Morrissey Central "Rebels Without Applause" (November 25, 2022)

First 'single' release in exactly three years.

Morrissey's Rebels Without Applause is available today worldwide (including Britain) on Spotify, courtesy of Capitol Records. The track is produced by Andrew Watt.
This is Morrissey's first 'single' release since 'It's Over', taken from the 'California Son' album in November 2019. 'It's Over' peaked at number 1 in the UK vinyl chart.

Morrissey's next live appearance is on Monday, 28 November at The Anthem in Washington DC.

Just to help Central:
It's Over was released as an instant grat & pre-order bonus - February 25/26, 2019 (followed by Morning Starship - both getting airplay).
It's Over was then nightmarishly released as a physical 7" - (initially December 20, 2019) January 24, 2020.
The first actual "single" from California Son was Wedding Bell Blues 7" - May 10, 2019.

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I think he's just doing his own backing vocals & they're meant to sound a bit ghostly.

It's a great wee song.

It is a great wee song! not a brat to be beat on!
poor thing. :oops:
Good job there's credits then.
(Going back months).
Yes, agreed. I was just being a cheeky bitch. I know it's Morrissey, but it just sounds "off" and auto-tuned to me.

I think that’s an uncredited Flea singing, to be honest.
Maybe Flea does "beatboxing" on I Ex-love You. Dirk Blaggard could tell us, if only he wasn't so drunk when he heard the album.

Yeah so drunk he couldn’t hear it properly, couldn’t even recognize Iggy Pop’s voice and
mention in his ‘review’ what song he sings on.
It felt strange at first that people are defending this recording, but I guess everyone values different things about Morrissey

For me on recent albums, it's been more about the voice than anything else, but I guess for others it's more about the lyrics, or just having him release something

I do get a kick out of the slower version on the other thread, hoping that Mr Watt comes to his senses and the problems will be fixed for the album release

The fact this has now appeared on Amazon UK to buy is pretty clear evidence that the 'licencing' issues can be circumvented.
Ergo - there's no apparent actual issue releasing the entire album in the same way.
No. I want Morrissey’s voice to be just as it is and always has been. That auto-tune is terrible. I’m sorry. I want raw vocals. I’m really disappointed. Also is this going to be all digital? No physical copies available?

I don't know ; I enjoy Morrissey playing with the effects on his vocals as though it was another instrument . It isn't as though they've been buried , murky and lost , in the mix somewhere ...
The fact this has now appeared on Amazon UK to buy is pretty clear evidence that the 'licencing' issues can be circumvented.
Ergo - there's no apparent actual issue releasing the entire album in the same way.

