Post Millennial: "Morrissey: How did the ultimate anti-establishment artist make it against all odds?" by Fiona Dodwell (October 17, 2020)

"We have become acclimatized to safe public figures who brand themselves as a commodity like a soft drink, palatable at first but devoid of any substantial nourishment."


UPDATE Oct. 18:

Posted by Nerak:

It's now linked on Central.

With a Linder photo.

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Step 6: Take your own life after the death of your mum and the final concerts of your career in Las Vegas.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning - of Life Under Father fame - for poetry & melodrama lovers.

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of being and ideal grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for right.
I love thee purely, as they turn from praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.

the one thing shes right about is these singers who say we like his music BUT,they never tell you why or what the problem is.
Step 4 - declare that you prefer your own race, wholeheartedly endorse a pro-military, protect the rich, far-right political party, and consequently lose 70% of your record-buying fanbase and 50% of your live audience within just 18 short months. Genius!

Everyone prefers their own race. It's not rocket science.
How many different ways can you write "He may be a racist, but I like him?". This is the journalistic equivalent of chopping out the words, throwing them in a bag, randomly pulling them out, and claiming it as a new article. Awful ego-polishing shite.

Shut up "I was on a tv quiz show" ages ago troll man.
Another absolutely worthless piece of "writing" from this parasitic hack. For the love of God, f*** off Fiona.

To be that offended by a pro-Moz piece on the interweb.........seems a bit odd. Esp by someone who regularly goes on a Moz dedicated website.
She talks about his 'dedicated army of fans'. So dedicated that of the 50,000 that bought Low High School, only 8,000 bought Dog on a String. Other than Gary Glitter and Michael Jackson, a pop star has never lost so many fans so rapidly in musical history. It's one hell of an achievement, albeit a negative one. Boycotted by record shops, nightclubs, websites and radio stations, across the land.

Considering it had virtually no advertising, no videos and no promotion by any of the music monthlies and came out when more people were concerned by Covid-19........hardly surprising.

Why not just stop coming here instead of TELLING EVERYONE CONSTANTLY how much you think you hate Morrissey - LOOK AT ME. MEEEEE!
Talking of Sainsbury's...latest recruit looking proud as punch with his LOOK AT MEEEE!!! face on.
Lordy, 5 interviews? Well done mate! :thumb:

Sadly it's the same old, same old from Dodwell.

From his early days with The Smiths right up until his solo releases in recent years, he appears to be a divisive figure.
No, not really, not in the early days. Plenty of people didn't like him very much and thought he was a prat. But he didn't inspire the sort of contempt and hatred he's managed to inspire in people, particularly over the past five years.

Rarely do these figures ever really explain anything specific about their opinions
So not unlike Morrissey himself then. Whilst he's happy to utter the attention-grabbing, unpleasant quotes for which he's become notorious, he rarely if ever elaborates on them and never offers anything in the way of insights into, analyses of, or potential solutions for the things that grind his gears.

With a career that few others can dream of, Morrissey has indeed attained the impossible: he's enjoyed success without playing the game.
Again, no, not in the early days. He was very happy to play the media game throughout the eighties. In fact, I think he ended up being a bit of a rent-a-gob, a nice easy source of quotable quotes for lazy journalists. He was even a media darling for a while. He became successful long before he started baiting the music press and a good deal of his fanbase. To a certain extent, over the past five years, he has been steadily squandering that success that he built up over the previous three decades.

I don't know when Dodwell first fixed her infatuating eye on Morrissey but I get the impression that it wasn't that long ago. She seems to be fairly ignorant of his career as a whole and doesn't seem to have much clue about what he was like in the eighties. Therefore her fundamental error is to assume that the Morrissey of 2020 is much the same as the Morrissey of 1982, and that error undermines her whole thesis.
Nowadays, I find it remarkable how the term "sold out" always plays the most important role in reports about or by Morrissey. He didn't need something like that in former times. Now, he or the people who write for or about him, always have to point out his massive relevance. They forget to point out, how the venues he plays get smaller and smaller in size. But who is interested in such nasty little details anyway (Let's push the stage forward)? Fiona . Well will not save him from all the things that have been said and done.
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Step One: Have the musical genius Johnny Marr write the songs.

then kick 👉 :guardsman: 👈 over to the the after he makes sucky caterwauling, the the kicks him to hooky who in turns tosses the tiny twerp to the bottom of the barrel the modest mouse:lbf:
and finally to the unknown the sucky cribs.🤒

60 yr old cuck playing 3rd banana to teenagers is what he is reduced to but 'noooooooo i didnt join a band to make cillia black songs' what a twat:mad:
Sadly it's the same old, same old from Dodwell.

From his early days with The Smiths right up until his solo releases in recent years, he appears to be a divisive figure.
No, not really, not in the early days. Plenty of people didn't like him very much and thought he was a prat. But he didn't inspire the sort of contempt and hatred he's managed to inspire in people, particularly over the past five years.

Rarely do these figures ever really explain anything specific about their opinions
So not unlike Morrissey himself then. Whilst he's happy to utter the attention-grabbing, unpleasant quotes for which he's become notorious, he rarely if ever elaborates on them and never offers anything in the way of insights into, analyses of, or potential solutions for the things that grind his gears.

With a career that few others can dream of, Morrissey has indeed attained the impossible: he's enjoyed success without playing the game.
Again, no, not in the early days. He was very happy to play the media game throughout the eighties. In fact, I think he ended up being a bit of a rent-a-gob, a nice easy source of quotable quotes for lazy journalists. He was even a media darling for a while. He became successful long before he started baiting the music press and a good deal of his fanbase. To a certain extent, over the past five years, he has been steadily squandering that success that he built up over the previous three decades.

I don't know when Dodwell first fixed her infatuating eye on Morrissey but I get the impression that it wasn't that long ago. She seems to be fairly ignorant of his career as a whole and doesn't seem to have much clue about what he was like in the eighties. Therefore her fundamental error is to assume that the Morrissey of 2020 is much the same as the Morrissey of 1982, and that error undermines her whole thesis.

His press in the 80s was just as horrendous.

The difference now is social media & its love of destroying people.


skinny velcro and radish post the same commie troll post every 5 min but object to fiona:lbf:

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