Morrissey: "Current feminism does not help our societies and makes masculinism retaliate" - Culto

I will preface this article with a couple of caveats: firstly, it has gone through translate and secondly, context and details are lacking. It should be noted that the title is part of one question asked and not the main topic - it is a bit misleading. Only a few questions with lots of commentary/background.

In Culto (part of La Tercera), by Andrés del Real (29th July, 2018):

Morrissey: "Current feminism does not help our societies and makes masculinism retaliate"

Click the spoiler to see the full article in Google translated English:
Morrissey: "Current feminism does not help our societies and makes masculinism retaliate"

How does a celebrity adapt to the times? Probably not being Morrissey, who, true to his style and before his return to Chile, shoots against modern feminism, the English press and "the culture of the negation of the left".
Last month, an indeterminate number of English self-styled "former admirers of Morrissey" announced on social networks a party against racism in Manchester, set for the same night that the British artist, his exidolo, would come to the city with the tour promotional of his most recent album, Low in high school. The reason? The statements that the former Smith of The Smiths had made days before, taking pity on the situation of the founder of the movement of extreme right English Defense League, Tommy Robinson, sentenced to 13 months in prison for contempt of court. Coincidence or not, days before the shows, the singer announced the cancellation of his dates in Manchester and all the rest of his European tour, due to "logistical problems".

The episode is added to the increasingly extensive list of polemics starring the soloist, who with the same voice with which for decades has captivated different generations of followers in search of an answer to their torments and depressions, has also got into a series of problems and controversies, for statements against the British monarchy -one of its favorite targets-, multicultural Europe and immigration, and even the #metoo feminist movement, relativizing the denunciations against Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, among others. His verbal incontinence seems to go against the current tendency of his colleagues, quick to bend to all the causes that drive certain opinion leaders and many of their own followers.

But even the sharpest language at some point knows when to stop, and Steven Patrick Morrissey is no exception: consulted by Worship about what happened in Manchester, the musician opts for silence. It is the only answer that he decides to omit from a questionnaire sent via mail at his request, in which, before launching a series of darts against various causes and modern institutions, he gives praise to the Chilean public.

"It's always great for me to go to Chile. I feel that I am valued there as a serious artist, rather than as mere entertainment for the media,"

says the 59-year-old soloist, once dubbed by the press of his country as "The Pope of Depression", from of the semi-divine cult that generates its sensitive and enlightened voice, which unleashes extreme and conflicting passions. A church that in Chile, despite its history of controversy, the canceled tours and the headaches that suppose for the producers their vegan demands and their particular character -recognized by the former director of the Viña Festival, Álex Hernández, who asked that the Briton "I hope he does not come back" - he still has a respectable legion of faithful, as the six presentations that the artist accumulates in the country prove,

- In recent years, many of his statements to the press have generated controversy, including rejection and even campaigns against him. Do you feel that in these times it is difficult to express a different opinion to the predominant or politically incorrect current? Is it difficult today to be critical of modern life?

- It is difficult in England, where all the written press is controlled by the left, which does not want an open debate or a different opinion. The left is closed minded and works very hard to maintain a culture of denial. If you do not agree with the left, you are massacred in the press for being a racist fanatic, your public is ridiculed and every effort is made to silence you. If you question Islam or multiculturalism, the BBC radio will not reproduce your music because Islam is now a dominant ideology in the United Kingdom. I oppose halal killing [a type of preparation of animal flesh according to Islamic law] as well as I oppose any killing of animals, and that is the reason why the "Loony Left" [term with which the European extreme left is pejoratively called in certain sectors of the United Kingdom] has tried to destroy me. My views are not controversial, but if you question Islam you can be sent to jail without a trial. This is Soviet Britain, it's very real, and it's too big a problem to take over.

- Is feminism a topic that worries or generates a particular opinion? Do you think that musicians and artists in general have the responsibility to express a position on this topic today?

-I discovered feminism when I was 14 years old. By then, it was the answer to everything, because it freed all people, not just women. I read And Jill Came Tumbling After (Judith Stacey), The Female Eunuch (Germaine Greer), Women and Madness(Phyllis Chesler) and they changed my point of view. Modern feminism is not the same because it seems to aspire to "whatever men do," and that seems to be enough. Therefore, it becomes a great success, for example, to have a female football team or a group of girls in a boy scout club. The original goal of feminism was to move towards a higher intellectual plane, but now it only seems to want to occupy masculine positions and receive male aggression. It does not help our societies and, on the contrary, it causes masculinism to retaliate. Female leaders in Germany and the United Kingdom have made a mess of those countries, and this does not help modern feminism either. In all matters what I ask of the people is that they think for themselves. Collect your own material and you will reach your own conclusions. It is easy. Just stop watching the news!

Music does not change the world
The criticisms of the voice of "How soon is now?" To the media are not new and have increased in the last time. Answering through his email seems to be the way he chose to communicate publicly, after he himself announced, last December during a concert in Germany, his decision to stop giving interviews to the written press, after accusing the newspaper Der Spiegel twisted his words in an interview in which, among other things, he would have indicated that the actor Kevin Spacey has been "unnecessarily attacked" after accusations of sexual abuse against him, and even that he would kill the president of the United States, Donald Trump, if the opportunity were given.

