Peak viewing for the live ~256 people.
Setlist choices.
Industry & press.
Favourite tracks on BOT - not possible.
Biggest frustration.
Not being included.
Coping with being fictionalised.
Anything else - we have written the follow-up album - recorded soon.
Being prolific.
Bland industry / making it interesting.
Dumbing down in the 90's and today (UK adverts).
Labels / new bands / diversity (the new way of saying conformity).
Dreadful word.
Social media - expert critic, expert scientist / cancelling people.
The have to find a witch.
"Mary Whitehouse culture."
People who think like that are dreadful people.
Protest culture.
Animal rights - seeing changes & being happy about it. Let animals rest.
Fiona's word for the day: "um".
'Um' is indeed Fiona's word for the day.
Moz looks great. Suave and debonair. And vital. Although what is going with all those plasters on his fingers?
Mostly fairly anodyne and familiar territory.
Interesting that he suggests what singles are released from BOT won't be his decision, but will be entirely up to the record label.
Great to hear he will be recording a new album of material very soon.
Gets very funny when he talks about culture and TV being 'dumbed down' and 'people dancing in kitchens'.
The bits that will be picked up by the likes of The Guardian?
Morrissey attacks 'diversity' and speaks up for Germaine Greer and JK Rowling, will no doubt be the spin.
What he says about cancel culture is spot on - find a witch, and burn the witch. And the joy with which they do it, it's the same religious zeal that drove people like Mary Whitehouse. Dreadful people indeed.
Best line - 'as if you being offended means you are intelligent, it just means you are an idiot'.
Second best line - 'bake a cake!'