Morrissey statement on HMV "Limited To One Copy Per Customer" stickers - Morrissey Official FB

Ok, we've gone up a notch:

He's 'officially' annoyed now despite any notice or attempt to market the item in a transparent, reasonable way.

"In our consumer culture, the Smiths new release of The Queen is Dead single was oddly racked at HMV with a sticker on the front that states:

Limited To One Copy Per Customer.

not unlike a Smoking Will Seriously Damage Your Health warning.

This sticker was not requested by the Smiths, and cannot be found on any other HMV stock, and therefore exists for The Queen is Dead only.

But why is it there?

An attempt to freeze sales is, of course, an overwhelming insult to the Smiths ... as if artistic freedom must struggle in our current culture of banality ... as if only counterfeit emotions may apply.
The Queen is Dead is also the only song currently in the UK top ten that has not been played on radio, and yet still sits at #4 on today's sales chart. Over thirty years since their death, and the Smiths are still thought too radical for the slow reader! It is evident, to me at least, that music audiences must only feel and think the very same thing at all times.

Freud: "There is no such thing as an accident."

If you are in possession of seven variable wigs, a box containing false noses, multiple-sized plastic clip-on ears, a nurse outfit, a set of stilts, a Superman cape, and a variety of oddly shaped spectacles, then we urge you to use them now and buy as many copies of The Queen is Dead at HMV as you desire.

17 June 2017."

Perhaps he could explain why it wasn't racked a year ago!?
IMHO - given the record store day response to new material , HMV are channelling the same ethos. Simple as that - no conspiracy.


UPDATE June 22:
Media coverage:

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For the collectors building up a nice and supposedly valuable adjustment for their OAP, the tantalizing question arises which ones will be more valuable on EBay.
The ones with, or the ones without the stickers.
Better be save and buy one of each and so you have six and remove the stickers from three.
That cash register is weighing heavy on someone's back.
Squalor of the mind indeed.
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Morrissey is spot on! Why the hell is this a "buy one only" when it just came out and is available to purchase freely. This was not marketed as a limited release for vinyl day!! Something smells strange here and this will cripple the sales of the single and keep it from being number one. Morrissey has every right to be mad. Their are no accidents. Drop the mic.....
What might cripple the sale of the single is the fact that every single Smiths fan has the bloody thing already. TQID album is cheaper than the new 12". This reissue is a joke and it's not funny anymore. What genius once said that? Because I can't find him after searching for 31 years.
I guess you could argue that the "array" would be much wider with int'l buyers on eBay etc.

Would love a vid of Morrissey going up to the customer service counter to inquire about the dreaded sticker. Followed by a sit-down with the store manager in the back. (Unintentional) Comedy gold.

This is so weird to me because the point of the store doing this is so that MORE people can have a chance to buy the record. Why would he not want more different people to have access to the rerelease? Like, why wouldn't he want an array of people happily picking up a copy after they get off work because they have a job and can't run down to a record store as opposed to one creepy hoarder with no life who can give him all the money instantly okay wait maybe I see why.
Wasn't meant to be a post dissing The Smiths, jesus I saw them live a couple of times but my point is, if that you don't continually repackage past glories and do it as a a genuine one off as Buzzcocks did, then the consumer will buy it and value what they are buying.

But of course Surface!
I know what you mean, wasn't dissing you either. :thumb:
Reading this statement and then the rational comment on the Facebook post I have to think, it has got to suck big time to always think people are out to get you even when no evidence exists to back that up.
'If you are in possession of seven variable wigs, a box containing false noses, multiple-sized plastic clip-on ears, a nurse outfit, a set of stilts, a Superman cape, and a variety of oddly shaped spectacles'

That's how I got my mine, seven of each. Now off to ebay ! :D
'If you are in possession of seven variable wigs, a box containing false noses, multiple-sized plastic clip-on ears, a nurse outfit, a set of stilts, a Superman cape, and a variety of oddly shaped spectacles'

That's how I got my mine, seven of each. Now off to ebay ! :D

But of course !!
We could go incognito!
Why didn't I think of it before!
And he said it!
You supplied the solution for a great dilemma. :bow:
Where is my flower secondary emoij ?:drama:
Oh, found it. :flowers:
With one eye looking.
The only thing Moz's statement does is encourage scalpers and schemers to get extra stock to sell on Ebay. Interesting that he now speaks as the "Smiths" as a few years ago, he wanted nothing to do with them.
The only thing Moz's statement does is encourage scalpers and schemers to get extra stock to sell on Ebay. Interesting that he now speaks as the "Smiths" as a few years ago, he wanted nothing to do with them.

He can do both.
One doesn't rule out the other or does it?
But of course !!
We could go incognito!
Why didn't I think of it before!
And he said it!
You supplied the solution for a great dilemma. :bow:
Where is my flower secondary emoij ?:drama:
Oh, found it. :flowers:
With one eye looking.

yeah, it's not rocket science. I mean, I'm sure Elizabeth bought her copies that way too, she needed few dozen, gifts for her servants and family.

yeah, it's not rocket science. I mean, I'm sure Elizabeth bought her copies that way too, she needed few dozen, gifts for her servants and family.

And laughing all the time in private considering the title.
That was my first thought too. He must've have some helluva defensive upbringing to carry that forward to something like this.
Reading this statement and then the rational comment on the Facebook post I have to think, it has got to suck big time to always think people are out to get you even when no evidence exists to back that up.
That was my first thought too. He must've have some helluva defensive upbringing to carry that forward to something like this.

My first thought was that free world is an illusion if business people are more worried about the consequences of having a record with this title as one of the best sellers than having big sales. Morrissey is not stupid.
Morrissey whines about anything he's involved with. Some way he will find something to attack and feel slighted about. No matter how big or small. What it boils down to is, he's obsessed with chart positioning. Even in his book he barely wrote about the album themselves, other than where they charted. It's almost bizarre at times. Release some old single and find a way to complain about how he's being screwed. A terrorist attack, how are the record companies screwing me?? For someone who has accomplished so much, I dont know why he can't accept just making music and the money he does.

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