I think M has a fecking point, in a way. I think there are people trying to kill his career . There were people trying to get Johnny to leave the Smiths. There are people who do not like him
The real anti M suff started in the UK, during Smiths time but really got going in the early 90s. It didn't work at first, as the USA market kept him afloat. After a while the effects kicked in, label drop, fewer tickets selling, no records getting in the top 40. He was lucky the whole 80s thing kicked off around 2002 and M was back as mouthy crown prince. It helped M a lot that Russell Brand acted as promotor. You can hate on Russell, but he did great work keeping M popular for the right reasons
I think there are people refusing to sign M, but the way the post is written is so Trump like
They aren't trying to ban him for being a dangerous truth teller, and they never "confiscated "his record. Total BS. The only people who fall for that stuff are low IQ people. The reason the labels aren't signing him is he doesn't make them enough $$$ to put up with him. The reason the record is not out, is due to an artist dispute and him acting out, when they offered to try and fix the situation. Basically, a lot of people don't like him and used to put that aside to make money off him. Now they just don't want to deal. M, is one of those people who offend and move on , he's like David Banner/Hulk, As soon as people get wise to him, he moves to a new town - . It works like that with his audience, at first the Brits loved him, then they got wise to him and turned on him. The USA is faraway from the UK and is huge , so it took them a while to get wise to him, but they have now. So, his main market is looking like South America and when get wise to him, he will tour Asia and post about being "Big In Japan"