Post Millennial: "Morrissey: How did the ultimate anti-establishment artist make it against all odds?" by Fiona Dodwell (October 17, 2020)

"We have become acclimatized to safe public figures who brand themselves as a commodity like a soft drink, palatable at first but devoid of any substantial nourishment."


UPDATE Oct. 18:

Posted by Nerak:

It's now linked on Central.

With a Linder photo.

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If you're interested in houndings the Scottish poet Jenny Lindsay has written a great essay about her cancellation over one tweet that was deemed a dog-whistle.

It's not online, but worth a purchase.



We have become acclimatized to safe public figures who brand themselves as a commodity like a soft drink, palatable at first but devoid of any substantial nourishment."

How many different ways can you write "He may be a racist, but I like him?". This is the journalistic equivalent of chopping out the words, throwing them in a bag, randomly pulling them out, and claiming it as a new article. Awful ego-polishing shite.
Much like your last 10,000 posts dikwad
I find it very dispiriting that the only press that isn't "out to get Morrissey", and the only press that is willing to even discuss Morrissey's position in the music industry seems to be the extreme right-wing publications like the Post-Millennial. Morrissey himself has said that he isn't far right, nor is he far left, he's "far forward". The whole "For Britain" kerfuffle seems strange to me, and it certainly doesn't jive with the sentiments expressed in song. There are so many intersections in his music and in his public statements, yet his wearing of a pin is automatically assumed to equate to racism, instead of looking at his support for animal rights and LGBTQ, which have been consistently his raison d'etre for the past 40 years, the left wing press focus strictly on the racial aspect. Do I believe Morrissey's expressed a blindness to or ignorance of the issues affecting people who belong to racial minorities. Somewhat so. But it does seem that it's just as much about the whole gotcha journalism seeking to destroy and bury Morrissey, with out of context statements and gonzo headlines than it is about who Morrissey actually is. In my heart, I just don't believe he's an absolute racist. He is imperfect, and in his zeal for animal liberation and sexual freedoms, he's put the issue of race at a lower priority.

Honestly, I'd think Morrissey would find more like-minded people in the Greens than he would in the For Britain types. But if the far right are the only ones willing to stand behind him, with everyone else cancelling him outright and parroting those headlines, then there's a danger that he will tend to move toward that end of the spectrum.
Morrissey is a racist. Face it and think about whether you want to support someone with such appalling views. The man has ruined his own legacy and is now paying the price.
I find it very dispiriting that the only press that isn't "out to get Morrissey", and the only press that is willing to even discuss Morrissey's position in the music industry seems to be the extreme right-wing publications like the Post-Millennial. Morrissey himself has said that he isn't far right, nor is he far left, he's "far forward". The whole "For Britain" kerfuffle seems strange to me, and it certainly doesn't jive with the sentiments expressed in song. There are so many intersections in his music and in his public statements, yet his wearing of a pin is automatically assumed to equate to racism, instead of looking at his support for animal rights and LGBTQ, which have been consistently his raison d'etre for the past 40 years, the left wing press focus strictly on the racial aspect. Do I believe Morrissey's expressed a blindness to or ignorance of the issues affecting people who belong to racial minorities. Somewhat so. But it does seem that it's just as much about the whole gotcha journalism seeking to destroy and bury Morrissey, with out of context statements and gonzo headlines than it is about who Morrissey actually is. In my heart, I just don't believe he's an absolute racist. He is imperfect, and in his zeal for animal liberation and sexual freedoms, he's put the issue of race at a lower priority.

Honestly, I'd think Morrissey would find more like-minded people in the Greens than he would in the For Britain types. But if the far right are the only ones willing to stand behind him, with everyone else cancelling him outright and parroting those headlines, then there's a danger that he will tend to move toward that end of the spectrum.

A French teacher had his head cut off the other day by a Muslim and you want to talk about the evils of "the far-right"? Get to F***
5 Interviews? How much more unsure can they be? I've got the gig after one short interview. Go figure. One less dole lout so I'm not complaining.
When he says 5 interviews, it was prob more psychological assessment type stuff n medical history checks. sainsbury's n tesco are a bit fussy but i don't know how he even got the trolley collector job tbf. Equal opportunities, or not discriminating on any grounds, or something i guess...:rolleyes:
Everyone prefers their own race. It's not rocket science.
What are the facts? Take a multicultural city like London. What % of marriages are between people of the same ethnicity? What would it be if it was matched up completely random? Are these two statistics statistically different?
A French teacher had his head cut off the other day by a Muslim and you want to talk about the evils of "the far-right"? Get to F***
Skinny is perfectly happy with that as long as Muslims aren’t insulted
Step Two: Work with a someone who is not Marr, and become more successful than The Smiths.
Well, The Smiths didn't have the time to be even more successful because the broke up. Otherwise, they would have been huge, probably more than Morrissey's solo career. Morrissey is were he is thanks to his start with The Smiths. Let's don't forget, Johnny was the one starting the band. Johnny Marr was as important as Morrissey, the sound complemented the lyrics and vice versa. Morrissey has done very well alone in his own rights, but more successful than The Smiths because he had more time to do so.
There's Muslim fanaticism and there's far-right, NF style fanaticism. It's quite possible that both are wrong and deserving of condemnation.

I can think of 2 actual white race-related acts of terrorism in the last 10 yrs in Britain. How many Muslim ones were there and how many lives were lost?
Step One: Have the musical genius Johnny Marr write the songs.
If that was the main consideration then everything Marr did post Smiths would be classics. But they're not. Moz turned Marr's great tunes into something fantastic. His vocal melodies define The Smiths.
"Everyone prefers their own race." This is one of those statements that is often cited by the cancellers as evidence of Moz's "racism". But if we're being honest, it is simply a statement of fact. Every human being on this earth, has an innate preference for people who are like them. We all have biases whether we are willing to acknowledge them or not. Morrissey said nothing as to whether he believes it should be this way, or whether he believes that 'preference' overrides all other considerations. Taken in context, this was really just about the most banal statement one could make and should not have caused offense. Yet the press continue to unfairly cite this statement as a reason why Morrissey cannot have more evolved views on race. He can obviously work with Black artists (ie Thelma Houston), so very clearly the existence of that innate preference is not an issue that defines who Morrissey is.

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