Morrissey statement on HMV "Limited To One Copy Per Customer" stickers - Morrissey Official FB

Ok, we've gone up a notch:

He's 'officially' annoyed now despite any notice or attempt to market the item in a transparent, reasonable way.

"In our consumer culture, the Smiths new release of The Queen is Dead single was oddly racked at HMV with a sticker on the front that states:

Limited To One Copy Per Customer.

not unlike a Smoking Will Seriously Damage Your Health warning.

This sticker was not requested by the Smiths, and cannot be found on any other HMV stock, and therefore exists for The Queen is Dead only.

But why is it there?

An attempt to freeze sales is, of course, an overwhelming insult to the Smiths ... as if artistic freedom must struggle in our current culture of banality ... as if only counterfeit emotions may apply.
The Queen is Dead is also the only song currently in the UK top ten that has not been played on radio, and yet still sits at #4 on today's sales chart. Over thirty years since their death, and the Smiths are still thought too radical for the slow reader! It is evident, to me at least, that music audiences must only feel and think the very same thing at all times.

Freud: "There is no such thing as an accident."

If you are in possession of seven variable wigs, a box containing false noses, multiple-sized plastic clip-on ears, a nurse outfit, a set of stilts, a Superman cape, and a variety of oddly shaped spectacles, then we urge you to use them now and buy as many copies of The Queen is Dead at HMV as you desire.

17 June 2017."

Perhaps he could explain why it wasn't racked a year ago!?
IMHO - given the record store day response to new material , HMV are channelling the same ethos. Simple as that - no conspiracy.


UPDATE June 22:
Media coverage:

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Can Morrissey just chill out and stop being so paranoid? Jesus... He's going to end up a Howard Hughes in vegan shoes at this rate.
Can Morrissey just chill out and stop being so paranoid? Jesus... He's going to end up a Howard Hughes in vegan shoes at this rate.

Everyone calls for a seemingly paranoid person to just "stop being paranoid". So this is how it works? Paranoid people cure themselves by "just stopping"? The bigger question for me is, over and over again, why nobody close to him is doing something about it. If someone in my family or among my friends would behave like that I would be alarmed.
M really needs to chill out, he's starting to sound quite paranoic ...
For someone who has accomplished so much, I dont know why he can't accept just making music and the money he does.

Morrissey in 2012:
"The most insane thing I do is never to bask in attainments. This is wrong, I know, because if you achieve then you should allow yourself to enjoy, but I greet each day as if nothing has ever happened for the good. It keeps me level, but it’s obviously insane. I don’t put this answer forward as a matter of logic. It isn’t."
The bigger question for me is, over and over again, why nobody close to him is doing something about it. If someone in my family or among my friends would behave like that I would be alarmed.[/QUOTE]
Well, there's only so much you can do for someone who doesn't want help ...
in the Britain we live in the queen could shit on the cenotaph and nobody would bat an eye lid.the last thing anyone would want is a song called the queen is dead getting anywhere near number one.
I'm off to the shops does anybody want anything.

Britain, being a liberal democracy of long standing, broadly cares not a jot for dissent entered into in a legal manner, and that includes warbling with intent.

Writing a negative song about HM didn't get John Lydon nicked by the rozzers and three decades after the event has not led to Morrissey getting his collar felt either. As one of many, many thousands who queued up on its initial release to send the album soaring straight into the upper eschelons of the chart in the UK all those years ago, I can also exclusively reveal none of us were grabbed by the filth for sedition on the way home either.

It's a song: a polemic. It's vaudeville and mummery. No more, no less.
News flash people 20,000 miles away playing kick the can. Morrissey is not writing these posts. I would go with the intern Ryan at the Rancho Cucamonga office is writing these. Don't think you have a path to Morrissey's soul because there are posts on his un-official to now official FB because TTY is gone.

If you travel 20,000 miles anywhere on earth you end up pretty much where you started.
That's an answer you could provide asking yourself why you are here on a daily basis.
I don't see the link between the two. I am a fan. I'm not a mindless fan.
That's not dissing anyone who buys it. I'd buy it too if it also included a full Smiths concert from TQID tour (i.e. something I don't have already).
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who is damon?