Is the main vocal autotuned? It sounds like something happening in the background - but I don't understand these things.
I did it.
I swore to myself and others that I would not.
I listened to Rebels again.
It was…
It is…
So much worse the second time around.
There is so much shite going on within this track.
Obviously, upon first listen, the initial shock comes when Moz begins to sing.
It it feels like something’s wrong.
It feels like a parody, a goof, or a gag;
It’s definitely a joke that will never will be funny.
The first time I listened to the track, It was difficult for me to really pay attention to anything else going on in the song due to being repeatedly smacked dumbfounded by each garbled computer enhanced word that came out of the mouth of Morrissey.
However, entering into an ill-advised second helping of the song, I really tried to drown out the disaster that is the lead vocal, and i really tried to pay attention to the overall sound; the instrumentation and production of the song.
The players on the song, whomever they are, did a fantastic job.
It’s a very solid performance from all parties involved, excluding Moz.
The bass line being my favorite part of the whole song.
I mean…honestly…
The song is in-part and/or in-whole an ode-to, or homage-to, or blatant rip-off of, Cemetery Gates, amongst other Smith songs.
It’s definitely a “grab-‘em-by-the-nostalgia” song.
It would be what South Park coined “a ‘member-berry.”
Nevertheless, despite the great instrumentation and performance(s), ultimately everything suffers an unfortunate and untimely demise due to the horrendous production.
As if the sound of the vocal wasn't, isn’t, crap enough, the actual vocal performance itself is garbage.
I still can’t believe Moz willingly and knowingly signed off on that vocal take.
Even worse….the background vocals.
There’s so much unnecessary BS going on here.
It blows my mind.
I can’t believe I’m here talking about this.
I never thought this would be an issue.
But alas….
Anything that had potential within this track was D.O.A.
I refuse to believe that this is some kind of plot, or ploy, to garner attention from a younger generation, because; that’s just ridiculous.
But if that were true, then it will not only fail miserably, but it will only serve to piss off longtime fans and admirers.
The quickest route to irrelevancy is to chase relevancy, especially in the world of the arts.
In the music world, a “legend” who tries to be modern and current is often quickly relegated to becoming a “fossil;” forever encapsulated within the mid-priced/sales-rack/thrift-shop/dust-bin section of musical history.
The biggest shame of all is that R.W.A. is, was, quite good.
The live versions of the song, performed over the last few months, have been enjoyable.
I found the song to be simple and easy, but “snappy,” “poppy,” “jangly” and, dare I say, “fun.”
I was really excited for the studio version of this song.
I was excited for the whole B.O.T. studio album.
Not any more.
I’m actually dreading the day.
Again, i’m fully aware that I sound like a mopey twat and petulant drama queen, but I am, and have long been, a Morrissey fan.
I’ve learned from the best.
It’s what is, or should be, expected.
I’d like to think that some of my negative feelings are a result of my own expectations of Moz and the new song(s), but, but! I know what I’ve heard in R.W.A. and it is not good.
I’m honestly embarrassed to let anyone listen to this new song.
It’s not a song I’d go out of my way to introduce to someone else.
In fact, it’s a song that, if someone where to bring to me, and ask me if I’ve heard it, I would pull an apostle Peter and “deny, deny, deny!”
I’ve never been embarrassed to showcase the music of Morrissey to friends, peers and colleagues, especially and specifically those who are not familiar with, and/or do not follow, Morrissey.
However, now, I find myself in a new position; a very awkward position.
I’ve never felt like this before.
It’s affected me so much that I’ve resorted to posting my grievances here in an open message-board/forum/therapy.
I do love this web page.
I have, for a long time, come here for my Moz info.
I’ll continue to do so.
However, I don’t think I’ll post much anymore though.
At least, I’ll try to keep it to a minimum, and keep them much shorter.
Apologies for the rant.
Much thanks and respect to the owner/operator/moderator.
And, if you made it this far down, thanks for reading.
I love this song! Very Smithsian, with an excellent vocal melody and imbued with Morrissey's undying love for his vinyl heroes. "Ruined" is too strong, but the vocal is very compromised by bits & bytes. It deserves the feeling of the live rendition. Still, the bass line and the song's other aspects coalesce nicely.
Not sure what effects they 're usin', but I like how raw
of a performance Moz gave.
They didn't try to get a perfect vocal.
Moz sounds kinda carefree.
That band is swingin' too.
are you talking about the song or have you listened to the full album?
I love this song! Very Smithsian, with an excellent vocal melody and imbued with Morrissey's undying love for his vinyl heroes. "Ruined" is too strong, but the vocal is very compromised by bits & bytes. It deserves the feeling of the live rendition. Still, the bass line and the song's other aspects coalesce nicely.
Not really. It sounds like Bona Drag era Morrissey with the harmless keyboard arrangement. The only thing that sucks is the vocal treatment.
You lot love to whine about everything Morrissey does. It's a different production style so what? It's still a great f***ing tune! Fun, catchy, excellent bass line, lovely vocal melody and some Morrissey falsetto to top it off. Love it. The only thing missing is a physical release, though I suppose this will do for now.
Actually... Some people (The Solo mopers) will clearly complain and spew hate at whatever M puts out. Even when it's as good, and fresh, as this track.

I am not a hater. I just want him to be the best he can be. And this ain't it chief.

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