Morrissey statement on tour cancellation -

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Tuesday June 10th

Morrissey announces the close down of the present U.S. tour with "unimaginable sorrow".
On Saturday, June 7th, following the show at Boston Opera House, Morrissey collapsed and was rushed to Massachusetts General Hospital where doctors treated Morrissey for "acute fever". Difficulties had arisen on May 31st following Kristeen Young's opening set at the Miami Knight Concert Hall, after which Kristeen confessed to "a horrendous cold", the symptoms of which were passed on to Morrissey resulting in the cancellation of the next show in Atlanta.
For the good of all, Kristeen was asked to step down from the immediate upcoming shows, but instead she decided to leave the tour entirely. Morrissey and the band wish her well and hope she is now in good health.
Morrissey received medical attention in Miami, and once again in Boston, but it was not enough to shake off the virus, the recovery time for which is too lengthy to meet the final 9 shows of the tour.
Morrissey and the band are otherwise delighted and very grateful for their experiences on the U.S. tour, some shows of which they considered to be their best-ever, most notably:

1 BOSTON Opera House
2 LOS ANGELES Sports Arena
3 BEAUMONT Julie Rogers Theater
4 NASHVILLE Ryman Auditorium
5 MEMPHIS Orpheum Theater

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Here's one of the better tweets I've seen regarding this whole debacle.

@SurgeryMiami: Morrissey cancels tour to recover from infection #breastreduction #laserhairremoval #miami
True to you has been online every time I've tried it - all day. It's fine on my phone and fine on my laptop.

I can't work out if you are all genuinely having problems viewing it or if you are trying to make out there's some sort of mysterious problem with it / big announcement due just to create drama. Sorry if it's a genuine problem you're all having, but you never know on this site.

I truly couldn't get to it for several hours. Which--perhaps because I've been spending too much time here, of late--led to me feeling strangely anxious. Honestly, the things we get ourselves worked up over...I know, I know, it's ridiculous.

Anyhow, as it is for others, it is now working for me again. I've no idea what the issue might have been before.
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Reading these comments (admittedly not all of them) I'm surprised people aren't more concerned about Morrissey collapsing again. Has he got a chronic health condition? Is this why his songs have taken on death as the major theme, on the last couples of albums, because he knows or suspects his own is likely soon?

Kristeen Young really isn't important to me...
If he isn't going to honour his commitment then I think we kind of deserve the truth but more so, I just wish he'd acknowledge those who put a lot of effort into trying to see him life and missed out. That could be someone who payed to travel far or someone who bought the cheapest seat at a venue they could walk to.

I personally believe he IS sick and is not able to finish the tour. I think in the grand scheme of things we have the truth about why he has cancelled the tour.

What the truth is between him and KY is hard to figure out. I don't think we really deserve THAT specific truth.

I agree that it would be nice for him to acknowledge fans who missed out, but he recently made a comment somewhere that kind of made fun of that very situation, mentioning some of the costs involved in a way that seemed mocking. I think he mentioned kennel fees or something like that.
I am utterly gutted over the cancellation. Typical of the Irish male the "fightin' Irish" never to know when the boot is on your neck. A phrase comes to mind- I will cut off my nose to spite my face. It's impossible to make sense of the senseless.

He isn't Irish, he's English.
Can a concert ticket-holding, plane ticket holding, rental car reserving, babysitter's lined up, hotel's booked---fan vent a little? I guess that must make me a selfish a-hole. So, what does it mean you are? An appreciated fan? I think not. You're just a pointless ass kisser. You are barking up the wrong tree and to me that would indicate that you lack intelligence, but if you're a big Moz fan I guess you can't be all that bad, so I forgive you for calling me a selfish a-hole. I guess it was a selfish act when I bought myself a concert ticket, and looked forward to a show. How dare I? Ok, I am not wasting another 20 seconds on this stupidity....

What the f*** do you want the man to do? Crawl on stage, grasp the microphone stand, pull himself slowly upright and say . . what?

Grow up selfish twat.
Okay, now I can stop fantasizing about jumping on stage and giving Moz a blue rose and a hug. All my joy for the month of June has just canceled on me. I look forward to very few things in this life and this certainly takes the cake. Why do I bother? I knew he was a flake and yet I made huge travel preparations to see him a second time this tour, even when the first time I saw him in St. Pete it was pretty lackluster. I was hoping for a better show in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania, why the f**k would anybody ever go there? Obviously to see Moz, but now I am going for no damn reason. Thanks a lot you &#^$%$%@* a little mad at the Moz at the moment. I don't know if he will ever follow through with a tour again. People pay hundreds of dollars for tickets as evidence that they do want to see Moz and he treats his fans like they could take it or leave it, canceling on a whim. I hope he knows that it's a huge let down. The segment of society that enjoys his music is depressed enough, let's not all go out like Margaret Dale, and let's definitely not get too upset over this. We know he has "beef" with KY, but we don't care. We want to see Moz, and he needs to put his issues with his opening act aside for the sake of his fans. So pissed right now. I am going to go sulk for a while now. He's full of excuses and BS. Love the music, but I am starting to think he believes "work is a 4 letter word."

The Blue Rose Society would not want a twat like you as a member,trust me. Grow up.
Jesus f*** some people on here really need to learn compassion. If it's bad enough that he had to be taken to hospital in an ambulance it obviously would not have been a good idea to continue the tour- I understand people are disappointed but what do they expect him to do? I hope he's doing ok though, he's had a lot of health issues recently.
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Yeah, agreed. I get sick a lot more than my friends, yet they eat junk diets and I eat what I consider to be a healthy diet and exercise a lot too. Doesn't mean I have HIV/AIDS for f***'s sake, doesn't mean I'm "faking" either, just means that no one has the same physical constitution/body chemistry. It's the luck of the draw. You can't blame anyone for their genes. And unless you're Morrissey's doctor or have access to his medical records, you know nothing.
The Blue Rose Society would not want a twat like you as a member,trust me. Grow up.

Anonymous thinks I am an a-hole and a twat. Anonymous has a very limited vocabulary as they refer to people with vulgar terminology that indicates they are fixated on sexual organs. Does it make anonymous feel better to beat people up from his or her mean little keyboard? It's okay, anonymous, you'll get better at bullying people, just keep practicing. You are really working towards something great when you sit there at your computer typing out obscenity directed at a total stranger. I suggest you spend your time more wisely. What could you possibly get out of such unpleasant and pointless communication?
How is it an insult? He's simply stating which shows he particularly enjoyed. I don't feel at all insulted when he doesn't list the shows I attended - but then maybe that's because I'm not always looking for opportunity to criticise...?

Well fans pay a lot of money to see morrissey and they anticipate the day, they go and enjoy the show because they love and appreciate his art and then to have it implied that there was a group of fans who deserve more praise than you and to hear him petulantly responding to a misunderstanding by saying he never wants to go back to a certain city again as he thought one person called him boring is just sad.
I'm not trying to start drama but TTY is still down for me.

I really hope he's Ok and wherever he is, he's resting.
Dear Kristeen,

Donnie Knutson is a dick. He will make it all your fault and I don't know how possibly it could be. The person who gives you a cold or infection doesn't leave a calling card. Why place blame on someone when you don't have to do that. Just say he is sick...enough said.

Just wondering, is Donnie the bullfrog guy? Keep waiting for a 10 foot tongue to dart out and catch a fly.

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