But it has been the media in his country that have responded the hardest to the soloist. His eleventh solo album, Low in high school(2017), perhaps the most overtly political work of his discography, was warmly received by the specialized critics. And while an opinion column in The Guardian newspaper a few weeks ago called simply to "stop listening" to Morrissey's music, NME magazine this month published the story of Johnny Turner, a guy who imitates the singer in a tribute band to The Smiths, who confessed that these days people stop him in the street and contact him on social networks to insult him and threaten him if he supports the controversial sayings of his idol. If before being a fan of "Moz" was tantamount to declaring a misfit, today, in a time of greater sensitivity to certain causes postponed and in which many young people have chosen to "veto" their social networks to celebrities who do not share their opinions ,

- In this era of musical consumption via streaming, social networks and post-truth, do you think that music, the lyrics of a song, can change the world? Or at least make it a little better?

-We are very closed and I think we resort to music to discover who or what we are. Music tells us how to escape from certain things. It does not change the world, because songs are like art arrows and can not really compete with the silly spectacle of war, money and political violence ... which is what makes the world go round. The songs mitigate the trauma of ... just being alive.

- In 2019 it will turn 60 years old. Is it something that bothers you or that you receive with peace of mind? Do you see yourself singing on stage and publishing albums for many more years?

-I feel somewhat insensitive with respect to age. Everything happens so fast that it is difficult to even know what is really happening. As long as I have a good pulse, I know that I will have the initiative to sing. I am not a chosen one, I have never been promoted to be fashionable or I am where I am because of my appearance, therefore, I have not moved away from the original need to sing. You must continue as if everyone is listening to you ... Even if they are not!

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Anyone from Chile in the know?

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No matter how one interprets Trump, this is a fair enough point. Conservatism/classical liberalism/libertarianism, or otherwise the "big-tent" opposition to modern liberalism (also know as illiberal communism) that Trump managed to mainstream and mobilize, is much more attractive than what the other side has to offer. Whether you like that or not, if you're on the left, you have to do something about it, presumably, if you want to win elections again.

Personally, I have pretty much given up on the modern left. But if leaders would step up and salvage liberalism from the clutches of communism, you would have plenty of people to win back—potentially myself included.
First off, Trump barely won. Secondly, he waged an anti-immigration campaign, and took shots at minorities. That's what attracted him to his base; nothing else.

It's what conservatives have always been attracted to, and he simply pandered to it openly because even he didn't think he was going to win. He could sell that rhetoric on Trump TV that was being planned after he lost the election.

Keep making Trump's victory about your own grievances. I think I've heard about a dozen different reasons for why Trump won, and they all have to do with a single issue voter's particular grievance.

Republicans are set to lose seats in the mid terms, and possibly control over the House. This idea that a party is never going to win elections again because they lost the last one has been bandied about in every election cycle.

All you have to do is have a really unpopular, corrupt President who isn't interested in building coalitions, and bam, you're back in power. You don't even have to do anything differently. It happens every time.

Some of you are new to this game.
Why do you type like that? It's reminiscent of a crazy person. I don't say that to sound mean or insulting, but it really is how insane people type.
I know, you ever wonder about the thought process on that?
Something like :
Oh, I’ll make this part bigger and then that part blue then this part green :D
Thanks for another shining example of batshit craziness. I'm not going to bother responding if the only thing you have is strawman arguments that attempt to paint anyone who disagrees with you as pro-rape. How twisted can you get?

If you aren't that anon named Untruth, you sure sound like her. Peace!
Because you can't. You know it's true.

You have women issues.

Guys who obsess over this usually do. They're juvenile, and insecure, and can't tolerate a changing world where their behavior gets called out. You're not stopping it. You're losing the battle badly.

An entire generation will be raised with standards of behavior different than yours, and that's because people stood up when they were being told to sit down.

Speaking out works.

Get with the times.
Is that what Trump did, though? I think what he mainstreamed and mobilized was fear, bigotry, and the crassest form of jingoism. He is clearly some kind of twisted genius, but none that we'd want as a leader. I agree that the hysteria on the left only emboldens and empowers him, but it only goes to show how this is all going to end in disaster no matter what. The only good thing about Trump is that he may be a Kalki of sorts: destroyer of all things.

Either way, I think the media's charade about Trump being stupid, crazy, or both needs to end now. Even if, and perhaps especially if, Trump had bad intentions, the media's portrayals of him would be incredibly irresponsible.

Now, if we look at the objective positives that Trump has accomplished, such as with the economy, the media are only giving him more credibility as they continue to cite "experts" who say X cannot be done only for Trump to deliver a few months later, showing that the "experts" were wrong. Again, if Trump had truly bad intentions, this would be a horribly bad tactic for the media as it only plays in to his hands, lending him credibility and more support.

Thankfully, I tend to think that President Trump is using his genius for good rather than evil.
There isn't a time in history when feminism didn't cause men to retaliate.

Still, let's be honest, Morrissey has always had a strange abhorrence to women.