I think you mean Diesel.
Diesel is Steves personal erm "pipe tuner/pipe cleaner" :rolleyes:
As straight as a straight man as well so don't go putting two and two together and making five.

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Come to think of it Diesel hasn't been spotted in Rome yet so may no longer be on the payroll.
Or maybe he's just walking further behind these days carrying his "pipe-tackle" bags.:brows:
The one per customer sticker is to stop scalpers buying multiple copies and putting them on eBay at inflated prices.

Morrissey has made a statement previously about scalpers. You can't win with him!
I think you mean Diesel.
Diesel is Steves personal erm "pipe tuner/pipe cleaner" :rolleyes:
As straight as a straight man as well so don't go putting two and two together and making five.

Benny-the-British-Butcher :greatbritain::knife:

Come to think of it Diesel hasn't been spotted in Rome yet so may no longer be on the payroll.
Or maybe he's just walking further behind these days carrying his "pipe-tackle" bags.:brows:
I'd like to put in an order for a weekly delivery of a box :package: of special sausages.

That isn't their motivation. That's part of Morrissey's apparent delusion that there must be a reason they're out to "get him." They're not.
My first thought was that free world is an illusion if business people are more worried about the consequences of having a record with this title as one of the best sellers than having big sales. Morrissey is not stupid.
Enable the guy making the money cutting the checks?
Everyone calls for a seemingly paranoid person to just "stop being paranoid". So this is how it works? Paranoid people cure themselves by "just stopping"? The bigger question for me is, over and over again, why nobody close to him is doing something about it. If someone in my family or among my friends would behave like that I would be alarmed.
Britain, being a liberal democracy of long standing, broadly cares not a jot for dissent entered into in a legal manner, and that includes warbling with intent.

Writing a negative song about HM didn't get John Lydon nicked by the rozzers and three decades after the event has not led to Morrissey getting his collar felt either. As one of many, many thousands who queued up on its initial release to send the album soaring straight into the upper eschelons of the chart in the UK all those years ago, I can also exclusively reveal none of us were grabbed by the filth for sedition on the way home either.

It's a song: a polemic. It's vaudeville and mummery. No more, no less.

Considering Morrissey's huge career, his English birth and heart, his success in his own country and around the world, his sensible opinions about how terribly bad are unjustified bombing and colonialism for British common people's interests, the amount of people who learned English inspired by his songs and his beautiful pronuntiation, the tourists who visit Manchester because of him, etc.; he has reunited a lot of merits to obtain an official recognition in his own country. Not that he seems to care or desire to be recognized by certain people, but in a true free country with true alternance in the real power (not puppet's alternance) he would be honored in a proper way. When you suggest Morrissey's bitterness, remember where he comes from.
So far, The Wild Turkey has purchased copies disguised as Mo The Hawk, Rufus The Funky Chicken, Jacky The Wacky Pterodactyl, The Mighty Sparrow, and The Fantastic Bird.
Had them sucka's fooled every time. :brows:
Everyone calls for a seemingly paranoid person to just "stop being paranoid". So this is how it works? Paranoid people cure themselves by "just stopping"? The bigger question for me is, over and over again, why nobody close to him is doing something about it. If someone in my family or among my friends would behave like that I would be alarmed.
I wonder who could have the balls to do so? I get the feeling that it's like Elvis. He's the money maker, and without him, his inner circle would lose their paychecks, so even if they don't agree with his actions, they don't speak up. "Here, everybody's friendly, but nobody's friends."

Also, yes, I know the flaw in my thinking re: saying "stop being paranoid." It's about as helpful as telling a chronically depressed person to lighten up. More a turn of phrase than anything.
The people that had the courage to tell him something about his paranoia and bad decisions are no longer part of his circle of friends or ''employees'' ...
Borderline Personality Disorder:

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious mental disorder marked by a pattern of ongoing instability in moods, behavior, self-image, and functioning. These experiences often result in impulsive actions and unstable relationships. A person with BPD may experience intense episodes of anger, depression, and anxiety that may last from only a few hours to days. Other symptoms include:

  • Chronic feelings of emptiness
  • Inappropriate, intense anger or problems controlling anger
  • Having stress-related paranoid thoughts
  • Spasmodic and florid attacks on record companies and their promotional teams, stores, stockers, re-packagers and re-sellers.

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