Pasadena, CA - Cruel World Fest (May 14, 2022) post-show

Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Irish Blood, English Heart / Disappointed / Knockabout World / Billy Budd / Never Had No One Ever / Alma Matters / I Am Veronica / The Loop / First Of The Gang To Die / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / Little Man, What Now? / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Half A Person / Suedehead / Jack The Ripper / Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of FWD, @Flibberty &

  • Link posted by Surface:

  • Links posted by Famous when dead.

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I did not spot Miley backstage, but that doesn't mean she wasn't there. Morrissey, Bauhaus and Blondie had a separate compound that wasn't admissible except to them and their bands and teams. I did, however, brush past Damon just after they took the stage.

Yeah, not saying she was physically there, they probably used a sample of the backing vocal that may be her.
As far as vocally, I wouldn't have labeled it "lackluster" or "unenergetic", I would instead say that he seemed intent on nailing every note and saving his voice, possibly to ensure he was still able to perform tonight. We'll see if he let's loose. The cameras recording up front may have also played into his wanting to have studio-quality delivery.
Entrance plus first 5 songs ( Billy Budd cut off at the end )
Yeah, not saying she was physically there, they probably used a sample of the backing vocal that may be her.
The question is whether these recorded vocals will be used on the album version/single version :unsure:
The question is whether these recorded vocals will be used on the album version/single version :unsure:

didn’t we hear them on the Vegas show promo teaser clip?

even with that studio photo of them together, we don’t know if it’s really her on backing yet. Actually I’m not sure if it’s a female vocal or just vocals that have been pitched up, could be both.

btw thanks for the video posts (y)
even with that studio photo of them together, we don’t know if it’s really her on backing yet. Actually I’m not sure if it’s a female vocal or just vocals that have been pitched up, could be both.

btw thanks for the video posts (y)
I'm just searching, real thanks go to " the tapers " ;)
I'm pretty sure it's Miley Virus . It's a good marketing move, in a way
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Promised myself I wouldn't go to this show, but I was offered two cheap tickets at the last minute and couldn't resist. It was a beautiful night in Pasadena, but festivals are hardly ever ideal settings to catch a performance and this one was no different. There were definitely lots of Bauhausers filing out before the show started, but it didn't really affect anything negatively and the crowd was still nice and large.

That said, it was nice and large and dead. I think Southern California and Los Angeles in particular are vastly overrated when it comes to this mythology of the best places to catch a Morrissey show. I couldn't believe how lifeless and unemotional the crowd response was, especially given that he sang beautifully and the band sounded pretty good. A definite improvement over San Luis Obispo to my ears. Morrissey was adding little vocal flourishes that I hadn't heard him go for in years and the overall mix was much clearer and more powerful than the last show. It's a shame this wasn't reflected back at him by the exhausted and unenthusiastic crowd. Kind of a waste. He was clearly picking up on this and his mood remained pretty muted for the entirety of the set. No band introductions, no banter.

Seems he took my memo and dropped "How Soon is Now?" but I couldn't help but feeling this would have tightened things up as an encore and given the people something of a more climactic finale (especially given that the obvious highlight for the crowd seemed to be "Suedehead.") I guess he didn't feel like catering to them and I don't really blame him.

Hopefully, you saying this wont result in a mentally ill person, trying to make out you are a lying. And equating " Nobody stayed " with " some left"
I agree with your review.
I and my friends had fun and it was nice to see M pull off the headline slot.

"That said, it was nice and large and dead. I think Southern California and Los Angeles in particular are vastly overrated when it comes to this mythology of the best places to catch a Morrissey show"

I agree totally with this
I lived In West Hollywood for 6 years and went to a load of SoCal shows, especially in LA
and not one matched up to his UK/Irish gigs. For me they remain the best places to see M
After that, some other European cities and Israel.
I have never been to Japan, but I heard he likes playing there and they are meant to be good shows
In the USA from what I heard and then witnessed, I tend to think his better shows are in the Northern part of the land- New York, Boston, Philly, Seattle, Chicago
I never saw one show in LA that came anywhere near the European ones. The only place in SoCal I saw one of European standards was in San Diego in 2018.

I think partly its M being lazy but mainly its the crowd. The LA crowd is drab, to say the least
I think that a lot of that probably has to do with the fact that what’s left of his core Los Angeles audience is getting older. Gone are the days of those shows in the 90s and early 2000s, where the crowds were super wild and sometimes violent (thinking of the shows at the Palladium in 1999, where there was constant fist fight going on in the crowd and someone getting stabbed in the parking lot).