What this man has become is remarkable. There really are no limits to his small mindedness.

Who would have any romantic notion of this man at his point? He's erasing himself.
Why do you think he is erasing himself? And how does that happen? I mean, it's an interesting discussion.
I’m not decrying women’s football as such, but the media coverage is ludicrous. A case in point from just the other day. Barcelona “condemned” for flying men’s team business class and the women’s team in economy.

One of those two teams averages 65,000 a match and one doesn’t. It’s like arguing Microsoft should pay the post boy the same as Bill Gates.

Right, night night all. I’m off to strangle my router. Not a euphemism.
Same here and I even enjoyed some womens football back in the 90's but their game has gone backwards and it is like watching drunk 5 year olds with a ball now.
I expected so much more.
The Barca example is a direct ripoff from Sweden and they have learned from our radical female players here.
Moz doesn't hate women, he simply believes in traditional feminist values.

Modern day feminism throws its toys out of the pram while screaming 'I hate men and I hate Trump' in a vagina hat.
This is correct. As I've said countless times, he'll tour where folk haven't heard of Tommy Robinson, Anne Marie Waters etc. He called the Chinese a sub-species but was fine and dandy with going to Hong Kong to take their concert money. He is a money-grabbing hypocrite and racist. And that is the stone-cold truth, whether anyone here likes it or not.
You might be jumping into conclusions, dear Uncle Skinny, might not you?
You're not going to sell me on equity. Equity is never a means to achieving equality. Equity enforces a hack-and-forth dynamic of endless inequality, logically speaking.

Not at all. If you enjoy being on the half who are happy with the situation it's your choice. But remember the other half is not happy with the situation. You are not going to sell me "feminism has succeeded in the West", as you said before, when in fact there are so many issues to fix and the west itself is being more and more influenced and threatened by ideologies wich don't recognize human righs.
In fact, west feminism is suffering a terrible set back, and it began the exact moment Hillary Clinton became a candidate in US, as I said here before. From that moment on, everything worsened for women. Except for Ivanka, but maybe it worsened for her too. We'll see. Worst than not being a woman in power is a woman who is a women's traitor.
My residing memory of Obama is of him publicly defending a bully who'd just assaulted a shop owner by saying 'that could have been my son.'

The bully got cocky with the police and they put holes in him.

Wish our British bobbies could do that.
Some do and it usually involves the use of a "big key" to enter a home. I suppose bobbies grew boobies.

Morrissey is sadly correct. Much of current feminism is complicit with capitalism, which hurts everyone. It is time for more feminists to embrace a stance for healthy ecosystems and Marxist thought. This might be described best by the term matrifocality.
Love it when people add to the discussion.
Not at all. If you enjoy being on the half who are happy with the situation it's your choice. But remember the other half is not happy with the situation. You are not going to sell me "feminism has succeeded in the West", as you said before, when in fact there are so many issues to fix and the west itself is being more and more influenced and threatened by ideologies wich don't recognize human righs.
In fact, west feminism is suffering a terrible set back, and it began the exact moment Hillary Clinton became a candidate in US, as I said here before. From that moment on, everything worsened for women. Except for Ivanka, but maybe it worsened for her too. We'll see. Worst than not being a woman in power is a woman who is a women's traitor.

I just don't see any benefit of continuing to frame women's well-being, or anyone's well-being, within identity politics and equity. If we continue to do so, we will deal with perpetual inequality and division.
I know, you ever wonder about the thought process on that?
Something like :
Oh, I’ll make this part bigger and then that part blue then this part green :D
Most of these alt right loonies are cluster B personalities.

Their fixations are what you commonly get from long periods of isolation.

It's been reduced to about three of them (possibly the same person) arguing in cycles because Morrissey's comments have ran off most of his sensible fans from the conversation.
"Are you tired of anti-rape puritans ruining your God given right to a woman's body?

Then vote Republican."

-This messaged paid for by the RNC
First off, Trump barely won. Secondly, he waged an anti-immigration campaign, and took shots at minorities. That's what attracted him to his base; nothing else.

It's what conservatives have always been attracted to, and he simply pandered to it openly because even he didn't think he was going to win. He could sell that rhetoric on Trump TV that was being planned after he lost the election.

Keep making Trump's victory about your own grievances. I think I've heard about a dozen different reasons for why Trump won, and they all have to do with a single issue voter's particular grievance.

Republicans are set to lose seats in the mid terms, and possibly control over the House. This idea that a party is never going to win elections again because they lost the last one has been bandied about in every election cycle.

All you have to do is have a really unpopular, corrupt President who isn't interested in building coalitions, and bam, you're back in power. You don't even have to do anything differently. It happens every time.

Some of you are new to this game.

So what happens when you prove to be totally wrong?
Because you can't. You know it's true.

You have women issues.

Guys who obsess over this usually do. They're juvenile, and insecure, and can't tolerate a changing world where their behavior gets called out. You're not stopping it. You're losing the battle badly.

An entire generation will be raised with standards of behavior different than yours, and that's because people stood up when they were being told to sit down.

Speaking out works.

Get with the times.

Hahaha. Classic!

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