Official Facebook Peter Katsis: Simpsons Responses (April 19, 2021)

"Surprising what a “turn for the worst" the writing for The Simpson’s tv show has taken in recent years.

Sadly, The Simpson’s show started out creating great insight into the modern cultural experience, but has since degenerated to trying to capitalize on cheap controversy and expounding on vicious rumors.

Poking fun at subjects is one thing. Other shows like SNL still do a great job at finding ways to inspire great satire.

But when a show stoops so low to use harshly hateful tactics like showing the Morrissey character with his belly hanging out of his shirt (when he has never looked like that at any point in his career) makes you wonder who the real hurtful, racist group is here.

Even worse - calling the Morrissey character out for being a racist, without pointing out any specific instances, offers nothing. It only serves to insult the artist.

They should take that mirror and hold it up to themselves.

Simpson’s actor Hank Azaria's recent apology to the whole country of India for his role in upholding "structural racism” says it all.

Unlike the character in the Simpson’s “Panic” episode…….

Morrissey has never made a “cash grab”, hasn’t sued any people for their attacks, has never stopped performing great shows, and is still a serious vegan and strong supporter for animal rights.

By suggesting all of the above in this episode…the Simpson’s hypocritical approach to their storyline says it all.

Truly they are the only ones who have stopped creating, and have instead turned unapologetically hurtful and racist.

Not surprising…... that The Simpsons viewership ratings have gone down so badly over recent years."

As guessed - author is Peter Katsis.

Update - a second post from Peter Katsis:

More shoddy journalism by COS and Pitchfork today.

They attributed my quote (on The Simpson’s poor writing) to Morrissey, while using false facts to try and support more meaningless stories

More former journalistic press outlets now turning to the same tactics The Simpson’s used to gain attention.

Other real papers, like Rolling Stone, called to ask who wrote the comment.

Someone should tell COS and Pitchfork that is what is called “journalism".

In the meantime nobody has even mentioned the horrible false portrayal of Morrissey used by The Simpsons team. - Peter Katsis

Update - third post. Link posted by Uncleskinny:

Thinking more today on this Simpson’s bullshit…..

Why did Cumberbatch even agree to take this voice-over gig playing the Morrissey character?

Could he be that hard up for cash that he would agree to bad rap another artist that harshly?

Clearly he would have read the outline or script before he took the gig.

Could he actually be as big an asshole as the people on The Simpson’s writing team? and the FOX team?

Apparently so. Maybe he should speak up and tell his side of this.

Does he even have enough balls to do that? - PK

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"But when a show stoops so low to use harshly hateful tactics like showing the Morrissey character with his belly hanging out of his shirt (when he has never looked like that at any point in his career) makes you wonder who the real hurtful, racist group is here."

So its racist and hurtful to show "Morrissey" with his gut hanging out? Does this mean he stop revealing his nil pack at future gigs?
Can't be bothered by wading through this seven-page sewer, so I'll just give you my two cents straight up.

I've been a Simpsons fan since the 90's. Unlike most, I still watch and enjoy the show. But I have to say, this episode was as simple-minded as they come. No nuance whatsoever, just meanness, rumour-fuelled and unsubtantiated hatred and plain old bad writing (it felt extremely rushed, hasty and ill-thought out).

Few shows have been accused of racism as often as The Simpsons, so lashing out at someone else and caling them racist is a fine way to redirect attention - if you're a f***ing coward, that is.

And Fiona was spot on in her analysis. "They promoted the Morrissey Simpsons episode as if it was for fans/by a fan - so they could push up their viewing figures by getting his supporters to watch it. It seems no one can resist a touch of cruelty in the mainstream nowadays."

They deleted the 1992 episode where Michael Jackson made a guest appearance, because of the (unsubstantiated) accusations of child molestation directed at him during the height of #MeToo (ten years after his passing, I must add), and now they're giving Morrissey a low-blow. For a show that made its bones by being cutting-edge, controversial and fearless, it sure has become keen on pleasing everybody. I think it's sad.

I'll probably keep watching the show (old habits die hard and all that), but I guess it'll be with a bad taste in my mouth.
Never cared for The Simpsons after Season 1. Now they are in Season 32, shows I'm not of this world and never will be.
Morrissey should just change his stage name to Hypocrisy.
i wouldnt have watched it whether it was good or bad.skinyy,hardly posted for weeks now hes cumming in his troosers with this wonderful episode of a shite surprised cumberbatch went along with this as hes a fan.all we heard before was how wonderful M was from the makers,nice marketing ploy,hope some people challenge them on social media.
Sometimes these 'fans' really mean they once heard a Smiths song on the radio and didn’t turn it off.
Does anyone have the clip? I'm in Ireland and the clip previously posted won't load. On utube I can only find bullscour advertising the episode.
Just watched it .... Last day of my April hols ruined ... Was actually funny and smart till the 16 minute mark. Then it was simply hateful and wrong and extremely unpleasant. To assassinate someone on a still prime time US TV show is staggering... It wasn't parody it was so far off the mark it was an assassination.... Mean ... Wrong... Hateful... Nasty and from a show thats been tarred with a similar brush (wrongly imo) ...... No so great when the dog kicks back it seems. Only thing worse is the moron fan basking in it
I don't care what anybody says about morrissey as long as he keeps making brilliant music i'll still love him
Curious to some examples where The Simpsons have been this hateful & hurtful & nasty to other singers/bands? I can’t think of any...and I watched the show every week for about the first 15 years...less nowadays but still quite a bit in the last 15 years.

