the summer today coincidentally.
Is it? I don't see what the tour manager has to do with record label negotiations and collaborations between artists in the studio.

Plus, I don't slag off people I know little about, but I don't like Donny either from what I have heard. You keep grinding that axe over him, though, if it makes you feel better.

I haven't slagged M off. I f***ing love the guy, but I'm also a very objective person and have my feet planted firmly in reality. You, on the other hand, are usually blaming anyone but M himself even when it's totally obvious it was him at fault. When will people understand that criticising him does not mean we that do love him any less. The two aren't mutually exclusive.
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and way healthier.
Ain't that the truth. We that hang around here often must be gluttons for punishment. We seem to be fatally attracted to watching someone constantly committing self-destructive acts.
not my cup. But, have fun! (y)
That's cool. Each to their own. I'm sure it'll be great. Hopefully it won't clash with any M shows in the UK.
Is it? I don't see what the tour manager has to do with record label negotiations and collaborations between artists in the studio.

I didn't say he posted on Central. I was talking about here. Christ almighty. 🙄

Plus, I don't slag off people I know little about, but I don't like Donny either from what I have heard. You keep grinding that axe over him, though, if it makes you feel better.

I haven't slagged M off. I f***ing love the guy, but I'm also a very objective person and have my feet planted firmly in reality. You, on the other hand, are usually blaming anyone but M himself even when it's totally obvious it was him at fault. When will people understand that criticising him does not mean we that do love him any less. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

You were saying you thought Donnie saw something on here & posted it on Central.

The argument with Scott was caused by posts on Central & the behaviour of fans.
You were saying you thought Donnie saw something on here & posted it on Central.

The argument with Scott was caused by posts on Central & the behaviour of fans.
I apologise. I was wrong about the post. It was speculation. Nobody knows who posts on Central. Not for sure. DK could have access. But so could SER - even though he's said he doesn't decide what appears there.

Yes, I'm aware of what caused it. The sarcastic comment made recently could've been made by anyone in his camp, but it's most likely to be M himself or SER. But you can't rule anybody out because there is such anarchy in his camp and horrific management.

I don't see why it matters who posted it because it's likely that it was given approval by M even if it was SER who typed it out. Noone is ever going to know.

Is this is some sort of tactic to distract people from the embarrassing emails and the evidence showing M was lying about why the album couldn't be released or something...
Ain't that the truth. We that hang around here often must be gluttons for punishment. We seem to be fatally attracted to watching someone constantly committing self-destructive acts.
In regards to solo, it’s actually the reactions to the ‘self-destructive acts’ that are unhealthy.
That's cool. Each to their own. I'm sure it'll be great. Hopefully it won't clash with any M shows in the UK.
It was speculation. Nobody knows who posts on Central. Not for sure.

Yes, I'm aware of what caused it. The sarcastic comment made recently could've been made by anyone in his camp, but it's most likely to be M himself or SER. But you can't rule anybody out because there is such anarchy in his camp and horrific management.

I don't see why it matters who posted it because it's likely that it was given approval by M even if it was SER who typed it out. Noone is ever going to know.

Is this is some sort of tactic to distract people from the embarrassing emails and the evidence showing M was lying about why the album couldn't be released or something...

I wouldn’t feel comfortable coming to that conclusion, since we don’t have the whole story. And probably never will.

I’m interested in why Capitol/Michelle Jubelirer went ahead with production of Veronica or BoT, before getting Columbia’s approval. Which seems to be the case, from the info in the email tweeted.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable coming to that conclusion, since we don’t have the whole story. And probably never will.

I’m interested in why Capitol/Michelle Jubelirer went ahead with production of Veronica or BoT, before getting Columbia’s approval. Which seems to be the case, from the info in the email tweeted.
Oh, I should have stated that more clearly. I was asking Malarkey if them questioning who posted on Central was a tactic to take the heat off M himself.

Absolutely. I'm with you on that. They are at least partly responsible, if not more, if they let it go to production without everything in place. It sounds like they either didn't have an answer, or, like someone said earlier, they were refused permission to use her name and went ahead anyway. The former is just irresponsible, but the latter is plain idiotic.

In regards to solo, it’s actually the reactions to the ‘self-destructive acts’ that are unhealthy.

Very true. We have all kinds of people here. It would probably be quite boring if we all agreed on everything. I think being a regular here and following/commenting on the minutiae of his life makes us all slightly bonkers, but who would want to be sane anyway. 😆

Even those who say they don't like him anymore but frequent here must still have some love for him. If they didn't care they wouldn't be here, imo.
I apologise. I was wrong about the post. It was speculation. Nobody knows who posts on Central. Not for sure. DK could have access. But so could SER - even though he's said he doesn't decide what appears there.