Having been to a lot of shows the back in the day, often a lot of the trouble came from the mainly Latino “rebel” and party crew scene that was so transfixed on him at that time. That whole scene doesn’t really exist anymore, and those kids are now in their 40s/50s. That phenomenon, mixed with the rabid fan base that he had at the time, made for extremely physical shows. Festival crowds are always going to be a bit hit or miss, but I think that those wild days of the crowd surging and crushing forward before the opening act even hits the stage are long over.
Over the past 7 years I’ve returned to regular gig going, after 7-8 years of more occasional attendances.

On return, I noticed a general change in audience behaviours and especially for Morrissey (and Madness for that matter): more passive, more demanding, more indignant, more entitled, and less accommodating of youngsters, moshing, spilled drinks and so on. Obviously, I put this down to an ageing audience.

But over the past year I’ve seen De La Soul, Peter Hook, The Blossoms/Astley, and an Oasis tribute band, with a similar age demographic constituting the crowds—but these audience’s were energetic, pissed-up, engaged, generous, and generative of a more familiar atmosphere.

Speculating, I’d suggest that the change actually has something to do with screens and the type of viewing it procures. At bigger gigs, I honestly see people watching/recording the entire concert through the medium of their phone: for many, perhaps gigs have become an extension of television, and seeing some acts (eg Morrissey, Madness, Quo) is a nostalgic TV experience. Arena size venues/festivals are perhaps increasingly capitalising on the thirst for this. And generating increasingly shit concerts (along with more cash) in the process.

Speaking from fairly recent experience, only The Stone Roses and New Order should play to more than 5000 people.
Post your info and reviews related to this concert in the comments section below. Other links (photos, external reviews, etc.) related to this concert will also be compiled in this section as they are sent in.


We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful / Irish Blood, English Heart / Disappointed / Knockabout World / Billy Budd / Never Had No One Ever / Alma Matters / I Am Veronica / The Loop / First Of The Gang To Die / Ouija Board, Ouija Board / Little Man, What Now? / Everyday Is Like Sunday / Half A Person / Suedehead / Jack The Ripper / Sweet And Tender Hooligan

Setlist courtesy of FWD, @Flibberty &

  • Links posted by Famous when dead.


So, the person taking pictures is actually a pro photographer and took some great shots
Does that mean, the truth (about Ruth) was thus-
M only had Spam doing things like that at his mothers request (that is what lots of the more insider type people said) . M wanted to make his mother happy, so helped out the family, even though it had adverse effects on his career.
Now his mother has passed, and while he has time to repair the post 2012 SER mess, he is going with a better team?
Of course I could be getting carried away
Bauhaus are always great live - I’ve seen them about seven times, and have never seen or heard of them doing a poor performance - but how were Blondie?
What an amazing evening! I suffered through Bauhaus (sorry, too damned loud and just not my cup of tea) and sacrificed Furs and Blondie in order to move my way up into the crowd for M. He spent a lot of time on the left side of the stage (the GA area rather than near the $600 Club attendees), which was awesome for me. He was energetic and handsome and amusing and engaged.

The energy of the crowd around me was nice, with a lot of singing and dancing. Can’t speak to the miles of warm bodies that were behind me. He wore his bowtie and melted my heart. The Loop was a real standout for me and also Alma and Sunday, both of which made me extremely emotional.

The festival itself was like the 6th circle of hell — literally a 30 minute walk in from the parking lot, lines and lines and lines of cranky, sun-baked attendees, hour+ wait for merch. Didn’t even attempt to get food. Definitely getting too old for this shit, but god it was worth it!!!
What an amazing evening! I suffered through Bauhaus (sorry, too damned loud and just not my cup of tea) and sacrificed Furs and Blondie in order to move my way up into the crowd for M. He spent a lot of time on the left side of the stage (the GA area rather than near the $600 Club attendees), which was awesome for me. He was energetic and handsome and amusing and engaged.

The energy of the crowd around me was nice, with a lot of singing and dancing. Can’t speak to the miles of warm bodies that were behind me. He wore his bowtie and melted my heart. The Loop was a real standout for me and also Alma and Sunday, both of which made me extremely emotional.

The festival itself was like the 6th circle of hell — literally a 30 minute walk in from the parking lot, lines and lines and lines of cranky, sun-baked attendees, hour+ wait for merch. Didn’t even attempt to get food. Definitely getting too old for this shit, but god it was worth it!!!
Nice review 😁 an hour + For the Merch will be interesting to see how much was sold. Love Sunday but he spoils it for me with the Quando thing. Bet Alma was great
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