Official Facebook Peter Katsis: Simpsons Responses (April 19, 2021)

"Surprising what a “turn for the worst" the writing for The Simpson’s tv show has taken in recent years.

Sadly, The Simpson’s show started out creating great insight into the modern cultural experience, but has since degenerated to trying to capitalize on cheap controversy and expounding on vicious rumors.

Poking fun at subjects is one thing. Other shows like SNL still do a great job at finding ways to inspire great satire.

But when a show stoops so low to use harshly hateful tactics like showing the Morrissey character with his belly hanging out of his shirt (when he has never looked like that at any point in his career) makes you wonder who the real hurtful, racist group is here.

Even worse - calling the Morrissey character out for being a racist, without pointing out any specific instances, offers nothing. It only serves to insult the artist.

They should take that mirror and hold it up to themselves.

Simpson’s actor Hank Azaria's recent apology to the whole country of India for his role in upholding "structural racism” says it all.

Unlike the character in the Simpson’s “Panic” episode…….

Morrissey has never made a “cash grab”, hasn’t sued any people for their attacks, has never stopped performing great shows, and is still a serious vegan and strong supporter for animal rights.

By suggesting all of the above in this episode…the Simpson’s hypocritical approach to their storyline says it all.

Truly they are the only ones who have stopped creating, and have instead turned unapologetically hurtful and racist.

Not surprising…... that The Simpsons viewership ratings have gone down so badly over recent years."

As guessed - author is Peter Katsis.

Update - a second post from Peter Katsis:

More shoddy journalism by COS and Pitchfork today.

They attributed my quote (on The Simpson’s poor writing) to Morrissey, while using false facts to try and support more meaningless stories

More former journalistic press outlets now turning to the same tactics The Simpson’s used to gain attention.

Other real papers, like Rolling Stone, called to ask who wrote the comment.

Someone should tell COS and Pitchfork that is what is called “journalism".

In the meantime nobody has even mentioned the horrible false portrayal of Morrissey used by The Simpsons team. - Peter Katsis

Update - third post. Link posted by Uncleskinny:

Thinking more today on this Simpson’s bullshit…..

Why did Cumberbatch even agree to take this voice-over gig playing the Morrissey character?

Could he be that hard up for cash that he would agree to bad rap another artist that harshly?

Clearly he would have read the outline or script before he took the gig.

Could he actually be as big an asshole as the people on The Simpson’s writing team? and the FOX team?

Apparently so. Maybe he should speak up and tell his side of this.

Does he even have enough balls to do that? - PK

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Also Skinny's dick must be absolutely f***ing rubbed raw over this. Dude needs serious help.
It is interesting. Hero-worship and adulation replaced almost suddenly by an ongoing public display of anger, criticism, resentment etc. Is he privately angry not at Mozzer, but at himself, and trying to deal with this conflict by projecting at his former idol? What would Freud say? Some kind of father complex?
I thought the show started out pretty good.....and then I was thinking between the "Shoplifters" movie and now this, perhaps there is "talk" of a reunion......but, wow, the ending did not go as I thought it would!
"Morrissey has never made a cash grab" is a hell of a claim for an artist with more compilation/best-ofs than friends, and was selling other people's albums signed by himself whilst on tour recently.
Yesterday, I really wanted to watch the episode, but had no access to it.

Today, after reading all articles and comments about it, I woudn't watch it for the world!

I feel so personally hurt by what they did to Morrissey, that I'm having some crazy ideas such as how we fans could get together, raise money, sue their asses, win millions and donate all the money to the causes Morrissey support and also to some refugees camps in Europe.

We fans need to do something more effective than simply comment...

What do you think, Girl?

I'm thinking... The story is old but it goes on...

I'm sorry you're feeling upset. The false advertising angers me, but I can't say that it surprises me.
It's a US mainstream cartoon sitcom, it was never going to do him or The Smiths justice in the eyes of fans. It's always just clichés about gloomy and depressing British music from the past, nothing ever gets to the core of what makes him and The Smiths so special.
The vicious attack and portrayal seems to be worse than I expected, but it's really more about the Simpsons and the show's creators than about Morrissey, isn't it?

I hope Morrissey himself doesn't get lost in trench warfare this time but focuses on what matters the most: his own well-being and hopefully some new music.
I have NEVER watched The Simpsons - seriously.. Not one single episode. Nonsensical BS. Same goes for SNL. I loved SNL up to the early 90s but it went flat soon after.
I have NEVER watched The Simpsons - seriously.. Not one single episode. Nonsensical BS. Same goes for SNL. I loved SNL up to the early 90s but it went flat soon after.

You should. First nine seasons are pretty much some of the best television ever aired. I'm sorry their current writers slagged off your favourite singer, though.
"Morrissey has never made a cash grab" is a hell of a claim for an artist with more compilation/best-ofs than friends, and was selling other people's albums signed by himself whilst on tour recently.
The real cash grab would have been accepting a Smiths reunion just like in the Simpsons episode.
They've stopped being nice to him - it's back to him being a reactionary but save The Smiths with the nice white straight people in it.

I think I may have puked a little while reading this.

"one of OUR greatest musical achievements"

"Morrissey has never made a cash grab" is a hell of a claim for an artist with more compilation/best-ofs than friends, and was selling other people's albums signed by himself whilst on tour recently.
you must be an utter simpleton if you think the signed albums were to help finance a new Malibu property
you must be an utter simpleton if you think the signed albums were to help finance a new Malibu property
they probably paid for a new plate set, aye. Although nothing can ease the pain of shelling out two hundred quid for a copy of Selfish c***'s "No Wicked Heart Shall Prosper" that Morrissey has signed.
Yes, loved Sherlock! The rest of his cannon is rubbish.
Ah ok. I thought maybe that you were like me and didn’t know this person’s name or existence until this.
you must be an utter simpleton if you think the signed albums were to help finance a new Malibu property

folks that think his compilations or selling his autograph (which is what people are actually paying for) is a ‘cash grab’ are total idiots :crazy:
I know it's over. 90% of the world does too- excluding the mental defectives that linger here every day.

Go away Quilloughby, you're more of a parody than any cartoon.
speaking of idiots.
it was SO unclever, mozzybear. you are so so much more clever than the people at the simpsons, and so SO much sexier than how they portrayed you. im going to make myself traceable (once i figure out how) so you an' me can go blazer shopping, how's that sound? cheer you right up, im sure! love you babybear!!
You would be an authority on un-clever, dinner lady arms.
This is what happens when you surround yourself with clowns and yes men. He should’ve tamped down on the racism. Instead he embraced the loony cult side of his fandom who will approvingly go along with anything he says or does. Does Vegas happen now? Probably not. He f***ed around (for too long) and found out. Also he has said the most mean and awful things (unprovoked) to so many people over the years. The Beckham’s come to mind. “They should be dragged to the edge of the village and flogged”. For the crime of being insufferable. Haha can you imagine that? Pot meet kettle Moz

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