Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - reminder, reports

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Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

oopps. I've just heard this amer-i-ca.

I can't waste time any more. Am I moving too fast for you ? Well no, not at all. It was lovely.
The band are sounding amazing. That guitar (of Boz's) looked cool too.

Letterman is a legend: "Enjoy the tour !"

Strawberry @ Eng-l-and
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

Thank you for taking the time to explain that. I really had no idea it was a common phrase in the UK.

Sorry, Stoned.

It's a common phrase in the US as well. The reason I called you disingenuous is because you wanted so badly to make it into something specifically about Morrissey and grasping at Morrissey's statement about not being a perFORMer. It seems willfully illiterate. I guess I was wrong and you honestly are that stupid. Sorry for doubting it.
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

Thanks for the insight about Moz. I should pay more attention. I am glad that your faith brings you joy and meaning. :) Yes, I too prefer the word journal over blog. Wow, writing since 2001. That is incredible. I hope you have all of your posts saved offsite. If not, it is easy to put them into word files.

Well, most of it has been deleted. My journal was full of events and feelings I'd rather forget! I did print out a few of them. We used to reply to each other in our journals because we didn't have a comment box attached to our journals just yet. So, as I read them now, I laugh because I have no idea what my reply is really, truly, about - only to whom! Fun times on Solo...
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin


Well, most of it has been deleted. My journal was full of events and feelings I'd rather forget! I did print out a few of them. We used to reply to each other in our journals because we didn't have a comment box attached to our journals just yet. So, as I read them now, I laugh because I have no idea what my reply is really, truly, about - only to whom! Fun times on Solo...

If you ever want to stroll down memory lane, all of your lovely comments are still preserved in my journal which is still accessible online. I always loved hearing from you. Solo was a different animal back then, wasn't it? I like the atmosphere around here so much better these days. But... well, we must have learned something from all that chaos and craziness right? At least I hope so. It is so nice to read your happy, inspiring posts as of late. I think we both truly came out on top after hurdling past many trials and obstacles thrown our way. :)
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

Yes, I thought it was very touching that sign of the cross. What's it called genuflecting or something. Is Morrissey paying homage or is it a fad that he does this?
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

It's a common phrase in the US as well. The reason I called you disingenuous is because you wanted so badly to make it into something specifically about Morrissey and grasping at Morrissey's statement about not being a perFORMer. It seems willfully illiterate. I guess I was wrong and you honestly are that stupid. Sorry for doubting it.

Nope, not common in the US.

Find me five examples of it being used on the Net by Americans (excluding Anglophiles) to describe pop/rock artists other than Morrissey.
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

Nope, not common in the US.

Find me five examples of it being used on the Net by Americans (excluding Anglophiles) to describe pop/rock artists other than Morrissey.

Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

^^^ I like the crown. Nice touch.
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

Nope, not common in the US.

Find me five examples of it being used on the Net by Americans (excluding Anglophiles) to describe pop/rock artists other than Morrissey.

Dude;'s a British expression. Don't worry about it and definitely don't let some anonymous banned c***cheese tell you otherwise.

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Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

Dude;'s a British expression. Don't worry about it and definitely don't let some anonymous banned c***cheese tell you otherwise.

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Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

It has been a while since I have posted thoughts on any subject here. I have been coming here for information for at least a decade. With that said...

As per the man-scaping, using the word performance and Morrissey sign of the cross comments:

Even back then, there were hairs being plucked and chest hair was shaped. It was just not as it is now where many completely get rid of any hair which can be seen. I like seeing chest hair which, though it may not look it, has been combed/brushed/shaped on Mr. Cochran. (Chalk it up to reading one too many books about old Hollywood and Film in general). :)

--As for Morrissey's "performance"... I watched it intensely and it came and went. I had to actually think of how I felt regarding His Letterman performance. Just my opinion: The song is just ok. I get the whole "undertaker" bit though it seems to have a weird affect on the song when I hear it. I haven't paid close attention to the studio version but watching what he wanted to come across on TV is enough for me. (Whatever that may be?)

As a devout atheist who grew up in catholic schools I really don't like seeing Morrissey as a not as intense, born-again type because I used to really like that he didn't believe in god and that he said he could never see a time where he would return to religion. But just because I don't like it doesn't mean I am going to judge him or put off the man whom I've grown up with and followed over the past 23-25 years. I suppose the days of Moz coming out and transforming into a bigger than life persona may be over? Please don't take offense to that comment. There is something which has been bothering me for a few years about his songs and performances. I feel as though he is coasting now and doesn't necessarily have to.....I don't know......I can't put my finger on it/the words. Some help? :confused:

His little yelp at the end of the performance was funny. My first thought was, "Did he just yell YOWSA!?" haha..... And is that the same bass player he has had? He has a nice form!:D
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

Strange drum kit !
The kit was custom built by Morrissey drum tech Miro. Not sure if I have spelled his name correctly (if not, sorry mate).
Re: Article: Morrissey on the "Late Show with David Letterman" (Jan. 8, 2013) - remin

look, its not a bad song, its just man, you gone Letterman do one of the great ones, thats all :straightface:
still, its growing on me :o
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