New book - Marr's Guitars (Release: October 17, 2023)

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That’s a genuinely great book I have to say. Johnny’s projects are always quality. You can tell he surrounds himself with good people.
Johnny Marr is a good person, because he’s self-aware, conscious of showbiz pitfalls, and doesn’t take anything about his life for granted—not even his ‘natural’ gift. Joe Moss, afforded me the opportunity to meet Marr. It’s hard to overstate how generous Marr was, particularly when I remember what a nut-job fan I was (The first Electronic LP was my gateway to Morrissey and The Smiths).
Hang on to your ego, it's all that you have, you narcissist d*ck.

Why is this on a M related page? This must be in another section at least.

I bet there is a part where he talks sh*t about M.
They talked about this book on the (Belgian/ Flemish speaking) radio yesterday, and then played TCM. It makes sense for JM to write such a book, could be fun.
Two plus two = four.

The shortest distance between any two points is a straight line.

Without Johnny Marr, there would be no Morrissey.

These are all facts.
:rolleyes: here we go again
Two plus two = four.

The shortest distance between any two points is a straight line.

Without Johnny Marr, there would be no Morrissey.

These are all facts.
Of course there would be Morrissey out there anyhow. Maybe as Steven or Patrick or M, as a writer, journalist, activist, singer, etc. He would be in the radar.

There is nothing magical on a tw*t knocking on a door of the one who is in love with, asking for form a band, and later hating him and talking sh*t every time he wants. Not able to handle such a big personality.
M would be in business, as sharp and witti.

And of course may be a small john playing in a flock of seagulls or something like that, a one hit wonder.
I wonder if Morrissey will be mentioned in the book, or if he goes with the generic Smiths. I would love to see some rare Smiths photos!
Johnny's previous website had a "Guitarchestra" section which showcased some of his guitars in a similar way - sounds quite interesting but £41 is a bit steep. I was disappointed that Set the Boy Free didn't really go into the songwriting process and glossed over a lot so I hope the stories in this might be more intriguing.

Hilarious to see people whining that this news item is on the main page when the usual dreck re-posted from Central is stuff like tour posters in a toilet, tour posters on a wall, crap cover versions, some nobody mentions Morrissey on Twitter, etc etc. Grow up.
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I am assuming there will be Smiths material in that book so why not post it here
Jeez louise!! This is why i abstained from writing comments on here for so long.
If we are all honest neither M nor Johnny would be where they are now without each other meeting at that time and making that music together.
The fact that they are no longer friends is very sad but no one has died and Johnny is doing what you would absolutely expect, a book about guitars, because hes a massively talented guitarist and responsible for some of the most achingly beautiful music i have ever heard, most of which was written with Morrissey.
Which is why its of interest on here.
Untwist your knickers and just enjoy.
Johnny's previous website had a "Guitarchestra" section which showcased some of his guitars in a similar way - sounds quite interesting but £41 is a bit steep. I was disappointed that Set the Boy Free didn't really go into the songwriting process and glossed over a lot so I hope the stories in this might be more intriguing.

Hilarious to see people whining that this news item is on the main page when the usual dreck re-posted from Central is stuff like tour posters in a toilet, tour posters on a wall, crap cover versions, some nobody mentions Morrissey on Twitter, etc etc. Grow up.
Christ, I’d forgotten about the poster in the bog.
Hang on to your ego, it's all that you have, you narcissist d*ck.

Why is this on a M related page? This must be in another section at least.

I bet there is a part where he talks sh*t about M.
If you have an issue with narcissists who constantly talk shit, you probably should stop listening to Morrissey.

Anyway, big Marr fan, book looks interesting.

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