Perth Cancelled

Very disappointing to receive notification of cancellation 8hrs before the Perth Australia show, which has been sold out for months. "Unforeseen circumstances" hours before a gig is really not good enough, particularly with people travelling for the concert. Pissed off is one way to describe the situation.

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The 40 years tour should be changed to the mystery tour! another bizare cancellation .... another setlist on replay in Tokyo ..... any chance we get some news on the new album with a possible release date?? something positive for a very fustrated and confused fan base .... and so the mystery tour sleep walks to the next you Mozi but wtf?
very true. will he or won't he appear tonight? will he or won't he release Bonfire? in the words of Toyah, it's a mystery, it's a mystery... :lbf:
Tour scheduling / amount of rest days inbetween gigs really has to be looked at considering his age

Whether that makes touring financially sound if have to increase days off is the question

Maybe will just need to be select dates in one location , so reduced travelling
Introducing Morrissey or Live In Dallas is how I want to remember him. Much better than Who Put the my opinion.
2 great shows from 2 great eras, though in live In Dallas you can see Alains finger getting shredded by his guitar string. That must have bloody hurt, claret all over his guitar
He just needs to stop touring full stop for 18 months at least as his reputation is getting an absolute hammering with all these cancellations.
Indeed, what was an eye opener for me was the part when in 2006 he was absolutely massive, went on his biggest tour, massive stage, massive stadiums and he was in bits not wanting to go on stage.
For us i spose waking up in the morning and dreading going to work at a shitty low paid job and feeling like death, you just phone up and say 'im not coming in', but when you're a singer in a band if you want to do that you are literally letting thousands of people down, employees, fans etc. And then you have to go out there and excite people. It must be very hard.
Robert Smith says he walked out on the Pornography tour after a fight with Simon in Japan, flew home and his father gave him wrong and told him to go back as he had a responsibility to people who had spent money to see them, he went straight back to the airport and back to Japan
He's just cancelling dates at total random now, as if on a whim and with no proper reason given. At least in the past there has been some effort made to craft a vague excuse ("illness in the touring party").

Alain should make a habit of booking shows in the same city on the same night as Morrissey shows. With the current cancellation rates, Alain would likely pack 'em in.
He's just cancelling dates at total random now, as if on a whim and with no proper reason given. At least in the past there has been some effort made to craft a vague excuse ("illness in the touring party").

Alain should make a habit of booking shows in the same city on the same night as Morrissey shows. With the current cancellation rates, Alain would likely pack 'em in.
Yeah, but Alain can’t sing!
I have tix to Sydney and Brisbane. I delayed buying flights. Was gonna make my travel arrangements as soon as the house lights went down in Perth. Now I don't know if I should roll the dice....

What a dilemma.
You're hoping. It's a ridiculous position to be in. Good luck
The 40 years of Morrissey tour is looking more and more like the russian roulette !

Robert Smith says he walked out on the Pornography tour after a fight with Simon in Japan, flew home and his father gave him wrong and told him to go back as he had a responsibility to people who had spent money to see them, he went straight back to the airport and back to Japan

Kudos to his dad then, but a bit pathetic that it didn't occur to Fat Bob himself in the course of his 12-hour flight back to the UK (doubtless in 1st class).

It would have been a better story if his mum had been waiting for him when he got back to Tokyo, and said "On the other hand, Bob...."
They still smile for the casual band pic here or there.
If it's really true, that he preferred to fly directly to Melbourne for logistical reasons and simply skipped Perth, it's incredible arrogance. If his own health and state of mind is so unstable, that he can only play a few shows (except in the USA) and has simply booked far too many of them, it is really worrying.

The band should have gone ahead and played without him, or maybe called Rick Astley at the last minute.
Indeed, what was an eye opener for me was the part when in 2006 he was absolutely massive, went on his biggest tour, massive stage, massive stadiums and he was in bits not wanting to go on stage.
For us i spose waking up in the morning and dreading going to work at a shitty low paid job and feeling like death, you just phone up and say 'im not coming in', but when you're a singer in a band if you want to do that you are literally letting thousands of people down, employees, fans etc. And then you have to go out there and excite people. It must be very hard.
The difference is, Robbie (and Moz) don't have a shitty low paid job.
The reason is the quality of the work. The cancellations are just a known risk. Don't travel far to see him, don't book a hotel overnight, sure, but the worst to happen otherwise is a ticket refund.
You do realise people live other places than just cities? I can't attend anything without a hotel room because I live rurally.
Absolutely gutted is an understatement. I couldn't believe my luck when I heard a few months back that The Mozfather was gracing us here in Perth. I splashed out, bought two tix, and saved a little merch kitty as I had planned on buying ALL of the merch :LOL: on the presumption that this may very well be the last time I get to see the great songsmith.
I'm not one for stirring the pot and I don't buy into "My uncles cousins barbers dogwalker overheard a muffled conversation in a toilet cubicle in Singapore" kind of hearsay so I hope the great man is healthy and well and there is nothing serious at play but.... you can't argue with the cancellation track record which doesn't look good. And the non explanation does leave a sour taste in the mouth.

My inconvenience is only slight compared to those who had booked flights and accommodation etc so I wish all of those fans a speedy recovery in getting over their disappointment, and I hope the fans across the rest of Australia get their big night out.

Is it wishful thinking to dream of a rescheduled date ??
Never going to happen.
it's really impossible for even the hugest fans to defend the things he does.
certainly ridiculous how often shows are cancelled. made all the worse by the lack of sensible (or any) explanations.

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