Yes, I'm aware of what caused it. The sarcastic comment made recently could've been made by anyone in his camp, but it's most likely to be M himself or SER. But you can't rule anybody out because there is such anarchy in his camp and horrific management.

I don't see why it matters who posted it because it's likely that it was given approval by M even if it was SER who typed it out. Noone is ever going to know.

Is this is some sort of tactic to distract people from the embarrassing emails and the evidence showing M was lying about why the album couldn't be released or something...

The "banned" narrative was concocted by Central - seemingly so they could keep posting the kind of right-wing content that was getting him monstered in the press - the exact opposite of his desire to "shock" the print media.
The "banned" narrative was concocted by Central - seemingly so they could keep posting the kind of right-wing content that was getting him monstered in the press - the exact opposite of his desire to "shock" the print media.
What is the banned narrative? Who do you suspect is posting all that shit on there? I swear I can't tell whether you support M or you don't sometimes.
I'll cut to the chase: Donnie Knutson should fire himself.
Why do you think that? Unfortunately, M seems to like him enough to keep him around, and he doesn't seem the type to fire himself. He's been a fixture for a very long time now, it appears.
Oh, I should have stated that more clearly. I was asking Malarkey if them questioning who posted on Central was a tactic to take the heat off M himself.

Absolutely. I'm with you on that. They are at least partly responsible, if not more, if they let it go to production without everything in place. It sounds like they either didn't have an answer, or, like someone said earlier, they were refused permission to use her name and went ahead anyway. The former is just irresponsible, but the latter is plain idiotic.

Very true. We have all kinds of people here. It would probably be quite boring if we all agreed on everything. I think being a regular here and following/commenting on the minutiae of his life makes us all slightly bonkers, but who would want to be sane anyway. 😆
Even those who say they don't like him anymore but frequent here must still have some love for him. If they didn't care they wouldn't be here, imo.

yeah, I feel there are a few here that may fit that description. But where does that kind of ‘caring’ go? unfortunately, it goes nowhere.
The negative criticisms just bounce around & around off the walls of solo, never to reach Morrissey’s ear.

It also seems to me that they come here repeatedly in order to find support for their criticisms of M, little pats on their backs, so that they feel that their choice to hate on him is the correct one.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable coming to that conclusion, since we don’t have the whole story. And probably never will.

I’m interested in why Capitol/Michelle Jubelirer went ahead with production of Veronica or BoT, before getting Columbia’s approval. Which seems to be the case, from the info in the email tweeted.
It could easily have been Moz/Miley/Jessie and the players doing the session - "damn the suits, we're the *artists* s than Michelle or anyone at Capitol. We certainly don't know enough to say who decided to go ahead with the session. Capitol could have said "You're doing this at your own risk/volition. We were already told no. Miley will have to be uncredited/nonpromoted"- and again the artist camp could have decided to go full torpedoes ahead, anyway

Blaming Capitol Or Moz definitively for going ahead with the session, based on the information available would be unfair as we don't have enough info to say one way or the other. Both are equally plausible

What *is( clear from the email. Columbia said "no" at least twice. Morrissey knew this. He went ahead and promoted Miley's involvement anyway, did not seem to care about Columbia's denial, did want to promote Miley's involvement for commercial, culture war (and I suppose) artistic reasons, and deeply cared/cares about Miley's own feelings about her inclusion/promotion/ And then he blamed Capitol for withholding the album, while disclosing *none* of those particulars
I ask you again: Why has Capitol never announced the record deal with Morrissey? Not even long before the MC fiasco?
And why has Capitol never responded to Morrissey's allegations?
Then the release of Rebels. Nothing from Capitol again!
This is all very strange, don't you think?
If the 'facts' are to be believed, then it was a 'licencing agreement' as opposed to a traditional 'record deal'.
Licencing agreements involve a financial advance upfront. The artist hands over or then records / produces an album (and usually pays for) the recording (normally with full creative control) and the company involved gets to recoup the advance by distributing and selling the music via products. Their main risk besides money is if the music doesn't sell well.
That may go some way to explain Rebels... appearing via a 'licence' mentioning Capitol & UMG.
That said, it's all become so convoluted and confusing, it's probably not worth trying to decipher.
What *is( clear from the email. Columbia said "no" at least twice. Morrissey knew this. He went ahead and promoted Miley's involvement anyway, did not seem to care about Columbia's denial, did want to promote Miley's involvement for commercial, culture war (and I suppose) artistic reasons, and deeply cared/cares about Miley's own feelings about her inclusion/promotion/ And then he blamed Capitol for withholding the album, while disclosing *none* of those particulars

Hard to say if he genuinely cared about Miley's feelings or if he (naively) saw it as a way to go around the record companies. But claiming to be a victim of a censorship conspiracy... when he knew the truth is pretty hard to stomach. They say that some people who lie profusely actually start to believe their lies - is that the case here?
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