Morrissey Central "NEW GUITARIST" (April 13, 2023)

Carmen Vandenberg (below) will play guitars with Jesse Tobias in the new
line-up for Morrissey's forthcoming July concerts in Israel, Ireland and Britain.

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I just watched the Live in Dallas concert on YouTube and it's truly amazing. Moz and the band sound and look fantastic. I love the overall energy of everyone.
I agree they do a great job, but they are not young and they were not recruited to bring some younger element to the group. Both were in Bad Lieutenant with Bernard and they go back even further than that, Phil goes back to Electronic.

Tommy and Phil have also formed a group with Iwan Gronow ( Haven/Johnny Marr) and Beth Cassidy (Section 25) Going to see them at the very odd church venue in Macclesfield at the end of May.

Not if he signed an NDA. We never got a clear statement of exactly why Alain left the band the first time round, or Boz or any other other musicians, so I doubt this time will be any different. In the absence of any clear statement from either party, all the fans have left is speculation.
Are fans really entitled to much more than speculation?
Are fans really entitled to much more than speculation?
I just feel like we have devoted 40 years of our lives to Morrissey, and along the way some of us really loved the band mates, too. He always lets go of the ones who should stay and never the ones who really should just silently slip away. It makes me sad
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Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but how come Alain hasn’t even deleted from his Instagram account his “guitarist/songwriter for Morrissey” description?

Not sure if it’s been mentioned, but how come Alain hasn’t even deleted from his Instagram account his “guitarist/songwriter for Morrissey” description?

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He actually was still a M songwriter after his first departure in the 00s. Didn't play live with him and still credited in records.

Also, I bet he has better things to do than updating his socials.

I know it's over
Morrissey Central couldn't even put out a 'thank you and goodbye' acknowledgment for Boz Boorer after 30 years of service, yet they'll obsessively post about the tiniest Morrissey reference in the media, or if some vacuous celebrity is spotted wearing a Smiths T-Shirt. The band members really are as replaceable as lawn-mower parts, and always have been.
i just wonder why some fans hate Jesse Tobias ? ( Personally I don't love or hate him )

Yeah, they just do. It's sad too because he is technically skilled and fairly original, has written a few standout tracks, and has brought a heavier guitar sound to the band in general. He replaced Alain originally, so that's most likely where the ire stems from. We're a loyal bunch (the fans).

Vandenberg is a real good player though. I've listened to many clips of her just in the last few days. --> I'd say the band needs better vocals than guitars though. We've already got Manzur on permanent classical/acoustic, Jesse on permanent electric it seems. We only needed someone like Alain who would add soft touches to Jesse's heaviness. Now we're bringing in a shredder?

It could be like others have alluded to - that Alain wanted to be in a more structured/organized band with a future, which now is in disarray. The new group recently recorded an LP - but there's speculation about it being released, etc. I can understand if Alain felt the entire situation wasn't 'on the level' (especially a level that he would've been accustomed to working w/Morrissey).

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