They were never low blow hitters...they were never this bend the truth to tell an agenda driven narrative like the current news media does daily. Just thinking about Hullabalooza: Billy Corgan-Smashing Pumpkins...Flaming Moe: Aerosmith-Steven Tyler.

Wow...imagine if these writers weren’t “fans” of Morrissey.

I guess it’s par for the course that Morrissey would be their first endeavor into being unabashed a-holes.
It's only a low blow if it's false. The only falsehood I saw was a sausage launcher, which would really liven up his truly awful fail-party concerts.
Love Moz, but I love how fans and his team thought it was a tribute at first even more lmao. Well played, The Simpsons.
Just saw the full episode. "The flesh that you cover with cheese is proof of your moral disease". I´m dying :ROFLMAO:. BUT don´t look at the Reunion-Concert around 17:00 minutes. Only american bullshit after that. Fat racist Morrissey eating flesh bla bla bla..... It could have been a great episode, it was all there! It´s a shame! I liked the Simpsons a lot, but for now on....f*** THEM!!!
You're certainly showing them pulling your support three decades in like a true moral crusader
I'm thinking... The story is old but it goes on...

I'm sorry you're feeling upset. The false advertising angers me, but I can't say that it surprises me.
It's a US mainstream cartoon sitcom, it was never going to do him or The Smiths justice in the eyes of fans. It's always just clichés about gloomy and depressing British music from the past, nothing ever gets to the core of what makes him and The Smiths so special.
The vicious attack and portrayal seems to be worse than I expected, but it's really more about the Simpsons and the show's creators than about Morrissey, isn't it?

I hope Morrissey himself doesn't get lost in trench warfare this time but focuses on what matters the most: his own well-being and hopefully some new music.

I'm really upset.

I agree the whole thing is really more about the show and its creators than about Morrissey. Nevertheless, the general public doesn't get that, do they?

Morrissey fandom should somehow be able to help him fight this back in case he decides that's what he has to do (Fiona already does what she can).

I have a strong protective feeling toward him, but no platform to effectively do something by myself. It's a shame...
It’s obvious this Simpsons episode is a cash grab and using M as folk devil/scapegoat.
Oh yes. All the kids are into Morrissey. Cash grab. Both Simpsons & Morrissey are as irrelevant as ever. People sure seem to hate it when Morrissey's words are used against him. The arse-licking is still along the same lines as the Trump cult, and in both cases, the vast number of people have rejected the message. On to the dumpster of history, Morrissey!
Can't be bothered by wading through this seven-page sewer, so I'll just give you my two cents straight up.

I've been a Simpsons fan since the 90's. Unlike most, I still watch and enjoy the show. But I have to say, this episode was as simple-minded as they come. No nuance whatsoever, just meanness, rumour-fuelled and unsubtantiated hatred and plain old bad writing (it felt extremely rushed, hasty and ill-thought out).

Few shows have been accused of racism as often as The Simpsons, so lashing out at someone else and caling them racist is a fine way to redirect attention - if you're a f***ing coward, that is.

And Fiona was spot on in her analysis. "They promoted the Morrissey Simpsons episode as if it was for fans/by a fan - so they could push up their viewing figures by getting his supporters to watch it. It seems no one can resist a touch of cruelty in the mainstream nowadays."

They deleted the 1992 episode where Michael Jackson made a guest appearance, because of the (unsubstantiated) accusations of child molestation directed at him during the height of #MeToo (ten years after his passing, I must add), and now they're giving Morrissey a low-blow. For a show that made its bones by being cutting-edge, controversial and fearless, it sure has become keen on pleasing everybody. I think it's sad.

I'll probably keep watching the show (old habits die hard and all that), but I guess it'll be with a bad taste in my mouth.


good post Salsa, I see you finally opened up your :eyes:
and gave up skinny troll insanity.:thumb:

look at skinny, 60 yr old wearing a ridiculous hipster hat. 6o yr old FFS hes as old as FC and he acts like a teenager with a hipster hat and watches cartoons:mad:

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